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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2020

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

ACM Elects CCC Council Member Elisa Bertino as Secretary/Treasurer

ACM Elects CCC Council Member Elisa Bertino as Secretary/Treasurer

ACM has announced the election of Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Council member Elisa Bertino as Secretary/Treasurer for a two-year term from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2020! Bertino is the Samuel D. Conte Professor of Computer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Making Personality Distinctions via Images

AI Making Personality Distinctions via Images

Intriguing paper, but I have my doubts that you can determine useful personality distinctions this way.

Artificial intelligence can make personality judgments based on photographs
6 days ago

National Research University Higher School…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NAM Selects Computer Scientist Ehsan Hoque as an Emerging Leader in Health and Medicine Scholars

NAM Selects Computer Scientist Ehsan Hoque as an Emerging Leader in Health and Medicine Scholars

From a press release from the University of Rochester.   Recently, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) announced the 2020 Emerging Leaders in Health and Medicine Scholars. One of the ten selected emerging leaders is Ehsan…

From insideHPC

From Forty Days to Sixty-five Minutes without Blowing Your Budget Thanks to Gigaio Fabrex

From Forty Days to Sixty-five Minutes without Blowing Your Budget Thanks to Gigaio Fabrex

In this sponsored post, Alan Benjamin, President and CEO of GigaIO, discusses how the ability to attach a group of resources to one server, run the job(s), and reallocate the same resources to other servers is the obvious solution…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wearable Vitamin Sensor

Wearable Vitamin Sensor

Another wearable sensor example. 

Wearable Sensor Tracks Vitamin C Levels in Sweat
UC San Diego News Center
By Alison Caldwell

A team of University of California, San Diego (UCSD) researchers developed a new wearable sensor that

From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung Health on Newer TVs

Samsung Health on Newer TVs

Preloading TV's with software that addresses current conditions, like stay at homework places.
Good way to drive TV sales.  No real mention of 'assistant' functions.   No mention of Samsung's Bixby.  See the ability of having


From The Eponymous Pickle

Beware of Assumptions

Beware of Assumptions

Bob Herbold tells a good story about the danger of  assumptions for leaders.

There is a powerful lesson for leaders here:

Beware of Assumptions – Regularly isolate key assumptions that are being used, constantly probe the basis…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Predictive Maintenance Driving 3D Printing

Predictive Maintenance Driving 3D Printing

A long term interest and application area.  You could do a good job of prediction, but had to have a complex array of replacement parts in inventory.   Here, for the right kind of of application, the inventory could be minimized…

From Schneier on Security

Thermal Imaging as Security Theater

Thermal Imaging as Security Theater

Seems like thermal imaging is the security theater technology of today. These features are so tempting that thermal cameras are being installed at an increasing pace. They're used in airports and other public transportation centers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bot Activity During Coronavisus

Bot Activity During Coronavisus

Don't know what to fully make of this.    How accurate is the machine learning of the model working to identify bots?.  Looking for the Carnegie piece supporting this to get an idea.  Here is one CMU article which covers the


From The Eponymous Pickle

Kubernetes Workflows

Kubernetes Workflows

This presentation was just brought to my attention. Especially useful when maintenance will be required, and it should always be built in for serious operations.

The Evolution of Distributed Systems on Kubernetes
Bilgin Ibryam



Is A (Nearly) Zero-Cost Model Plausible for Science and Engineering Programs?

Is A (Nearly) Zero-Cost Model Plausible for Science and Engineering Programs?

Is a skill-based, multi-level win-win, and (almost) zero-cost model for undergraduate science and engineering programs in a research university plausible?

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Ethics of Dark Patterns

The Ethics of Dark Patterns

A look at 'Dark Patterns',  had not heard the term.  Linking to ACM look at ethics by people that  build such interfaces.

Dark Patterns: Past, Present, and Future in ACMQueue
The evolution of tricky user interfaces
Arvind Narayanan…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Talk: The ACM Code of Ethics vs Snake Oil and Dodgy Development

Talk: The ACM Code of Ethics vs Snake Oil and Dodgy Development

And directly related to the last post, note the excellent archive of past talks linked to below.

Register Now: "Leveraging the ACM Code of Ethics Against Ethical Snake Oil and Dodgy Development"

Register now for the upcoming ACM…

From insideHPC

insideHPC Special Report: HPC and AI for the Era of Genomics

insideHPC Special Report: HPC and AI for the Era of Genomics

This special report sponsored by Dell Technologies, takes a deep dive into HPC and AI for life sciences in the era of genomics. The report also highlights a lineup of Ready Solutions created by Dell Technologies which are highly…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

ACM SIGARCH BLOG: A Vision of Computer Architecture Visioning

ACM SIGARCH BLOG: A Vision of Computer Architecture Visioning

The following blog was originally posted in ACM SIGARCH on May 26th, 2020. It is written by Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Chair Mark D. Hill from the University of Wisconsin Madison. Hill is the recipient of the 2019 Eckert…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Touch Sensors

Touch Sensors

Touch sensors are advancing.     We sought for understanding and adjusting how how products felt via a sensor.

OmniTact: A Multi-Directional High-Resolution Touch Sensor
Akhil Padmanabha and Frederik Ebert    May 14, 2020


From Schneier on Security

Websites Conducting Port Scans

Websites Conducting Port Scans

Security researcher Charlie Belmer is reporting that commercial websites such as eBay are conducting port scans of their visitors. Looking at the list of ports they are scanning, they are looking for VNC services being run on…

From Putting People First

Behavioural science and the response to COVID-19: a missed opportunity?

Behavioural science and the response to COVID-19: a missed opportunity?

While the role of behavioural science in the UK’s handling of the pandemic has been criticised, Peter John and Gerry Stoker argue that it is important for governments to try and influence citizens’ behaviour rather than rely…

From Putting People First

Why consumers are willing to share personal information on smartphones

Why consumers are willing to share personal information on smartphones

New research from Wharton marketing professors Shiri Melumad and Robert Meyer finds that people are more willing to share deeper and more personal information when communicating on a smartphone compared with a personal computer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Vizient and IBM Watson Health

Vizient and IBM Watson Health

Been following for some time how Watson is being embedded in real world business process and problem solving.   Here another example in healthcare. Note the replacement of some of IBM's performance improvent offerings.


From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computing Researchers Respond to COVID-19: Contact Tracing for All? Bridging the Accessibility Gap for Contact Tracing

Computing Researchers Respond to COVID-19: Contact Tracing for All? Bridging the Accessibility Gap for Contact Tracing

The following is a guest blog post from Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Council member Katie Siek, Indiana University.  Automated, proximity-based contact tracing apps use Bluetooth to identify who is near them. In theory…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Refraction AI Contactless Food Delivery

Refraction AI Contactless Food Delivery

Here is an excerpt from Spectrum IEEE on robotic solutions.   Featuring Refraction AI, a  contactless food delivery system.   Plus a number of videos of related solutions, go to the link below to see them.

Video Friday: Robot …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ideo Designer Designing Smarts to Compete with Apple

Ideo Designer Designing Smarts to Compete with Apple

We worked with Ideo in some of our shopping labs and problem solving spaces.   So the emergence of the emergence of a new smart speaker from an Ideo designer was of interest.   Look forward to seeing what this looks like.  Audio…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Basic, Non-technical look at Quantum Computing

Basic, Non-technical look at Quantum Computing

Looks to be a good, basic, non technical introduction, and also links to further free courses.

Quantum Computing for the Newb
Introductory Concepts
By Amelie Schreiber

In this article, we will give a basic introduction to our free…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Grounding

Wal-Mart Grounding

No new news, but some of the motivations provided of interest,    Would they have thought differently if they knew of the virus coming?  Will it fundamentally change how people buy?

Walmart to ground
By Dan Berthiaume -…

From Putting People First

Covid-19, changing social practices and the transition to sustainable production and consumption

Covid-19, changing social practices and the transition to sustainable production and consumption

Covid-19, changing social practices and the transition to sustainable production and consumptionSustainable Consumption Institute at the University of Manchesterby Boons, F., Browne, A., Burgess, M., Ehgartner, U., Hirth, S.,…

From insideHPC

Hats Over Hearts

Hats Over Hearts

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Rich Brueckner. His passing is an unexpected and enormous blow to both his family and the HPC Community.

The post Hats Over Hearts appeared first on insideHPC.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Letting You Buy with Voice

Google Letting You Buy with Voice

This has been  possible directly with Amazon Alexa for a long time, I use it fairly often, but the claim here is that Google Assistant  is much more secure, using a 'voiceprint'.     Security like that might also enable secure…

From Schneier on Security

Bluetooth Vulnerability: BIAS

Bluetooth Vulnerability: BIAS

This is new research on a Bluetooth vulnerability (called BIAS) that allows someone to impersonate a trusted device: Abstract: Bluetooth (BR/EDR) is a pervasive technology for wireless communication used by billions of devices…