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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2020

From The Eponymous Pickle

Paper on the Future of the Intelligent, Graphic Application

Paper on the Future of the Intelligent, Graphic Application

In the past have liked Neo4j papers on this and related topics of graph analytics and intelligence.  Reading and may review here further.   9 pages, generally non-technical and descriptive.

White Paper
Neo4j White Paper: The Future…

From insideHPC

Adaptive Computing frees up Cloud HPC for researchers fighting COVID-19

Adaptive Computing frees up Cloud HPC for researchers fighting COVID-19

Adaptive Computing is now making HPC access available for anyone working on COVID-19 related projects. Adaptive’s NODUS Cloud OS solution makes it simple to scale computing resources to your workloads and run compute intensive…

From Schneier on Security

Another California Data Privacy Law

Another California Data Privacy Law

The California Consumer Privacy Act is a lesson in missed opportunities. It was passed in haste, to stop a ballot initiative that would have been even more restrictive: In September 2017, Alastair Mactaggart and Mary Ross proposed…

From insideHPC

Inspur InCloud OpenStack Sets Records on New SPEC Cloud Tests

Inspur InCloud OpenStack Sets Records on New SPEC Cloud Tests

The Inspur InCloud OpenStack has set new records for four key indicators in the latest SPEC Cloud IaaS test to lead the world in technology performance, scalability, application instances, and provisioning time. "The test results…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Predictions and Approaches for Impacted Industries

Predictions and Approaches for Impacted Industries

Very nicely done survey of problems and potential solutions, details at the link.  Now that we have bought into the problem, we need to find good and quick solutions to reset.  Subscribe to his blog there are as well.  Via Walter…

From insideHPC

Azure HPC Cache: File caching for high performance computing

Azure HPC Cache: File caching for high performance computing

In this video, Scott Jeschonek from Microsoft describes the performance advantages of Azure HPC Cache. "Whether you are rendering a movie scene, searching for variants in a genome, or running machine learning against a data set…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Using AI for Delivery

Wal-Mart Using AI for Delivery

Interesting example, more at the link.    That the methods are 'AI' rather than just optimization is specified, but not the actual methods being used (at the link).  The very definition in these cases can be difficult.   Does…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sweat and Electronic Skin

Sweat and Electronic Skin

More sensor examples and sources of data for monitoring and analysis.

Electronic Skin Powered by Sweat Can Monitor Health, Serve as Human-Machine Interface
Caltech News

By Emily Velasco
April 22, 2020

California Institute of Technology…

From insideHPC

ICHEC to develop quantum circuit simulation tools for Europe’s largest supercomputers

ICHEC to develop quantum circuit simulation tools for Europe’s largest supercomputers

Today the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) announced that it is leading a novel quantum simulation project in collaboration with partners at the Leibniz Supercomputing centre (LRZ) to develop quantum simulation tools…

From Computational Complexity

And the winners are ....

The Computational Complexity Conference has announced the accepted papers for the 2020 now virtual conference. Check them out!

Speaking of the complexity conference, my former PhD student Dieter van Melkebeek will receive …

From insideHPC

Using AI to Identify Brain Tumors with Federated Learning

Using AI to Identify Brain Tumors with Federated Learning

Researchers at Intel Labs and the Perelman School of Medicine are using privacy-preserving technique called federated learning to train AI models that identify brain tumors. With federated learning, research institutions can …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Extreme Microbial

Extreme Microbial

Being used now in food processing application, where it is very successful, has not yet been tested for Covid.  Possible applications for use of space and process decontamination.   Following up,

Extreme Microbial Technologies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Tests Frontline Workers

Kroger Tests Frontline Workers

Working on testing in the supply chain.

Kroger launches COVID-19 testing for frontline workers
Free tests come as company ramps up expansion of drive-thru testing sites
Russell Redman 1 | May 04, 2020

The Kroger Co. has begun offering…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Consistency and P=NP

Can we at least show that is consistent? [ From personal page ] Jan Krajicek is an expert on linking computational complexity and mathematical logic. He has authored four books on this area including the often cited text Bounded…

From insideHPC

Australian Supercomputers to help fight COVID-19

Australian Supercomputers to help fight COVID-19

NCI Australia and the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre are supporting the Australian and international research community undertaking COVID-19 research through provision of streamlined, prioritized and expedited access to computation…

From insideHPC

Video: Machine Learning for Weather Forecasts

Video: Machine Learning for Weather Forecasts

Peter Dueben from ECMWF gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "I will present recent studies that use deep learning to learn the equations of motion of the atmosphere, to emulate model components of weather forecast …

From The Eponymous Pickle

ACM on Contract Tracing Software

ACM on Contract Tracing Software

Good here to see what aspects of the applications are being emphasized.  Includes link to entire detailed document.

ACM Europe TPC Statement on Principles, Practices for COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications
May 5, 2020

The Europe…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Many Jobs will Robots Really Replace?

How Many Jobs will Robots Really Replace?

Some more specific numbers mentioned, perhaps useful.  Bus how will this change based on our current situation and the changes it will cause?

 How Many Jobs do Robots Really Replace?
MIT News
By Peter Dizikes
May 4, 2020


From The Eponymous Pickle

Talk: State of Production Machine Learning

Talk: State of Production Machine Learning

Recently from the Linkedin Group: Cognitive Systems Institute.   A talk that I missed and am now reviewing.  In particular my interest in how ML can be put in production, both in establishing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Free Webinar Series: Analytics Leadership in Uncertain Times

Online Free Webinar Series: Analytics Leadership in Uncertain Times

Upcoming online, free webinar looks to be of interest, note coverage of CPG, Retail and supply chain domains and Pandemic implications.

Carl H. Lindner College of Business 2906 Woodside Drive
Cincinnati, OH, 45221

From insideHPC

XSEDE Supercomputers Simulate Tsunamis from Volcanic Events

XSEDE Supercomputers Simulate Tsunamis from Volcanic Events

Researchers at the University of Rhode Island are using XSEDE supercomputer to show that high-performance computer modeling can accurately simulate tsunamis from volcanic events. Such models could lead to early-warning systems…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Tries at Common Sense Reasoning

New Tries at Common Sense Reasoning

We saw it at the very beginning, common sense reasoning is the key part of creating the most useful and powerful kinds of AI. There have been many attempts to do this, we tested a number, but they did not past our tests.  The…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China Tests Digital Currency

China Tests Digital Currency

Continued moves by China to integrate this technology.

China Rolls Out Pilot Test of Digital Currency
The Wall Street Journal
Jonathan Cheng; Grace Zhu

The People's Bank of China has rolled out a digital currency across four cities…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sniffing the Virus?

Sniffing the Virus?

See also sensory systems in for how this could work.

What happens when airports open back up?
Published on May 4, 2020
Osh. Agabi
Founder & CEO Koniku Inc. - @onikuo
We’re partnering with Airbus to ensure…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: R&D Operations and Maintenance Lead at Lockheed Martin

Job of the Week: R&D Operations and Maintenance Lead at Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin is seeking an R&D Operations and Maintenance Lead in our Job of the Week. "This position is the CSCF Program’s Operations and Maintenance Lead. This position is responsible for managing a small team of geographically…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Jurassic Squid Attack

Friday Squid Blogging: Jurassic Squid Attack

It's the oldest squid attack on record: An ancient squid-like creature with 10 arms covered in hooks had just crushed the skull of its prey in a vicious attack when disaster struck, killing both predator and prey, according to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

ACM ByteCast Announced

ACM ByteCast Announced

ACM announces its podcast, free and open to the public. I will be following and reporting on.  Access information at the link.  Join ACM, it is essential for computing practitoners.

ACM ByteCast
ACM ByteCast is a podcast series…

From insideHPC

Agenda Posted for OpenFabrics Virtual Workshop

Agenda Posted for OpenFabrics Virtual Workshop

The OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA) has opened registration for its OFA Virtual Workshop, taking place June 8-12, 2020. This virtual event will provide fabric developers and users an opportunity to discuss emerging fabric technologies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Spot the Robot Patrols Singapore Parks

Spot the Robot Patrols Singapore Parks

This is scarier than facial recognition.  Using Spot the Robot to remind park goers to stay apart.

 Video:  from Singapore Times

Spot the robot is reminding park goers in Singapore to keep their distance…

From insideHPC

Inspur Takes 3rd Place in Auto Deep Learning Finals

Inspur Takes 3rd Place in Auto Deep Learning Finals

A team from Inspur ranked in the Top 3 at the recent Auto Deep Learning Finals. "Inspur’s leading core technology used in this competition has been applied to Inspur AutoML Suite, an automatic machine learning AI algorithm platform…

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