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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2021

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Does Your AI Work? (Not just what is it called)

How Does Your AI Work? (Not just what is it called)

 Interesting piece in Datanami.  But I suggest that the implications are incomplete.   The chart shown only mentions the general type of 'AI' mentioned.   Not how it is used, or what data was used, or the completeness/bias of…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF CISE Celebrates Its 35th Anniversary

NSF CISE Celebrates Its 35th Anniversary

This month marks the 35th anniversary of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate. CISE was founded on May 1, 1986, and it continues to support “investigator-initiated…

From Computational Complexity

Does the university matter?

As we come out of a pandemic with online teaching and research collaborations, how much do we actually need the university?

Theoretical research in computer science, math and elsewhere it hardly slowed down with everyone hunkered…

From insideHPC

June 2 ENERXICO Webinar: Energy Subsurface Exploration with HPC

June 2 ENERXICO Webinar: Energy Subsurface Exploration with HPC

The ENERXICO project, a Europe-Mexico collaboration to develop performance simulation tools requiring exascale HPC and data intensive algorithms for energy sources, will conduct an online webinar on Wednesday, June 2 from 2:30…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What should a Robot do when it Cannot Trust the Model it was Trained on?

What should a Robot do when it Cannot Trust the Model it was Trained on?

Also a thing we expect of useful 'intelligence'... knowing its limitations.  Or do we?  How is this different?  

What should a robot do when it cannot trust the model it was trained on?

Helping Robots Learn What They Can and Can't…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Deceiving AI

Deceiving AI

 Made me think, usually models we create are to determine some state, current or future, to be more accurate.   But now we can make models that have more precisely deceptive results.     Yes, can see why DARPA is interested. …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Game Theory for Large Scale Data Analysis

Game Theory for Large Scale Data Analysis

Intriguing thought, technical.

Game theory as an engine for large-scale data analysis  By Brian McWilliams, Ian Gemp, Claire Vernade

EigenGame maps out a new approach to solve fundamental ML problems.

Modern AI systems approachToday…

From insideHPC

ALCF Data Science Program Awards 4 Projects

ALCF Data Science Program Awards 4 Projects

The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) recently awarded computing time and resources to three new projects and one renewed project for 2021-2022, through its ALCF Data Science Program (ADSP). Launched in 2016, the ADSP…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Stanford Chatbot Study

Stanford Chatbot Study

Mostly obvious results, but useful characterizations.   We leveraged a 'concierge' model being most important, how do you get people to the right humans, the ones with the best answer in context?   I also recall also including…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CRA Executive Director Andrew Bernat Announces Retirement

CRA Executive Director Andrew Bernat Announces Retirement

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is sad to announce the retirement of CRA Executive Director Andrew Bernat. Bernat was instrumental in the development of the CCC — in October 2006, CRA responded to an NSF solicitation…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft in China Retail Tech?

Microsoft in China Retail Tech?

Had visited Microsoft's retail tech facility in the past.

Microsoft Pushes into Growing Grocery Tech Market with Deal in China

CNBC, Evelyn Cheng, May 20, 2021  

Microsoft's Chinese branch last week announced its latest omnichannel…

From insideHPC

UL Joins Open Compute Project to Further Enable Data Center and Enterprise System Designs

UL Joins Open Compute Project to Further Enable Data Center and Enterprise System Designs

Northbrook, Ill., May 24, 2021 — UL, the global safety science leader, today announced that it has joined the Open Compute Project (OCP). UL joined the organization at the highest tier level and will contribute its technical …

From The Eponymous Pickle

China to Ban Bitcoin Mining

China to Ban Bitcoin Mining

Surprising, perhaps?   What are the details? 

China will likely ban all bitcoin mining soon

Country’s top financial regulator homes in on the source.    By Tim De Chantin   in  ArsTechnica

Bitcoin took investors on another rollercoaster…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

ACM Athena Lecturer Award

It was never about winning medals or being famous—Nancy Kerrigan Award page Ayanna Howard is this year’s winner of the ACM Athena Lecturer Award. She works in robotics and is Dean of Engineering at Ohio State. She was previously…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Events

Virtual Events

 Don't like 'rules' in particular, but reasonable considerations in some context of use:

10 rules for any executive navigating the new world of virtual conferences

Virtual events are here to stay. Two experiential leaders offer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Explaining AI in Context

Explaining AI in Context

Not to say I am using the connection with autonomous cars, but am very much into how we explain with AI in all sorts of contexts.    We built some AI systems in our early days that could have used very precise explanatory capabilities…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Matrix Multiplication Inches Closer to Mythic Goal

Matrix Multiplication Inches Closer to Mythic Goal

Mentioned previously, here a little more succinctly.   Technical. 

Matrix Multiplication Inches Closer to Mythic Goal  By Quanta Magazine,  March 24, 2021

A paper posted in October describes the fastest-ever method for multiplying…

From insideHPC

insideHPC Guide to How Expert Design Engineering and a Building Block Approach Can Give You a Perfectly Tailored AI, ML or HPC Environment – Part 3

insideHPC Guide to How Expert Design Engineering and a Building Block Approach Can Give You a Perfectly Tailored AI, ML or HPC Environment – Part 3

In this insideHPC technology guide, “How Expert Design Engineering and a Building Block Approach Can Give You a Perfectly Tailored AI, ML or HPC Environment,”we will present things to consider when building a customized supercomputer…

From The Noisy Channel

AI for Query Understanding

AI for Query Understanding

In the past decade, the incredible progress in word embeddings and deep learning has fueled an interest in neural information retrieval. An increasing number of folks believe that it’s time to retire the traditional invertedIn…

From The Eponymous Pickle

England Vaccine Passport

England Vaccine Passport

Some intriguing details of the approach in play

What England’s new vaccine passport could mean for covid tech’s next act

As more countries roll out systems for proving that people are immunized, they can learn from last year’sby…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Technical Introduction to the Concept and Value of Batteries

A Technical Introduction to the Concept and Value of Batteries

What has kept us fluidly moving around, in all sorts of contexts,  by storing energy and providing it as needed to an increasing number of devices, large and small?  What are they now, and how will they progress?     Start with…

From Schneier on Security

AIs and Fake Comments

AIs and Fake Comments

This month, the New York state attorney general issued a report on a scheme by “U.S. Companies and Partisans [to] Hack Democracy.” This wasn’t another attempt by Republicans to make it harder for Black people and urban residents…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Editorial Thoughts on Blog Posts Here

Editorial Thoughts on Blog Posts Here

Editorial description of articles in this Blog.   

Most posts usually consist of these parts:  1.) A title that describes the essence of the article  2.)  A comment/review/expansion  of my opinion of the topic involved, whichCompleteness…

From The Eponymous Pickle

UK Navy Sub Commanded by AI

UK Navy Sub Commanded by AI

 An autonomous sub example, first I have seen of such size and operational autonomy.

The (UK) Navy sub commanded by artificial intelligence  By Michael Dempsey in the BBC

On 20 April, the Royal Navy's latest nuclear-powered hunter…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Zoom Rooms and Alexa for Business

Zoom Rooms and Alexa for Business

 Alexa linking with Zoom Room Appliances.  Collaboration with Zoo,  Voice control of meeting management.  Expanding the uses of Amazon for Business. A good movement forward given the popularity of Zoom for meetings.   And the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More Robots in Retail

More Robots in Retail

A topic we have covered here for a long time, both in surveys and actual lab trials and experiments.

Pandemic is Pushing Robots into Retail at Unprecedented Pace  By ZDNet  April 16, 2021

The results of a new survey by RetailWire…

From Putting People First

Shoshana Zuboff explains why you should care about privacy

Shoshana Zuboff explains why you should care about privacy

In a wide-ranging interview with Lauren Jackson of the New York Times, the author of “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism” talks about why people should pay attention to how big tech companies are using their information.

From Putting People First

[Book] Living in Data

[Book] Living in Data

In this provocative book, Jer Thorp brings his work as a data artist to bear on an exploration of our current and future relationship with data, transcending facts and figures to find new, more visceral ways to engage with data…

From Putting People First

[Book] Data Lives

[Book] Data Lives

A book about the life of data and living with data.

From The Eponymous Pickle

IoT and Vision AI with NVIDIA AMA

IoT and Vision AI with NVIDIA AMA

Just brought to my attention:

AI, Robotics, and IoT video with NVIDIA, here is one episode: 

Everything you needed to know about IoT and vision AI with NVIDIA AMA video. Watch now.

Join the NVIDIA Jetson team for the latest episode…