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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2022

From The Eponymous Pickle

How AR and VR are Changing Customer Experience

How AR and VR are Changing Customer Experience

How AR and VR are transforming customer experiences  in Venturebeat

AR and VR technology was largely expedited by the past pandemic with at least 93.3 million and 58.9 million users respectively, according to a study conducted…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pulsing Networks in Simulations

Pulsing Networks in Simulations

Long time ago I needed to set up a simulation that included a pulsing network to support a solar astro model.    Found this interesting solution today.  Just for my own reference and possible the needs of others.  I like Wolframs…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Chemical Computer

A Chemical Computer

New design of computers, but how fast? 


Chemical Computer Can Be Programmed to Solve Hard Problems

By New Scientist, May 11, 2022

Researchers at the U.K.'s University of Glasgow have programmed a chemical computer to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Russia Is Being Hacked at an Unprecedented Scale

Russia Is Being Hacked at an Unprecedented Scale


Many cybercriminals and ransomware groups have links to Russia and don't target the nation. Now, it's being opened up.

in Wired  via ACM News | April 28, 2022 

The orders are issued like clockwork. Every day, often…

From The Eponymous Pickle

ScrapMetal Disposal Automation

ScrapMetal Disposal Automation

Useful capability at hand.


University of Colorado Boulder, Paul M.  Rady Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering students build machine to automate scrap metal disposal


From The Eponymous Pickle

Decision Trees

Decision Trees

Quick overview if decision trees. 

Decision Tree Algorithm, Explained

All you need to know about decision trees and how to build and optimize decision tree classifier.

By Nagesh Singh Chauhan, Data Science Enthusiast on February…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New form of Machine Learning Vision

New form of Machine Learning Vision

Machine Learning Vision

MIT Advances Unsupervised Computer Vision with ‘STEGO’

By Oliver Peckham

Training machine learning models often means working with labeled data. For computer vision tasks, this might look, for instance, like…

From The Eponymous Pickle

SmartMaterials Microscope

SmartMaterials Microscope


Self-Driving Microscopes Discover Shortcuts to New Materials  

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory are training microscopes to find new materials faster using an intuitive…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Automatic Defect Inspection

Automatic Defect  Inspection

Inspection for defects

 AutoInspect takes the quality of industrial inspection processes to a new level    Research News / May 02, 2022

In the AutoInspect demonstrator, the car body is transported to the inspection stations on©…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Rafail Is No Secret

Never say anything in an electronic message that you wouldn’t want appearing, and attributed to you, in tomorrow morning’s front-page headline in the New York Times—Colonel David Russell. Rafail Ostrovsky is a professor of computer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The way that Crude Costs Influence Retail Prices

The way that Crude Costs Influence Retail Prices

Costs Interacting in many ways. 

Gas Prices Raise Costs In 8 Surprising Ways

Bryan Pearson in CustomerThink 

There’s a reason the price of chewing gum is up 7% from last year, and it’s not all related to supply and demand. It turns…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sites Gathering every Word you Type, Before You Hit Enter.

Sites Gathering every Word you Type, Before You Hit Enter.

Quite a simple surprise. 

Some top 100,000 websites collect everything you type—before you hit submit

A number of websites include keyloggers that covertly snag your keyboard inputs.

LILY HAY NEWMAN, WIRED.COM - 5/14/2022, 7:00When…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teach CS in K-12? Please Help Gather Data

Teach CS in K-12? Please Help Gather Data

The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) and the Kapor Center are conducting a survey of K-12 computer science teachers in the United States. The CS education landscape continues to evolve, and we want to hear directly…

From insideHPC

Women in HPC Returns in Support of Greater Equity at ISC 2022 in Hamburg

Women in HPC Returns in Support of Greater Equity at ISC 2022 in Hamburg

Edinburgh, United Kingdom – May 12, 2022 – WHPC, an entirely volunteer-run organisation that strives to encourage more women into the field of high performance computing (HPC) through fellowship, education and support is proud…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Berners-Lee Wants Meta VR

Berners-Lee Wants Meta VR

 Interesting view here.    But in particular if you see VR as a means of  interacting with lots of complex visual contextual data, its like interacting with data in a structured Web. 


World Wide Web's Creator Wants…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Recent Conversation with Andrew Ng

Recent Conversation with Andrew Ng

Good piece, have followed Ng for some time.

Meet Andrew Ng, a 2022 Datanami Person to Watch

Alex Woodie in Datanami

Andrew Ng is one of the most influential individuals in big data and AI. He’s also one of the busiest, with stints…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Zoom Wants to do More

Zoom Wants to do More

And want to see more, especially that saves time, records things, organizes things intelligently.  Give us us an after Covid present.   Here for customer service ....

Zoom is driving further into the customer service market


From insideHPC

Argonne’s Globus Software Wins Award at 2021 Data Mover Challenge

Argonne’s Globus Software Wins Award at 2021 Data Mover Challenge

Globus, a platform for research data management created by researchers at the University of Chicago and the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, was named the Best Integrated Software Experience Award…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Avoid exception throwing in performance-sensitive code

Avoid exception throwing in performance-sensitive code

There are various ways in software to handle error conditions. In C or Go, one returns error code. Other programming languages like C++ or Java prefer to throw exceptions. One benefit of using exceptions is that it keeps your…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cryptocurrencies Melt Down

Cryptocurrencies Melt Down

Not so stable in this context.


Cryptocurrencies Melt Down in a ‘Perfect Storm’ of Fear and Panic

By The New York Times, May 13, 2022

The price of Bitcoin plunged to its lowest point since 2020. Coinbase, the large cryptocurrency…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Disrupting Data Management with AI?

Disrupting Data Management with AI?

 Value of intelligently positioned disruption.   From Deloitte

To achieve the benefits and scale of AI and MLOps, data must be tuned for native machine consumption, not humans, causing organizations to rethink data management,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Uncovering Competitive Strategies

Uncovering Competitive Strategies

Leveraging competitive intelligence.  

How to Use Competitive Intelligence to Uncover your Competitors’ Strategies | Octopus Competitive Intelligence consulting agency 

How to Use Competitive Intelligence to Uncover your Competitors…

From insideHPC

Google Cloud Says TPU-Powered Machine Learning Hub Delivers 9 Exaflops Aggregate Power

Google Cloud Says TPU-Powered Machine Learning Hub Delivers 9 Exaflops Aggregate Power

As HPC enters the exascale era, watchers of the TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers will look to see if the updated list, to be released this month at the ISC conference in Hamburg, will include systems that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Surveillance By Driverless Car

Surveillance By Driverless Car

 Reported in Schneier  ...   which points to an article mentioning use by SF Police.   Makes sense for a number of reasons.   Can be any kind of autonomous vehicles.  Its mentioned that it includes the generation of large amounts…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ancient Art Meets AI

Ancient Art Meets AI

 Reported on this before,   unexpected connection.

Ancient Art Meets AI for Better Materials Design

Argonne National Laboratory, John Spizzirri, April 7, 2022

University of Southern California (USC) researchers combined kirigami…

From insideHPC

IBM to Deliver Software as-a-Service on AWS

IBM to Deliver Software as-a-Service on AWS

ARMONK, N.Y., May 11, 2022 — IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced it has signed a Strategic Collaboration Agreement (SCA) with Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), with plans to offer a broad array of its software catalog as Software-as…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Upacking Black Box Models

Upacking Black Box Models

Quite interesting development.  I had to talk the nature and implications of What a 'black box' (BB) . was for management many times.  A BB is simply a method that is not precisely know in its operation.  Usually such an algorithm's…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Commercial Space Opportunities

Commercial Space Opportunities


Entrepreneurs create a space “academy” as commercial space flourishes

This is a bet that the long-promised space economy continues taking off.

ERIC BERGER 5/10/2022

A group of astronauts, engineers, and business…

From insideHPC

Arm Reports Record Revenues and Profits in FY21

Arm Reports Record Revenues and Profits in FY21

May 12, 2022 — Cambridge, UK-based semiconductor design company Arm Ltd. today reported 2021 total revenues were up 35 percent to $2.7 billion with growth in both royalty and non-royalty revenue. The company reported 2021 licensing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Emerging Drone uses in War

Emerging Drone uses in War

Cheaper and increasingly autonomous, they will be in our  future.  For war and for humanitarian aiding  in its aftermath. 

The Drones of War

By Esther Shein, Commissioned by CACM Staff, May 10, 2022

North American professional drone…