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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2022

From The Eponymous Pickle

Success of AI is in Infrastructure

Success of AI is in Infrastructure

 In VentureBeat

Artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing many changes to the enterprise, none of which is more vital to its success than infrastructure. Changing the nature of workloads – not just how they are generated and processed…

From insideHPC

Atos Talks European HPC Openness and a Hybrid Future of AI, Machine Learning and Quantum Supercomputing

Atos Talks European HPC Openness and a Hybrid Future of AI, Machine Learning and Quantum Supercomputing

This exclusive Q&A interview was conducted by Nages Sieslack of the ISC 2022 conference organization, with Eric Eppe, head of portfolio and solutions, HPC & Quantum at France-based HPC systems vendor Atos. Nages Sieslack: How…

From insideHPC

IBM Quantum Promises 4,000-Qubit Processor in 2025, Envisions ‘Quantum-Centric Supercomputing’

IBM Quantum Promises 4,000-Qubit Processor in 2025, Envisions ‘Quantum-Centric Supercomputing’

At its Think 2022 conference this week, IBM declared its intent to deliver a 4,000+ qubit processor (“Kookaburra”) built with multiple clusters of scaled quantum computing processors. The updated quantum plan comes a year after…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Differential Privacy

I’m low-key. I like my privacy—Kemba Walker. Avrim Blum, Irit Dinur, Cynthia Dwork, Frank McSherry, Kobbi Nissim, and Adam Smith, received the ACM 2021 Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award. They worked on and studied the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Together Caregiving

Alexa Together Caregiving

 Newly announced, recalls work we saw in Japan, which also connected multiple people, as needed, to the eldercare dynamic.

Alexa Together will let caregivers remotely set up routines for aging loved ones

A person receiving support…

From insideHPC

Classiq Announces $25K Quantum Circuits Challenge

Classiq Announces $25K Quantum Circuits Challenge

TEL AVIV – May 11, 2022 – Quantum computing software company Classiq today announced the Classiq Coding Competition, rewarding those that create highly-efficient quantum circuits to solve important real-world problems. Quantum…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Earthquake Detection Algorithms

Earthquake Detection Algorithms

Relates to our previous examination of work  done on earthquake detection.  Makes sense such work is out of Japan.

Gravity signals could detect earthquakes at the speed of light

Algorithm set for deployment in Japan could identify…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Context In Machine Intelligence

Context In Machine Intelligence

I often make this point ... context is everything ... in fact I like to make the expansion of this as well:  'Context is everything', and its always changing"      Its like how we use all 'intelligence' that  is presented inAdvancing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Interactive Big Data Journalism

Interactive Big Data Journalism

Finding information and useful interaction with it.   Though unclear what a 'big data journalism' means here. 

Interactive Tools May Help People Become Big Data Journalists

By Penn State News, May 6, 2022

Pennsylvania State University…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Achaeological Artifact Visualization

Achaeological Artifact Visualization

Thinking of some other uses of creation and identification.

 DIY Digital Archaeology: Methods for Visualizing Small Objects, Artifacts

Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, April 13, 2022

Researchers at Germany's…

From Computational Complexity

Queen Elizabeth is the 3rd longest reigning monarch; The problem with definitions

 A few days ago Queen Elizabeth passed Johann II of Liechtenstein to be the third longest reigning monarch (see here). 

A summary of the top 4:

4) Johann II, Liechtenstein ruled from Nov 12 1858 until his death on Feb 11, 1929.…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Faster bitset decoding using Intel AVX-512

Faster bitset decoding using Intel AVX-512

I refer to “bitset decoding” as the action of finding the positions of the 1s in a stream of bits. For example, given the integer value 0b11011 (or 27 in decimal),  I want to find 0,1,3,4. In my previous post, Fast bitset decoding…

From The Eponymous Pickle

UK Blames Russia For Satellite Hack

UK Blames Russia For Satellite Hack

In the BBC, more examples of tech warfare and implications.

UK blames Russia for satellite internet hack at start of war   By Chris Vallance,  BBCTechnology Reporter

Russia was behind a cyber-attack targeting American commercial…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM's Plan for Quntum

IBM's Plan for Quntum

Reasonable?  See links in the article to former quantum roadmaps. 

 IBM wants its quantum supercomputers running at 4,000-plus qubits by 2025  By A. Tarantola in Engadget

That's nearly a full magnitude more powerful than today's…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ricardian Contracts vs Smart Contracts

Ricardian Contracts vs Smart Contracts

 Brought to my attention, unsure as yet how broadly the definition is used at this time, can see the need for the understanding of such an agreement by human and machine means.

The Ricardian contract, as invented by Ian Grigg,…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Peter’s Face

Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding—Bill Thurston. Peter Weinberger is a computer scientist who is famous for many things—including his face. His name “Peter” alone…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Government Authority Falls Due to Algorithm

Government Authority Falls Due to Algorithm

Regulation 0f algorithms causes Dutch Tax Authority to fail.  An unusual event.  Fairness and impacts. 

The Dutch Tax Authority Was Felled by AI—What Comes Next? European regulation hopes to rein in ill-behaving algorithms byUntil…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reducing COVID-19 Patient Breathing Effort

Reducing COVID-19 Patient Breathing Effort

 Respitatory Support for COVID Patients with computational modeling

Reducing COVID-19 Patients' Breathing Efforts Could Be Key to Success of Non-Invasive Respiratory Support

University of Warwick (U.K.),   April 21, 2022

A team…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Swarms of Drones for Forestry

Swarms of Drones for Forestry

 Recal my previous mentioning the use of drones in Forestry, with the potential of advanced sensors and cooperation with mapping and multitasking activity.  We did that with photography and later with Satellite images and helicopters…

From insideHPC

Tesla: Cooling Tech Engineer Stole Dojo Exascale Supercomputer Secrets

Tesla: Cooling Tech Engineer Stole Dojo Exascale Supercomputer Secrets

Theft of secret information about Tesla’s in-house supercomputer, the exascale-class “Project Dojo” system due to be up and running this year,  are at issue in a suit filed by the company against an HPC cooling technology engineer…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Beyond Interpretability, Towards Language

Beyond Interpretability, Towards Language

Yes, with training in the questions we need to ask to shape the results we need for a given context. Not always easy. 

Beyond Interpretability: Developing a Language to Shape Our Relationships with AI  By Medium, May 9, 2022 in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Building Decision Trees by Hand without Code

Building Decision Trees by Hand without Code

 Cool little piece that is instructional and even inspirational.   Math and process seen together to produce real value.

Random Forest and Decision Trees by hand — no coding

By Thomas Le Menestrel,      Computational Engineering…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Yes to a Passkey Standard

Yes to a Passkey Standard

Yes, need easy to use, clear, very secure and broadly available. Have now worked some of the methods from the major players.  Work well, but not well enough together.   Make it happen.

 Apple, Google, Microsoft Want to Kill the…

From insideHPC

Open Compute Project Global Summit Issues Call for Papers

Open Compute Project Global Summit Issues Call for Papers

May 9, 2022 — Call for papers for the 2022 OCP Global Summit is now open. The summit will take place over three days from October 18-20, 2022 and will offer keynotes, exhibits, expo hall talks, use cases  and engineering workshops…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IFIF Design Futures Class

IFIF Design Futures Class

 I worked with IFTF for years as part of their connection to our big enterprise,   connecting with our  top corporate level.    Were always very thought provoking and useful.  Here an intro, click through for much more details…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Simulated Kiss in VR

The Simulated Kiss in VR

 New Experiences in VR 

VR Researchers Have Basically Figured Out How to Simulate the Feel of Kisses

A modified VR headset can create the sensation of touch, either on a user's lips or even inside their mouths.

By Andrew Liszewski…

From insideHPC

Exascale Computing Project BoF Days May 10-12

Exascale Computing Project BoF Days May 10-12

May 9, 2022 — The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) 2022 Community Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Days will take place Tuesday, May 10–Thursday, May 12, with six to eight sessions per day conducted via Zoom. Registration and the agenda…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Better Mouse?

Better Mouse?

 New Logitech Mouse. Better?   We did many explorations of data and process entry in varying contexts. 

l mouse that’s easier to grasp

A trimmer build and left-handed option make the Lift extra helpful.  SCHARON HARDING - 4/19/2022…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at Ransomware

A Look at Ransomware

 No End in sight?

Researchers Share In-Depth Analysis of PYSA Ransomware Group

April 18, 2022Ravie Lakshmanan in ThehackerNews

An 18-month-long analysis of the PYSA ransomware operation has revealed that the cybercrime cartel followed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pentagon Needs More Nerds

Pentagon Needs More Nerds

 (In another time,  between some other wars, I was a nerd at the Pentagon.  Even now with much smarter devices, we need more hard and software, even beyond the AI enablement.


To Win the Next War, the Pentagon Needs…