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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

May 2022

From insideHPC

Composable Memory within CXL 2.0 Protocol Shown by Liqid, Samsung, Tanzanite

Composable Memory within CXL 2.0 Protocol Shown by Liqid, Samsung, Tanzanite

The Compute Express Link (CXL) Consortium is chasing the utopian tech dream, now being realized in an increasing number of high performance servers, of a high-speed, open-interface interconnect that enables the heterogenous Babel…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Metals Use and Availability: Nickel

Metals Use and Availability: Nickel

 Brought to my attention in another study.  Am a follower of materials use and supply chain of need and  availability.   Here as it related to electric vehicles (EVs).

The perfect storm increasing the cost of a crucial metal  …

From insideHPC

DOE’s Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program Selects 80 U.S. Graduate Students

DOE’s Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program Selects 80 U.S. Graduate Students

May 3, 2022 — The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Science has selected 80 graduate students representing 27 states for the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program’s 2021 Solicitation 2 cycle. Through…

From insideHPC

Sustainable Data Center Technology Company Asperitas in CEO Transition

Sustainable Data Center Technology Company Asperitas in CEO Transition

Amsterdam – May 3, 2022 – Immersion cooling specialist Asperitas announced Ronald Monster is stepping into the position of CEO following a milestone with a new investor and prepares the award-winning company for a prosperous …

From insideHPC

NSF-funded Computer Program Receives $150,000 in Improvement Funding

NSF-funded Computer Program Receives $150,000 in Improvement Funding

Work of a computer program to improve predictions of the physical behavior of industrially important materials, designed with leadership from Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, has been awarded $150,000 through the National Science…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thoughts of Mining Asteroids

Thoughts of Mining Asteroids

Was also involved in an analysis of making this possible.  Still difficult thing to do if we cannot easily determine the value of resources there.      Not too much different from mining the earth or ocean, though the risks and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Neural Nets Speed Simulations

Neural Nets Speed Simulations

 Very interesting piece, Often the speed of complex simulations can be key. Below an introductory text, makes a good case.  More at the link.

Neural Networks Learn to Speed Up Simulations  By Chris Edwards

Communications of the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

VR Relieving Pain

VR Relieving Pain

Recall this being studied some time ago.  Seeking study.

Can VR Help Ease Chronic Pain?

Virtual reality has emerged as a tool to treat chronic pain and is gaining popularity.

The New York Times Magazine, From ACM TechNews | MayVirtual…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Clearview and Facial Recognition.

Clearview and Facial Recognition.

 Remain intrigued by facial recognition. consider the similarity of its emergence to fingerprint techniques.  A comparison is useful. Can having enough data ultimately remove error? 

Why Facial Recognition Technology Has an Uncertain…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Investing in Robotics and Logistics

Amazon Investing in Robotics and Logistics

 Makes considerable Sense.

Amazon Plans to Invest $1 Billion in Logistics and Robotics Companies

April 21, 2022 Bloomberg Inc. says it plans to invest $1 billion in companies developing technologies in logistics, supply…

From insideHPC

Proposals Open to Research Community for ALCF AI Testbed’s Cerebras and SambaNova Systems

Proposals Open to Research Community for ALCF AI Testbed’s Cerebras and SambaNova Systems

Proposals are now being accepted by the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility for access to its AI Testbed, a collection of advanced artificial intelligence accelerators available for science. Researchers interested in using …

From The Eponymous Pickle

NReal Glasses

NReal Glasses

 Still awaiting these,

NReal AR glasses set to launch this spring in UK

Details on a release date of the product’s release or pricing remain unclear

Chinese augmented reality (AR) startup Nreal will be bringing its smart glasses…

From insideHPC

Dell Technologies Interview: Univ. of Liverpool’s Hybrid HPC Strategy Boosts Scientific Computing with a Burst

Dell Technologies Interview: Univ. of Liverpool’s Hybrid HPC Strategy Boosts Scientific Computing with a Burst

[SPONSORED CONTENT]  In a recent Dell Technologies interview on this site, we talkied about HPC-as-a-Service with R Systems, provider HPC-on-demand resources and technical expertise in partnership with Dell HPC Cloud Services…

From insideHPC

Hyperion Research Expands Analyst Team

Hyperion Research Expands Analyst Team

St. Paul, MN — May 2, 2022 – HPC industry analyst firm Hyperion Research, covering high performance computing, AI, cloud, quantum and associated emerging markets, is adding new analysts and announcing promotions among existing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Deepmind Startup Factory

Deepmind Startup Factory

 How successful in the current climate?

The team that built an AI to dominate poker is now picking stocks  in TheNextWeb

DeepMind's becoming a talent-churning startup factory

Three of the developers responsible for DeepStack, the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tracking Animals with Deep Learning

Tracking Animals with Deep Learning

 Unusual Application

Time to Get Social: Tracking Animals with Deep Learning

EPFL (Switzerland), April 22, 2022

Researchers at Switzerland's École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) enhanced their DeepLabCut software to enable…

From Computational Complexity

Elon Musk To Buy Complexityblog

Elon Musk has offered to buy out Complexityblog. The money is too good to turn down. As part of the contract we can't say how much or in what cryptocurrency, but suffice to say it will be more than the royalties from our books…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On the End of Passwords

On the End of Passwords

 Please, still will the crooks still be ahead of us, looking for new vulnerabilities. 

The end of passwords  Short piece in Technology Review, here an intro of the article. 

Companies are finally shifting away from notoriouslyBy…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Russia will Quit ISS Space Station over Sanctions

Russia will Quit ISS  Space Station over Sanctions

Long of implications, here, loss of technical collaboration, other work threatened? 

Russia Will Quit International Space Station Over Sanctions  Via Bloomberg

Russia space agency head says partners to get 12 months notice


From The Eponymous Pickle

Japanese VR Piloted Robotics for Rail Productivity Management

Japanese VR Piloted Robotics for Rail Productivity Management

Having had some amount of experience in the use and maintenance of rail-based equipment, can understand the usefulness and safety issues  involved here.


Japanese Rail Company Rolls Out VR-Piloted Gundam Robot Worker…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Can a robot vacuum work as an air purifier?

Can a robot vacuum work as an air purifier?

 Comments on multi function digital /physical assistants.   Useful? 

Can a robot vacuum work as an air purifier?  By Patrick Hearn  in DigitalTrends

April 24, 2022 6:00AM

Robot vacuums put out a lot of air, especially the high-powered…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI for Handwriting Skills

AI for Handwriting Skills

 Always looking for things that will look for patterns that need to be selectively taught.  Here a good example, teaching children to improve handwriting.  Other examples?  Coding?  AI Management?

Innovative application helpsEPFL…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Proposed Easier Way to teach Robot Skills

Proposed Easier Way to teach Robot Skills

Work out of MIT,  of particular efficiency and relearning interest


An Easier Way to Teach Robots New Skills, By MIT News, April 28, 2022

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have developed a machine…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Brain Like Chips

Brain Like Chips

 And hw  do we apply them?

Reconfigurable Brain-Like Chips Top Deep Neural Net

By R. Colin Johnson, Commissioned by CACM Staff, April 26, 2022

Today's deep neural networks (DNNs) must be taken off-line to update their learned skills…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thoughts on Collaborative Intelligence

Thoughts on Collaborative Intelligence

We have better tools, yes, but how well do they get to innovative solutions?  

How Collaborative Intelligence Can Boost Business InnovationApril 14, 2022

Ineffective meetings cost businesses $541 billion a year globally in lost…

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