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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2009


Framing the Right Problem For Water Fowl

Framing the Right Problem For Water Fowl

 U.S. Geological Survey scientists describe their work, outlining complexity.


HPC: Making a Small Fortune

HPC: Making a Small Fortune

There is an old joke in the high-performance computing community that begins with a question, “How do you make a small fortune in high-performance computing?” There are several variations on the joke, but they all end with the…

From Putting People First

Efficiency or ambient intimacy?

Efficiency or ambient intimacy?

The latest issue of Vodafone’s Receiver Magazine is all about a new era of human interaction that is marked by perpetual conversations and perpetual info drip-feed, as enabled by the umbilical of the mobile. Two new contributions…

From Putting People First

Physically digital

Physically digital

Mac Funamizu explores on Johnny Holland what digital devices with physically changing displays might look like and how their interface language might be conceived: “We all know how great a touch screen is

From Putting People First

How designers can influence behavior

How designers can influence behavior

Robert Fabricant wrote about the role of the designer in behavioural change and describes three new design strategies: persuasion design, catalyst design and performance design. “Instead of aspiring to influence user behavior…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

CSTA Leadership Cohort Update from Washington (State)

CSTA Leadership Cohort Update from Washington (State)

As a member of the CSTA Leadership cohort, I have had an exciting year in Washington. A group of very dedicated educators and business members have been working since January 2009 in the formation of a chapter of the Computer…


Scientists Convene at First Computational Sustainability Meeting

Scientists Convene at First Computational Sustainability Meeting

 Keynote Address at the First Computational Sustainability Meeting by Carla Gomes.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Public Relations 2.0 Examined

Public Relations  2.0 Examined

Good detailed article in PR 2.0 by Brian Solis: The State of PR, Marketing, and Communications: You are the Future. ' ... Contrary to popular belief, Social Media isn

From Apophenia

Gender Gap in Perception of Computer Science

Gender Gap in Perception of Computer Science

"New Image for Computing" recently released a report in their first wave to understand the image of computing among youth. Funded by WGBH and ACM, this report examines both race/ethnicity and sex-based differences in perceptions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart on Marketing

Wal-Mart on Marketing

In AdAge: Wal-Mart on their increasingly sophisticated methods of marketing and associated research. Also an increasingly strong approach to merchandising in their stores.

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-06-08

links for 2009-06-08