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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2010

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopper Centric Analytics Advances

Shopper Centric Analytics Advances

In AdAge:' ...A Prescription for Resuscitating Growth for CPG CompaniesAdvances in Data, Insights, Analytics and Technology Enable a Personalized Shopper-Marketing Experienceby Robert Holston ... ' Good article with some prescriptive…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mypaint: Drawing With No Talent

Mypaint: Drawing With No Talent

A newly discovered drawing system called Mypaint for freehand images, does not make you a graphics artist, but a nice start. Via Downloadsquad.

From Schneier on Security

Bletchley Park Archives to Go Online

Bletchley Park Archives to Go Online

This is good:

Simon Greenish, chief executive officer of the Bletchley Park Trust, said the plan was for the centre's entire archive to be digitised.


He said since the archive is so big nobody knows exactly what each…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IPhone in Trouble?

IPhone in Trouble?

Is the IPhone in trouble because its business model is not open enough? You can build some clever things that win at first, but will they survive when challenged by more adaptive solutions?

From My Biased Coin

STOC 2010, and Some Business Meeting Notes

STOC 2010, and Some Business Meeting Notes

STOC 2010 appears to be running quite smoothly.  I've been popping in and out -- the problem with being a local is that I actually have to go home at reasonable times (and stop by the office quickly).  While nominally (thanks…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Auctioning Lincoln History

Auctioning Lincoln History

This blog has a number of times covered auction technologies. This resulted from a number of studies of auction processes inside the enterprise. Recently I have had some conversations with the impressive local Cowan's Auctions…


Laptops in the Classroom

Laptops in the Classroom

Thoughts about using laptops in higher education classes, relating to a recent journal article about what students actually do with their laptops in class while pretending to study.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digitizing the First Moment of Truth

Digitizing the First Moment of Truth

Former P&Ger Randall Beard in his Marketing with Impact Blog about digitization of the first-moment-of-truth, the interaction of shopper and store at the shelf. Also known as merchandising. The topic is a frequent one in this…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mapping Initiatives via Google and Bing

Mapping Initiatives via Google and Bing

An intriguing race between major search engine providers, using health data:Bing, Google Offering Dueling

From Putting People First

Keynotes from The Web and Beyond

Keynotes from The Web and Beyond

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-06-07

links for 2010-06-07

Top 10 Questions To Ask At The Microsoft TechEd/STB Analyst Summit Here's a view I'd not considered: "Just less than 3 years ago, Microsoft was still perceived as part of the

From Schneier on Security

How to Spot a CIA Officer

How to Spot a CIA Officer

How to spot a CIA officer, at least in the mid 1970s.

The reason the CIA office was located in the embassy -- as it is in most of the other countries in the world -- is that by presidential order the State Department is responsible…

From Putting People First

Hooked on gadgets, and paying a mental price

Hooked on gadgets, and paying a mental price

From Putting People First

On user researchers and behavioural economics

On user researchers and behavioural economics

UX Matters has again published a couple of great articles: So, you want to do user research: characteristics of great researchers By Demetrius Madrigal and Bryan McClain (Metric Lab) “One of the best things about user research…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 7 June 2010

Interesting Links 7 June 2010

I tried to take most of last week off. Well I guess I actually did officially take most of the week off but somehow I spent more time than I should have on email and Twitter. Perhaps I have a problem. :-) But I didn

From Wild WebMink

? BCS Faces No-Confidence Vote Crisis

? BCS Faces No-Confidence Vote Crisis

I just received notice of an Emergency General Meeting at the British Computer Society – some members think the current leadership want to

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ready for Mobile Video Chat?

Ready for Mobile Video Chat?

How much does the ready and easy availability of video chat add to the value of business communications? Some rumors about that this will be the new ingredient in the IPhone hardware and operating system. A Computerworld debate…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Authentic Curriculum; Authentic Assessment

Authentic Curriculum; Authentic Assessment

As I was browsing the CSTA Blog recently, I was intrigued by Joanna Goode's post on Assessment in Computer Science. Since assessment is an integral part of my job at the state level, I have long been a proponent of authentic…

From My Biased Coin

Conference Attendance : How to Keep it Strong?

Conference Attendance :  How to Keep it Strong?

In honor of the STOC business meeting coming up shortly: STOC, CCC, and EC are all apparently poised to have very strong attendance this year -- from what I understand, greatly improving over previous years.  Why?I suggest two…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Rise of the Replicators

Rise of the Replicators

We met MIT's Neil Gershenfeld and read his book: When Things Start to Think. Much enjoyed, but I did wonder about how hard it would be to implement what he was suggesting. Remote manufacturing perhaps, but machine replication…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reporting vs Blogging

Reporting vs Blogging

Walter Riker writes about Reporting vs Blogging in his Ease of Blogging blog. Walter's blog is a great resource in this space, and he is also a first rate teacher if you are new to starting a blog. We often talk about related…

From My Biased Coin

Announcement: Matt Welsh Tenured

Announcement:  Matt Welsh Tenured

I'm very, very pleased to announce that Matt Welsh's Harvard tenure case has been successful.   There's a number of wonderful things I could say about Matt and his work, but I'll limit myself to two highlights.  Matt is wellthe…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-06-06

links for 2010-06-06

MPEG LA – The Standard for Standards – Want to Form a Pool? To be clear, MPEG-LA is a parasite using standards bodies as its host, whether they want it or not. This page makes it clear that the parasite is looking for new hosts…


Research Summers

Research Summers

Research challenges us to pose new questions, choose exploratory avenues carefully, and be frugal and wise stewards of the financial trust invested in us. 

From Apophenia

i can haz housesitting tool pls?

i can haz housesitting tool pls?

Dear enterprising developers of the world, I have a request: I travel a lot. I prefer staying in apartments to staying in hotels. But I hate imposing on friends and, frankly, crashing on couches isn’t as fun as it used to be.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sony Lifelogging Glasses

Sony Lifelogging Glasses

Via Walter Riker: Sony demonstrates lifelogging glasses. Have been looking at eyetracking approaches lately. In the Enterprise we examined related methods for delivering key knowledge to people as they performed support requiring…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Semantic Publishing

Semantic Publishing

From IEEE Inteligent Systems: The Semantic Web: From Proteins to Fairytales: Directions in Semantic PublishingAnita de WaardIf computers are to help us process mountains of scientific information, we must build platforms for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Focus on the Objectives of Business Intelligence

Focus on the Objectives of Business Intelligence

Richard Herschel looks at the various definitions of BI and tries to make sense of how it relates to the objectives we should be seeking. Well done. He proposes a general definition: ' ... Business intelligence is the application…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Links as a Distraction

Links as a Distraction

A discussion of whether including links in writing is a good idea. Have always thought the very purpose of being on the web is to include links to supporting material. But does it distract you from the point being made?

From My Biased Coin

SIGCOMM Travel Grants

SIGCOMM Travel Grants

I was asked by the SIGCOMM program chairs to remind everyone that there are travel grants available, especially for students, postdocs, and junior faculty.  Since the conference is far away this year (India), they've tried to…