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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2010

From The Eponymous Pickle

Linkless Press Releases

Linkless Press Releases

I just reviewed two emails I received about some technology areas I cover. Neither contained a link to the press release content I could send on. I had to ask the company for the links. Brainless. Silicon Valley Watcher …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Embedded Business Rules and Analytics

Embedded Business Rules and Analytics

A topic of continual interest to me. We saw some of this in the enterprise when quantitative analytical methods were linked to sets of 'expert systems' business rules. In fact in our broad experiments these were the only solutions…


Virtual Education: One More Step to Close the Gap

Virtual Education: One More Step to Close the Gap

Is virtual education a feasible option to deliver rich educational contents to country side zones where no traditional schools are available?

From Putting People First

Strategy, ethnography and PowerPoint

Strategy, ethnography and PowerPoint

From Putting People First

Bringing European values to the Internet of Things

Bringing European values to the Internet of Things

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tacit Knowledge

Tacit Knowledge

During a period when many enterprises were thinking about how to build expert systems that might augment human beings, we learned about the concept of tacit knowledge. It was quickly discovered that while experts knew how to…

From Computational Complexity

Advice for an Engineer

A reader from Mexico asks I am a near-to-be graduate student from Computational Engineering. However, it wasn't what I expected from my career. I want to be a mathematician. Computational complexity seems incredibly interesting…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-06-02

links for 2010-06-02

Patent cloud looms over Google Web video plan "The VP8 patent situation is no different from the patent challenges that face any computing innovation, from search to social networking to user interfaces to browsers" — CNet adds…

From Schneier on Security

Intelligence Can Never Be Perfect

Intelligence Can Never Be Perfect

Go read this article -- "Setting impossible standards on intelligence" -- on laying blame for the intelligence "failure" that allowed the Underwear Bomber to board an airplane on Christmas Day.

Although the CIA, FBI, and Defense…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

A Rose is a Rose

A Rose is a Rose

Let me think out loud hear a little and get some opinions. On what? On how far to go when naming things in programs. let me start at the beginning. The other day I decided to code up a game of

From Putting People First

Videos of IIT Design Research Conference

Videos of IIT Design Research Conference

From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Video Storytelling Study

Online Video Storytelling Study

Participate in the SNCR Study on online video storytelling. ' ... The research study will focus on how organizations are using video to enhance their storytelling both inside and outside the company. Every organization has…

From My Biased Coin

Bertinoro, Day 2

Bertinoro, Day 2

Bertinoro is a really beautiful city.  I just felt like saying that.Today's talks:  Geppino Pucci talked about Bluetooth networks, modeled as a variation of random geometric networks (points randomly distributed in the plane,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Emerging Market Business Models

Emerging Market Business Models

Colleague Sammy Haroon does a good job writing about new business models for innovation in emerging markets. Making good use of a recent Economist report on the subject. Sammy has some excellent close-up experience in this area…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bringing Augmented Reality to E-Commerce

Bringing Augmented Reality to E-Commerce

From a press release by Metaio. The concept is something I have been look at in a number of forms for years. Combining physical spaces with realities that can then be augmented or modified to match shopper needs.We experimented…

From Schneier on Security

Voluntary Security Inspections

Voluntary Security Inspections

What could possibly be the point of this?

Cars heading to Austin-Bergstrom International Airport will see random, voluntary inspections Monday.

The searches are part of an increase in security at the airport.

It's a joint …


Online Information Brokers & the Challenges of Privacy in a Networked World

Online Information Brokers & the Challenges of Privacy in a Networked World

At Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, we receive phone calls and emails about online information brokers almost daily. The individuals who contact us are often those who have the most at stake–they are the victims of domestic violence…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter on Innovation

Procter on Innovation

An interview with P&G's Melanie Healey on Invading 'Whitespace' via Innovation, in Brandweek. Nothing very new, but good view of their directions.

From Computational Complexity

Avner Magen (1968-2010)

Toronto Professor Avner Magen died in a climbing accident on Saturday. He's had a number of important results on a variety of algorithmic topics.Avner was one of our postdocs at NEC and we were co-authors on a SODA paper. HeThe…

From Wild WebMink

? Where Justice Applies, And Elsewhere

? Where Justice Applies, And Elsewhere

BP, the oil spill, and the urge to crucify

From The Eponymous Pickle

Upside of Irrationality

Upside of Irrationality

Dan Ariely's new book, The Upside of Irrationality is out. See more at his blog. On the list here.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Remembering Lee De Forest

Remembering Lee De Forest

A number of posts about the invention of the amplifier by Lee De Forest in 1906. A crucial step in the broad application of electronics. As the Gizmodo article indicates, he is rarely membered today. Gizmodo quotes from Nick…

From Schneier on Security

Terrorizing Ourselves

Terrorizing Ourselves

Who needs actual terrorists?


From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Computer Science is Shallow

Computer Science is Shallow

Zed A. Shaw—author of several books on Ruby and Python—came up with an interesting criticism of Computer Science. He makes some good points: Computer Science is a pointless discipline with no culture. (…) They rarely teach deep…

From The Noisy Channel

Are Links A Distraction?

Are Links A Distraction?

Eric Andersen called my attention to a post by Nick Carr entitled “Experiments in delinkification“, in which Carr argues that links embedded in text are distracting, and that we’re better off treating them like the footnotes…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

New England Innovation Month 2010

New England Innovation Month 2010

June has been designated as New England Innovation month. It was innovation (the company was Digital Equipment) that really caused me to move to New England 30 years ago. Today I think people tend to underestimate the innovation…

From My Biased Coin

Personal News : "New Job"

Personal News : "New Job"

Since it's more or less been publicly announced at this point, I may as well announce it here:  starting July 1, I'll be the new Area Dean for Computer Science at Harvard.  Very roughly speaking, academics from schools that use…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What Google Tells You

What Google Tells You

In Fortune: If Google Told You to to Jump Off a Cliff, Would You?. A woman sues for literally taking walking advice. As several people have suggested, yes .. then I would sue. This is related to some of my previous comments…

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