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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2010

From Wild WebMink

? Unexpected Harm

? Unexpected Harm

Sitting straight ‘bad for backs’ Somehow my body had already worked out that 135

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Conversations at ISTE

Conversations at ISTE

Yesterday was more or less the opening of ISTE. These conference are sort of interesting in that they start gradually. Wednesday ISTE will end somewhat abruptly (if history is any guide) and people will flood out in mass. The…

From Schneier on Security

Third SHB Workshop

Third SHB Workshop

I'm at SHB 2010, the Third Interdisciplinary Workshop on Security and Human Behavior, at Cambridge University. This is a two-day gathering of computer security researchers, psychologists, behavioral economists, sociologists, …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Nielsen and McKinsey Social Venture

Nielsen and McKinsey Social Venture

A joint venture that links several groups I know well: " ... Nielsen and management consultancy McKinsey & Company have formed a joint venture to help clients improve their business performance through the use of intelligence…

From The Noisy Channel

SIGIR 2010 and SimInt 2010

SIGIR 2010 and SimInt 2010

I’m looking forward to attending SIGIR 2010 in a few weeks and particularly to the SimInt 2010 Workshop on the Automated Evaluation of Interactive Information Retrieval. I hope I get to see a little bit of the city of Geneva,…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Moshe Vardi on

Moshe Vardi on

I notice that CACM Editor-in-Chief Moshe Vardi’s letter in the July 2010 issue of CACM speaks to what he calls “Hypercriticality,” and cites my post of May 4 here on the CCC Blog. (You can find Moshe’s letter in CACM vol. 53,…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Computer Science Is More Than Just Programming

Computer Science Is More Than Just Programming

I have just finished leading a three week workshop for faculty and grad students from the humanities. The topic was serious (digital) games for research and pedagogy. When we teach students about computing, we try to emphasize…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 27 June 2010

Interesting Links 27 June 2010

Posting early this week as I hope to have more timely stuff to write about as the week goes on. I

From The Eponymous Pickle



I often quote the StoreFrontBacktalk site. Evan Schuman does a great job tracking the technologies that continue to change the world of retail and E-commerce. Read the site and add it to your list. You can also add your name…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Item Search with Xyggy

Item Search with Xyggy

I received this recently, just started to take a look at it, intriguing paradigm: " ... Thank-you for the post on Bayesian Information Retrieval .. The Xyggy technology is a new search tool that operates on "items" (or if you…

From Wild WebMink

? Drawing A Crowd

? Drawing A Crowd

Open World Forum 2010 – Agenda This year’s Open World Forum has a packed and scorching hot agenda and I’m honored to be chairing the opening state-of-the-union keynote panel. Make note now on your calendar to be in Paris September…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pepsi and the Next FourSquare

Pepsi and the Next FourSquare

Have examined packages like Foursquare and there are some fundamental problems with their use for marketing plays. Enterprises like Pepsi are trying to influence their design. Good idea if you believe lcoaation based social…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Docs Add OCR

Google Docs Add OCR

Have not tried it yet but OCR conversions to text for Google documents is a nice additions. In particular for incoming faxes that I would like to store away and have them searchable. Don't know yet how well their OCR will work…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-06-26

links for 2010-06-26

The Immortality of Open Source Projects Good snapshot of the history and thinking behind ForgeRock. (tags: FOSS OpenSource ForgeRock SimonPhipps Clippings) CBC News – Toronto – Police get new powers for G20 "Police, at their…

From The Eponymous Pickle

UxSuite Discovers Unforseen Usage Patterns

UxSuite Discovers Unforseen Usage Patterns

Colleague Aylin Koca of the TU/e Department of Industrial Design reports on the establishment of her startup: UXsuite. See some of her previous work posted on here on soft reliability.What UXsuite does:UXsuite helps in tracking…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever Plans to Double Digital Spending

Unilever Plans to Double Digital Spending

In Adage: " ... Unilever will double spending on digital marketing this year, Chief Marketing Officer Keith Weed said in a seminar today at the International Advertising Festival, as the world's No. 2 advertiser looks to make…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tom Davenport's Masterclass

Tom Davenport's Masterclass

In SASCOM a good report on Tom Davenport's Masterclass. Nicely done, though not too much more than an outlne. Recall that Davenport used our enterprise analytics work for a model in some of his books. His general view is that…

From Wild WebMink

Java Genius

Java Genius

This is a work of genius: The conference, JavaZone in Norway, deserves every bit of the attention it’s getting as a consequence.

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Vampire Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Vampire Squid

The vampire squid can turn itself inside out to avoid predators.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tobii Glasses Announced

Tobii Glasses Announced

Nicely done, in particular the visual business intelligence that is included. See the short video in the link below for a demonstration. " ... Tobii Glasses ?

From Schneier on Security

Hacker Scare Story

Hacker Scare Story

"10 Everyday Items Hackers Are Targeting Right Now"

5. Your Blender. Yes, Your Blender That's right: your blender is under attack! Most mixers are self-contained and not hackable, but Siciliano says many home automation systems…

From Putting People First

Essays on service design in higher education

Essays on service design in higher education

COTEN, the collaborative online research project exploring service design for higher education in 2010, features some interesting lecture essays: Small change and re-thinking education (audio) by Nabeel Hamdi 17 May 2010 Our…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Connecting Computer Science: Results

Connecting Computer Science: Results

My course is now over, the feedback via my informal survey is rolling in, and students are working out all the kinks in their knowledge as they prepare for the exam. With things a little quieter now, I took the time to lookConnecting…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Taking On Personal Assistants

Taking On Personal Assistants

Last week it was Jeopardy! superstar Ken Jennings who was facing competition. This week it’s assistants everywhere. In the second in a fascinating series of articles titled “Smarter Than You Think” being published by The New…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media and Small Business

Social Media and Small Business

Useful short piece in E-Commerce Times:" ... So how can something with that much influence be easy and unintimidating for a small-business owner to use? There's no need to be intimidated, blogger Christopher Bucholtz of Forecasting…

From Wild WebMink

? Science Fiction Made Real

? Science Fiction Made Real

No Sleep ‘Til Fusion Wonderfully written story from Quinn about low-budget experimentation with fusion reactions. (tags: Fusion Energy Science Story) Live map of London Underground trains Interesting mashup showing the trains…

From Schneier on Security

Security Trade-Offs in Crayfish

Security Trade-Offs in Crayfish


The experiments offered the crayfish stark decisions -- a choice between finding their next meal and becoming a meal for an apparent predator. In deciding on a course of action, they carefully weighed the risk of…

From Apophenia

Risky Behaviors and Online Safety: A 2010 Literature Review

Risky Behaviors and Online Safety: A 2010 Literature Review

I’m pleased to announce a rough draft of Risky Behaviors and Online Safety: A 2010 Literature Review for public feedback. This Literature Review was produced for Harvard Berkman Center’s Youth and Media Policy Working Group…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Kodu Game Lab - Classroom Kit

Kodu Game Lab - Classroom Kit

The Kodu team has just released a classroom kit of Kodu resources. If you are thinking about using Kodu either in a summer program or with students in the fall this will be a good place for you to start

A range of lesson…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Bad Times and Good Times in Georgia

Bad Times and Good Times in Georgia

It has been a hard year for computing teachers in Georgia. Many school districts are operating with reduced budgets and have cut teachers. Even though Georgia teachers aren't unionized, the cuts were made based on seniority…