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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2010

From The Eponymous Pickle

DemandTec and Target

DemandTec and Target

We saw DemandTec during their early days as a revenue management system. An impressive and sophisticated approach. Gigaom posts a good article on their work with Target. " .. DemandTec, a retail-forecasting software provider…

From Schneier on Security

The Real Risk: Traffic Deaths

The Real Risk: Traffic Deaths

The New York Times Room for Debate blog did the topic: "Do We Tolerate Too Many Traffic Deaths?"

From Putting People First

Intel transforming lives of senior citizens in 2050

Intel transforming lives of senior citizens in 2050

This month Chip Chick, the site that focuses on technology for women, was invited by Intel to its annual Upgrade Your Life Event where the company presented what it is working on. This feature article updates us on how Intel

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Teaching Reflection

Teaching Reflection

I'm just about finished the Graduate University Teaching Skills Certificate (GUTS) program I took this summer. I also just had the last class of my first time contract instructing. This reflection was an assignment for GUTS…

From Computational Complexity

Foundational ... or simply a curiosity (Guest Post by Vijay Vazarani)

(Guest Post by Vijay Vazirani)

Foundational ... or Simply a Curiosity?

Conventional wisdom has it that whereas linear programs have rational solutions, nonlinear programs have irrational ones. The discovery, in recent…

From Schneier on Security

Buying an ATM Skimmer

Buying an ATM Skimmer


TM skimmers -- or fraud devices that criminals attach to cash machines in a bid to steal and ultimately clone customer bank card data -- are marketed on a surprisingly large number of open forums and Web sites.ATMbrakers…

From Putting People First

The reality of social media

The reality of social media

In this post Adrian Chan “teases apart the objective and subjective dimensions of social media, to examine what

From Putting People First

Don Norman: the Want interview

Don Norman: the Want interview

“The ability to explain complex academic theories in palatable layman

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Multiple Paths into Computer Science

Multiple Paths into Computer Science

This started out as a comment on Mark Guzdial

From CERIAS Blog

Own Your Own Space

Own Your Own Space

I have been friends with Linda McCarthy for many years. As a security strategist she has occupied a number of roles -- running research groups, managing corporate security, writing professional books, serving as a senior consultant…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Scent Branding

Scent Branding

The use of scent was covered nicely in the current Business Week. I have mentioned a number of times our work in the innovation centers installing, testing and measuring the effect of using scent in retail. It's a powerful way…

From Apophenia

Upcoming fieldwork: What do you want to know?

Upcoming fieldwork: What do you want to know?

I’m gearing up for a bunch of new on-the-ground fieldwork and intend to do a host of semi-structured interviews with American teenagers in different parts of the U.S. in the upcoming months. While I talk to teens regularly,…

From Schneier on Security

Cheating on Tests, by the Teachers

Cheating on Tests, by the Teachers

If you give people enough incentive to cheat, people will cheat:

Of all the forms of academic cheating, none may be as startling as educators tampering with children's standardized tests. But investigations in Georgia, Indiana…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 21 June 2010

Interesting Links 21 June 2010

By rough count I went through 160 Tweets to cull out the interesting links for today’s post. It makes me wonder if I tweet too much. Of course for me Twitter is a lot about the conversation which explains a lot of that number…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter Offers Advice for Male Homemakers

Procter Offers Advice for Male Homemakers

Male oriented housekeeping tips from P&G. I have taken a look at it, well done, it is a multi-contributor blog. " ... Procter & Gamble has launched a household tips website for the growing number of American men who have become…

From Computational Complexity

CCC 2010

( Reminder:Deadline for submitting to special issue of Theory of Computing in honor of Rajeev Motwani is July 30. See here. )

CCC 2010!

Ran Raz gave an AWESOME invited talk on Parallel Repetition of two player games…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of June 21

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of June 21

June 22


The Competitiveness, Innovation, and Export Promotion Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee will hold a hearing on American innovation. 2:30 p.m., 253 Russell Building


From My Biased Coin

Colocating Conferences -- What Will It Take?

Colocating Conferences -- What Will It Take?

In the ongoing future of STOC debate, one possibility that seems to have significant support is that we should do more colocation of conferences.  (See Suresh's latest post, for instance.)  That is, rather than expanding STOC…

From Putting People First

On ethnography and balance scorecards

On ethnography and balance scorecards

Twho new articles have been published on the UX Matters site: Ethnography in UX by Nathanael Boehm, user experience and social interaction designer for the Australian Government, Canberra, Australia “In this article, I want to…

From Schneier on Security

AT&T's iPad Security Breach

AT&T's iPad Security Breach

I didn't write about the recent security breach that disclosed tens of thousands of e-mail addresses and ICC-IDs of iPad users because, well, there was nothing terribly interesting about it. It was yet another web security breach…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter at the Shanghai Expo

Procter at the Shanghai Expo

An article about P&G's involvement at the 2010 China Shanghai exposition, now ongoing. More about the expo here.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Where Americans are Moving

Where Americans are Moving

This Forbes feature has received much publicity. Based on IRS data it is a dynamic visualization of US internal migration data. Simple and well done.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Delivering Health: mHealth

Delivering Health: mHealth

Mark Montgomery of Kyield sends along an excellent link:The mHealth RevolutionIndustry insiders offer their insight into the way new technologieswill change how health care is deliveredby Brad M. Pruitt, M.D. .... " . A short…

From The Eponymous Pickle

One Time Display Password

One Time Display Password

StorefrontBackTalk reports that Mastercard is experimenting with a one time use password display. This approach has been used for access to secure resources for some time, but the card used was likely too expensive for general…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Boldly Going NoWhere

Boldly Going NoWhere

From CACM: NASA ends plan to put man back on the moon.

From The Noisy Channel

Gridworks and Needlebase

Gridworks and Needlebase

One of the big challenges of working with heterogeneous data is curating it. Below are introductions to two tools for doing do: Gridworks, developed by David Huynh, Stefano Mazzocchi, and their colleagues at Metaweb, the company…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM's Watson Natural Language System

IBM's Watson Natural Language System

In Mindhacks: Information about IBM's Watson system, which is designed to analyze and answer natural language queries. Also points to a NYT article on the topic, which is worth a read. A long-time artificial intelligence challenge…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Becoming a Design Leader

Becoming a Design Leader

Thoughts on becoming a design leader, by David Sherwin. Nicely put. In the Design Mind blog.

From My Biased Coin

ISIT Day 2 (2010)

ISIT Day 2 (2010)

First, finishing up day 1, the banquet was, as expected, a fairly nondescript affair involving chicken of some sort, which I happily got to spend with a group of people from EPFL (Lausanne), including Reudiger Urbanke.  The big…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Screen Games

Screen Games

Giant Screen social games at events, via Springwise. Why not done remotely as well? I saw a simpler example on the Lake Geneva fountain a number of years ago.