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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2011

From The Eponymous Pickle

Surviving Technological Sea Changes

Surviving Technological Sea Changes

MJ Perry on the survival of IBM during a hundred years of technological changes.

From My Biased Coin

New Books Worth Looking At

New Books Worth Looking At

New books are coming out all the time, but here are two big ones that stick out in my mind (perhaps because I've seen the authors recently). [Feel free to mention others worth noting in the comments.]Recently available (I saw…

From Computer Science Teachers Association



Recently I was asked by a younger teacher, how I allocate my time because he knew that I teach both computer science and mathematics. I never thought much about it prior to his question. I responded to him with, I work on what…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Controlling Swarms of Tiny Robots

Controlling Swarms of Tiny Robots

From IEEE Spctrum: We proposed a variant of this idea years ago.  Unleash a hoard of tiny robotic 'turtles' in a confined space like a warehouse to take inventory, use sensors to sniff out problems,  track individual items for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Web Illiteracy

Web Illiteracy

This ReadWriteWeb piece struck home.  Lately I have been in a number of conversations where I discovered that less is known about operational aspects of the Internet than I thought.  It is a kind of illiteracy that is not always…

From The Eponymous Pickle

About Faces

About Faces

Revisiting About Face: The Secrets of Emotionally Effective Advertising, by Dan Hill. What is more primal than a face?   A good portion of our brains are devoted to interacting with faces.  How can faces be interpreted in terms…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Impact Games

Impact Games

From a colleague:  ...  A company called ImpactGames and it

From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Future of Quantum Computing

On the Future of Quantum Computing

A good description and view of the future of quantum computing, by IBM and others.   In Computerworld: " ... Quantum computers could provide a big boost to technologies that are problematic for conventional computers, such as…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Why Chrome?

Why Chrome?

I wondered about this question.  It just seems much less versatile than other browsers. It is fast.  Is it in  the Chromification of the operating system?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Continuous Web Showcase

Continuous Web Showcase

Attended an excellent Web Startup Showcase today hosted by ContinuousWeb today.  One of the best I have ever seen, with some excellent presenting projects.  Hosted by Joshua Johnson of  local Mindbox Studios.  That company was…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Jeff Bezos on Innovation

Jeff Bezos on Innovation

Be stubborn on the vision and flexible on the details.  Jeff Bezos on innovation in Techdirt

From The Noisy Channel

Foo for Thought

Foo for Thought

Last weekend I had the extraordinary privilege to attend Foo Camp, an annual gathering of about 250 Friends Of O’Reilly (aka Foo). Tim O’Reilly, Sara Winge, and their colleagues have amazing friends, as you can see if you scan…

From Schneier on Security

Fourth SHB Workshop

Fourth SHB Workshop

I'm at SHB 2011, the fourth Interdisciplinary Workshop on Security and Human Behavior, at Carnegie Mellon University. This is a two-day invitational gathering of computer security researchers, psychologists, behavioral economists…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

ITA Software

ITA Software

Remember the electronic reservation system that you used to book your summer vacation this year? Well, in all likelihood, it was powered by information technology from ITA Software — the 450-person, Cambridge, MA-based company…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Barbara Liskov receives an honorary degree from Northwestern

Barbara Liskov receives an honorary degree from Northwestern

… and a shout-out early in Stephen Colbert’s hilarious commencement address. Congratulations Barbara!

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Beautiful Deep-Sea Squid Picture

Friday Squid Blogging: Beautiful Deep-Sea Squid Picture

From the Telegraph (also here).

From Michael Nielsen

Data-driven intelligence

Data-driven intelligence

I’ve started a new blog, on data-driven intelligence. In future, this is where technical posts like my Google Technology Stack posts will go. There are two posts up: A post describing Pregel, Google’s system for implementing…

From Schneier on Security

Horse "No Ride" List

Horse "No Ride" List

Excellent satire.

From Schneier on Security

Court Ruling on "Reasonable" Electronic Banking Security

Court Ruling on "Reasonable" Electronic Banking Security

One of the pleasant side effects of being too busy to write longer blog posts is that -- if I wait long enough -- someone else writes what I would have wanted to.

The ruling in the Patco Construction vs. People's United Bank

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Google Analytics

New Google Analytics

The latest version of Google Analytics now includes new breakdowns of regions in many other parts of the world.   Very useful additional extraction.   See also the Google Analytics blog for more useful information, training and…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

On Telling the World My Life is About to Change

On Telling the World My Life is About to Change

I recently unleashed the following announcement to Facebook and Twitter:

Pregnant. by rui guerra
That's right! I'm expecting!I have been saving up that geeky little announcement for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Internet of Things

Internet of Things

A good overview article in the BBC on the Internet of Things.  Really a relatively old idea that we explored with MIT with such ideas like replacing the bar code with RFID tags.   Has this changed with the flurry of solutions…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Call for Papers: Collective Intelligence 2012

Call for Papers:  Collective Intelligence 2012

Tom Malone and Luis von Ahn — with funding from the

From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-06-17

links for 2011-06-17

NZOSS Wins Patent Opposition So Microsoft doesn't have a patent on XML in document processing in New Zealand. Excellent result for the New Zealand Open Source Society here – congratulations to everyone who has been involved over…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Marketing Rules

Mobile Marketing Rules

Well put:  4 Rules of engagement for mobile marketing.    Author Carla Paschke ... is Director of Mobile Innovation at Engaugewhere she is responsible for providing best-in-class mobile strategies for clients, including Coca-Cola…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowdsourcing to Create Metadata

Crowdsourcing to Create Metadata

Tagging images is one of the oldest crowdsourcing applications of constructing metadata...Dartmouth College researchers have developed Metadata Games, an experiment that uses crowdsourcing to create archival metadata. The researchers…

From My Biased Coin

NSF Changing Broader Impacts

NSF Changing Broader Impacts

The NSF is changing its description of its merit criteria -- specifically, what the Broader Impacts criteria will be.  The details are still being worked out, and comments are being collected until July 14.  More informationthis…

From Schneier on Security

The Decline of al Qaeda

The Decline of al Qaeda

Interesting essay.

From My Biased Coin

Dr. Georgios Zervas

Dr. Georgios Zervas

Congratulations to Georgios (alternatively, Giorgos), who defended his thesis today.*  (There's still some paperwork to get in, but we drank the champagne afterward, so I'm calling it official.)  He gave a great presentationan…

From The Eponymous Pickle

In Search of Structure

In Search of Structure

Searching for data structure, From the Noisy Channel by Daniel Tunkelang.  Some discussuib and lots of links about making data more useful.

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