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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2011

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Want to Earn $50K?

Want to Earn $50K?

A couple of very interesting prize-based competitions have been announced in the past week. The first — with Vint Cerf, U.S. Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra, and former Congressman Tom Davis among the judges

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Kinect SDK

Kinect SDK

Finally! The officially supported Kinect Software Developer Kit for the Kinect Device for Windows is now available. Kinect SDK download. To help you get started there are also the Kinect QuickStarts. What do you get?


From Apophenia

In a cultural context where Congressman Anthony Weiner foolishly published salacious content on Twitter, it’s hard to ignore sexting as a cultural phenomenon. Countless adults send sexually explicit content to one another, either…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A new National Science and Technology Council report released Monday

From Wild WebMink

The FT and the App Trap

The FT and the App Trap

I got an e-mail from the Financial Times yesterday, announcing their new “FT App”. That sounded unusual; after all, the FT has had an iPad/iPhone app for some time. I took a look, and found the whole world of mobile publishing…

From Computational Complexity

Theory Jobs 2011

The computer science job market never comes to a complete close. CI Fellows are still being decided, Oxford is just starting its search for an algorithms professor. But many jobs have settled so it is time for our annual list…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Collaboration as an Intangible Asset

Collaboration as an Intangible Asset

In the Harvard Bogs:   Not so intangible, I say. Today though it can be done in ways that were not possible formerly.    In a conversation I had yesterday we discussed how even casual social interconnections were starting toCollaboration…

From Schneier on Security

Threat Models Colliding at Movie-Theater Projectors

Threat Models Colliding at Movie-Theater Projectors


From Putting People First

SEE Conference report by Mark Vanderbeeken

SEE Conference report by Mark Vanderbeeken

On 29 March, Experientia partner Mark Vanderbeeken chaired the European SEE Conference on integrating design into regional and national policies. The high-level conference, which also featured Peter Dr


New SQL: An Alternative to NoSQL and Old SQL For New OLTP Apps

New SQL: An Alternative to NoSQL and Old SQL For New OLTP Apps

New SQL should be considered as an alternative to NoSQL or Old SQL for New OLTP applications. If New OLTP is as big a market as I foresee, we will see many more New SQL engines employing a variety of architectures in the near…

From Putting People First

Book: What

Book: What

What’s Mine Is Yours: How Collaborative Consumption is Changing the Way We Live by Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers Collins, 2011 304 pages In the 20th century humanity consumed products faster than ever, but this way of living…

From Putting People First

Shareable: Share or Die [new e-book]

Shareable: Share or Die [new e-book]

Share or Die is the first collection of writing from Generation Y about post-college work and life in the 21st Century. “It contains nearly 30 essays, cartoons, instructional how-to’s, and guides from Shareable contributors.…

From Putting People First

Open Source Architecture (OSArc)

Open Source Architecture (OSArc)

Domus Magazine has published an op-ed advocating a different approach to designing space – to succeed the single-author model – that includes tools from disparate sources to create new paradigms for thinking and building The…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart and Social Commerce

Wal-Mart and Social Commerce

Interesting piece on the direction that Wal-Mart is taking after their recent social networking acquisition. I agree with the author that this is very important to watch. WM has access to large databases of how shoppers act…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pads are Selling Fast

Pads are Selling Fast

Tablets are the fastest selling consumer tech devices in history: From the Official Google CPG Blog.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Following up on an article about rising enrollments in computer science this past Saturday,

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Robots and Android Apps and PR

Robots and Android Apps and PR

This year, after the AP Computer Science exam, I gave my students a choice: robots or Android Apps. In April, my order of Scribbler 2 robots came in. I've used them in a summer program I teach in (California State Summer School…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Turning Work into Play

Turning Work into Play

A Mashable infographic. An illustration of game mechanics at work. Where exactly will it work?

From Schneier on Security

WEIS 2011

WEIS 2011

I'm at the Tenth Workshop on Economics of Information Security (WEIS 2011) , at George Mason University. Most of the papers are online, and Ross Anderson is liveblogging the talks.

From Schneier on Security

Malware in Google's Android

Malware in Google's Android

This is not a good development.

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

What I'm Asking My Arts and Social Sciences Students to Know

What I'm Asking My Arts and Social Sciences Students to Know

There are just two more days of class left for my Introduction to Computers for Arts and Social Sciences course.  In each of these classes, there is a quiz for students to write.  I wanted to share the first three quizzes they've…

From Putting People First

In the fight for better experiences, are you winning or losing?

In the fight for better experiences, are you winning or losing?

UX Magazine attended the 2011 IA Summit in Denver this year to interview conference speakers and attendees. In this video, 15 interviewees respond to the question: In the fight for better experiences, are you winning or losing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Prepares 3D Enabled Detergent Launch

P&G Prepares 3D Enabled Detergent Launch

Procter is preparing a global launch of Ariel Detergent.  The new version of the product was developed using 3D technology to attack stains.  The company will also use 3-D in the marketing campaigns for the product. More …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Barriers to Finding Knowledge

Barriers to Finding Knowledge

The Google blog on knocking down barriers to mobile search.  Addressing Speed, voice and images.  I find myself doing more and more mobile search.   Yet rarely use voice or images to search with today.  Or find that the search…

From Putting People First

Measuring national happiness

Measuring national happiness

Your Better Life Index is an interactive tool that allows you to see how countries perform according to the importance you give to each of 11 topics

From The Eponymous Pickle

What is Knowledge

What is Knowledge

Malcolm Chisholm looks at Knowledge.  What are vendors trying to sell me when they market knowledge management?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Critical Look at Gamification

Critical Look at Gamification

A good look at the issues about gamification.   We discovered a number of these in out own explorations.   Worth thinking about for anyone interested in the idea.  There are credible players out there now that can help you do…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-06-15

links for 2011-06-15

First TDF Advisory Board members demonstrate wide corporate support for LibreOffice The Document Foundation continues its steady progress with news of a Gnome-style Advisory Board – which also presumably means the companies involved…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

AHRQ Calling for Health IT Research Proposals

AHRQ Calling for Health IT Research Proposals

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has issued several solicitations in recent weeks focused on health information technology R&D. AHRQ appears to be taking…

From Schneier on Security

The Non-Anonymity of Bubble Forms

The Non-Anonymity of Bubble Forms

It turns out that "fill-in-the-bubble" forms are not so anonymous.

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