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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2011

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Is Internet Education the Answer

Is Internet Education the Answer

A friend sent me a link to this inforgraphic  about Internet education. I have mixed feelings about all this. I am ok with distance learning – where the lecture is live and interactive just remote. I’ve done some of that andMultiplication…

From Computational Complexity

FCRC 2011. Part I of... maybe I, maybe more.

I do not log on at conferences so I came back to 400 emails. Exactly 400- not sure how I managed that. TODAY I am posting about a few things from FCRC, I may post more next week as I remember them. CCC finally no longer has…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog



A quick break from the usual sorts of posts in this space: The Computing Community Consortium launched this blog three years ago as a way to promote discussion — about research directions, funding programs, etc. — throughout…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The language interpreters are the new machines

The language interpreters are the new machines

Most Computer Science textbooks assume that algorithms are written directly into machine language for an idealized machine under a Von Neumann architecture. Alas, at best, these idealized models provide “ballpark” guidance to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Consmr Rates Package Goods

Consmr Rates Package Goods

A new service, Consmr hopes to be the Yelp of Consumer Packaged Goods.  The name is somewhat hard to follow.  Also, how much rating is actually done for these types of cheap goods?  More than you think, I know of several services…

From Schneier on Security

Status Report on the War on Photography

Status Report on the War on Photography

Worth reading: Morgan Leigh Manning, "Less than Picture Perfect: The Legal Relationship between Photographers' Rights and Law Enforcement," Tennessee Law Review, Vol. 78, p. 105, 2010.

Abstract: Threats to national security…

From The Eponymous Pickle



Stephen Few looks at the data visualization vendor Panopticon.   Took a brief look at them some time back, and they are certainly worth a closer examination.  As he suggests, in the past they have mainly been working with Financials…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mismeasure of Man is UnBiased

Mismeasure of Man is UnBiased

In the NYT: Have read with great interest the books of Stephen J Gould for years.  Now one of his most famous findings, in the Mismeasure of Man, turns out to be incorrect based on repeated modern measurements.   Ironically flipping the…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Back in late April, the CCC announced a call for short videos describing exciting research and results in computer science — with the goal of communicating to undergraduates what computing research is all about. Today I’m pleased…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM's 100th Anniversary

IBM's 100th Anniversary

In school I was offered a job working with IBM on disk drive analysis, but I went in another direction.  In my first enterprise job I worked with their optimization software to locate plants and improve warehouse operation. they…

From Putting People First

Experientia wins Italian National Prize for Innovation in Services

Experientia wins Italian National Prize for Innovation in Services

Experientia wins Italian National Prize for Innovation in Services, sponsored by the Italian government and Confcommercio. The President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, awards the prize.  Rome, Tuesday 14 June 2011 Today…

From Putting People First

Experientia vince il Premio Nazionale per l

Experientia vince il Premio Nazionale per l

Experientia vince la terza edizione del Premio Nazionale per l

From Schneier on Security

Yet Another Way to Evade TSA's Full-Body Scanners

Yet Another Way to Evade TSA's Full-Body Scanners

Last night, at the Third EPIC Champion of Freedom Awards Dinner, we gave an award to Susie Castillo, whose blog post and video of her treatment in the hands of the TSA has inspired thousands to complain about the agency and their…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Analytics at IBM

Future of Analytics at IBM

In Technology Review: IBM researchers are working on systems that can analyze data to tell businesses eactly what action to take ...Visiting artificial intelligence again, twenty years later, but avoiding the term.

From Wild WebMink

? OpenOffice.Org and the LibreOffice Imperative

? OpenOffice.Org and the LibreOffice Imperative

As expected, the Apache Software Foundation took the first steps to admitting the project to the Apache community, following Oracle’s IBM-designed proposal. It now faces a time of maturing and proving in Apache’s…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

US Kodu Cup Winners Announced (2011)

US Kodu Cup Winners Announced (2011)

Yesterday the Unlimited Potential team announced the winners of the inaugural US Kodu Cup competition.

Today we are announcing the winners of the first U.S. Kodu Cup. It’s a competition that challenged kids across the United…

From Wild WebMink

? New Cat

? New Cat

It was with huge sadness that we discovered last month that our cat Toby had died suddenly in a neighbour’s garden. He was in perfect condition. He had breakfast, went out to prowl in the sunshine and the next thing we knew was…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Learning Management System

Social Learning Management System

A few weeks ago took a look at  an example of a learning management system that had a social component. Here is another that was pointed out to me Interactyx:  " ...Interactyx Limited provides social eLearning software solutions…

From My Biased Coin

NY Times on Computing

NY Times on Computing

A couple of days ago there was a NY Times article on computing being cool (again), including a shout-out to Harvard's own CS 50 and of course the Social Network.Matt Welsh has a take on it, but please also look for my comment…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Stanford Spatial History Project

Stanford Spatial History Project

Fascinating work at Stanford.   Another example of how visualization can me used to organize and gain insight from very complex data.  Always wanted to do this kind pattern discovery in the enterprise.  Today we have the tools…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of June 13

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of June 13

June 14 Conference: The Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference takes place (continues through June 16) Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. June 15 Hearing: The Commerce, Trade and…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

There’s a very timely story in today’s Boston Globe featuring the work of Michael Zink and his colleagues at UMass-Amherst, who are developing — with funding from the NSF — a better severe weather warning system that gives geographically…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IEEE Computer on Smart Cities

IEEE Computer on Smart Cities

The June 2011 issue of IEEE Computer is devoted to the topic of Smart Cities.   The individual articles are not online yet.  The topic, pioneered by IBM, is instructional in that it shows how very large entities that naturally…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Information Literacy

Information Literacy

The Information Literacy Blog highlights the first online issue of the Journal of Information Literacy.  Which is  "the adoption of appropriate information behaviour to identify, through whatever channel or medium, information…

From The Eponymous Pickle

LinkedIn's InMaps

LinkedIn's InMaps

I took a look at LinkedIn's InMaps visualization of my own business  connection network when it first came out.  A remarkable view of all those people.  Nothing very surprising,  A very big cluster around my long time enterprise…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Science of Retail Analytics

Science of Retail Analytics

Rccently brought to my attention as part of a study looking at CPG analytics:Timestar Technologies,  ... helps leading consumer packaged goods companies grow sales at retail with breakthrough analytics that optimize assortment…

From Schneier on Security

Why it's So Difficult to Trace Cyber-Attacks

Why it's So Difficult to Trace Cyber-Attacks

I've been asked this question by countless reporters in the past couple of weeks. Here's a good explanation. Shorter answer: it's easy to spoof source destination, and it's easy to hijack unsuspecting middlemen and use them…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links Post 13 June 2011

Interesting Links Post 13 June 2011

I spent part of this weekend installing new kitchen cabinets. Not all of us computer geeks are afraid of hand tools and physical labor. On the other hand I


Long Live Incremental Research!

Long Live Incremental Research!

Break through!” clamor the funding agencies, which scorn “incremental” research. Sure, every human being needs hype; in truth, though, almost all research—good research included—is incremental.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Paypal as an in Store Option

Paypal as an in Store Option

Indications that PayPal may be coming as an option in physical retail stores.

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