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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2012

From The Noisy Channel

Visual Search Startup Modista Is Back!

Visual Search Startup Modista Is Back!

Long-time readers know that I’m a great fan of visual search startup

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Youtube for Books

A Youtube for Books

Now in Beta, called Widbook, a YouTube like play for creating, reading and sharing books. " ... Book lovers and authors can share stories with others in their social networks, as well as create digital bookshelves to peruse.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Prezi Presentations Re-Examined

Prezi Presentations Re-Examined

Another look at Prezi, the zooming interface.  I see there is now an iPad viewer that lets it work outside of Flash.  A little akin to 'dynamic' transitions in Powerpoint sides, but more interesting.  Attention grabbing, butGood…

From Putting People First

New York Times Magazine

New York Times Magazine

The annual Innovations Issue of the New York Times Magazine arrives this Sunday. Two highlights: 32 Innovations That Will Change Your Tomorrow An abridged guide to the many ways that your day is about to get better. 15. The Kindness…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Beginning at 1pm EDT this afternoon, the World Science Festival — an annual celebration and exploration of science, culture, and art that’s taking place all across New York City this week

From Putting People First

US Veterans Administration launches iPad patient study on tablet use

US Veterans Administration launches iPad patient study on tablet use

The US Veterans Administration has announced it has created an initiative aimed at studying the benefits associated with the use of mhealth apps and tablet devices to improve and coordinate care between physicians, veterans and…

From Putting People First

Interactions Magazine is (nearly) fully online, archives included

Interactions Magazine is (nearly) fully online, archives included

Somehow I hadn’t noticed but Interactions Magazine is now (nearly) fully online. As far as I could discover (nothing is explained, sic), only some of the current year’s articles are fully available. Yet all the previous issues…

From Putting People First

MA thesis: Service Design in the Age of Collaboration

MA thesis: Service Design in the Age of Collaboration

MA thesis by Veronica Bluguermann in collaboration with Nokia, presented as part of the graduation requirements of the Industrial and Strategic Design Programme of Aalto University’s Department of Design. Not so long ago, cell…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

New CSTA K-8 CS Resource

New CSTA K-8 CS Resource

My how CS things have changed in the last 10 years! K-8 computer science was barely a twinkle in the eye of a few dedicated CSTA members, and look at us now! CS in the elementary/primary and middle school environment is viewed…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Proud Simons

Help get the new institute rolling (src) Dick Karp is now the director of the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing. Today Ken and I are going to do something that we rarely do. Well hardly ever do. Okay we have done it…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Mimicking Squid Camouflage

Friday Squid Blogging: Mimicking Squid Camouflage


Cephalopods - squid, cuttlefish and octopuses - change colour by using tiny muscles in their skins to stretch out small sacs of black colouration. These sacs are located in the animal's skin cells, and when a cell…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Mini-Course 2012: What Made Them Want to Try Computer Science?

Mini-Course 2012: What Made Them Want to Try Computer Science?

Each year, I like to share some of the results from the surveys I give out at the beginning and end of my mini-course (see also info from 2010 and 2011.).  They help give insight into what the current generation of middle school…

From Schneier on Security

Obama's Role in Stuxnet and Iranian Cyberattacks

Obama's Role in Stuxnet and Iranian Cyberattacks

Really interesting article.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowd Sourcing Missing People

Crowd Sourcing Missing People

Had a meeting with a company, Videolocators, which is crowdsourcing the finding of missing children.   A clever approach that combines text, video and the use of targeted Google Adwords to make an efficient engagement technique…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Goodies Sampling Subscription Program

Wal-Mart Goodies Sampling Subscription Program

In Adage:   A clever idea for online engagement from Wal-Mart. " ...'s march to catch Amazon in e-commerce and integrate online and offline offerings is entering some new fronts and generating sometimes surprising…

From Wild WebMink

GPL Cops

GPL Cops

The folks at the Software Freedom Conservancy were good enough to spend time with me discussing their work on GPL enforcement and sent me this week’s news in advance so I could think about it. My concern for a while has been…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Agent-Based Modeling

Agent-Based Modeling

Gib Bassett sends along this interesting link about agent based simulation.  We actively worked in this space for years.  Agent-Based Modeling and Large-Scale Simulation with Shared Memory

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Windows 8 Release Preview Released

Windows 8 Release Preview Released

Yesterday Microsoft announced that Windows 8 Release Preview is now available for download in 14 languages. This is the final pre-release, and includes Windows 8, Internet Explorer 10, new Windows 8 apps for connecting to Hotmail…

From Schneier on Security

The Vulnerabilities Market and the Future of Security

The Vulnerabilities Market and the Future of Security

Recently, there have been several articles about the new market in zero-day exploits: new and unpatched computer vulnerabilities. It's not just software companies, who sometimes pay bounties to researchers who alert them of …

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Early Details About DARPA

Early Details About DARPA

A number of news outlets have begun covering Plan X, a new five-year, $110 million cyberwarfare research program that the

From Putting People First

Ethnographic research in a world of big data

Ethnographic research in a world of big data

Reacting to the Wired Magazine article that suggests that

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