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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2014

From The Eponymous Pickle

Midmarket Business and the Cloud: Reshaping the World of Business

Midmarket Business and the Cloud: Reshaping the World of Business

Participated in this conference call yesterday. Reshaping the World of Business  Nicely done.  The speakers brought their experiences forward.   I followed with a number of tweet and retweets at #SMB4cloud which were spread through…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Supply Chain is a Step to Profit

Supply Chain is a Step to Profit

A key to increasing Profit.  In Industry Week." ...Supply chain optimization and supplier management are important steps toward boosting profit. Companies can get more value from supplier relationships by negotiating lower costs…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Essential Hadoop Tools

Essential Hadoop Tools

Some essential Hadoop tools.  An introductory slideshow, which is useful for the beginner. And a useful explanatory overview " ... .While many refer to the entire constellation of map and reduce tools as Hadoop, there's still…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What Does Math Look Like in 3D?

What Does Math Look Like in 3D?

In Wired:  An early interest, probably the first thing I wrote about, long before blogs, always hoped there would be practical applications, but never found one.  My first computer project was was doing projections of equations…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

June 27 Congressional Briefing on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Aereo Decision

June 27 Congressional Briefing on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Aereo Decision

Tomorrow, the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee will hold a lunch briefing responsive to yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in American Broadcasting Cos. v. Aereo, Inc.. The event is open to the public. Advance…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Microsoft Researchers Use Reconfigurable Hardware (FPGAs) to Accelerate Production Web Search

Microsoft Researchers Use Reconfigurable Hardware (FPGAs) to Accelerate Production Web Search

The following is a special contribution to this blog by by CCC Executive Council Member Mark D. Hill of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Times they are a changing. In the 20th century many researchers and companies innovated…

From Schneier on Security

More on Hacking Team's Government Spying Software

More on Hacking Team's Government Spying Software

Hacking Team is an Italian malware company that sells exploit tools to governments. Both Kaspersky Lab and Citizen Lab have published detailed reports on its capabilities against Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry smart…

From Computational Complexity

Computer Dating

My brother went through his old stuff cleaning out his apartment in New York and stumbled upon the 1981 computer dating questionnaire I wrote in high school. Forgive the dated and adolescent nature of the questions.


From The Eponymous Pickle

Intel Capturing Mood

Intel Capturing Mood

In CW: I have been introduced to some efforts by Intel in the retail interaction space, this has interesting applications in engagement and interaction.   More in this blog on Intel.Intel's RealSense 3D tablet cameras will determine…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IARPA Seeking Brain-like Algorithms

IARPA Seeking Brain-like Algorithms

In CACM:  Interesting take.  I am always skeptical when a requirement to be 'brain like', is included.  It is an option, but not the only option, or even the best inspiration:" ... The U.S. Office of the Director of National…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Where are the Retail Data Scientists?

Where are the Retail Data Scientists?

I would like to see more coverage in the retail data world.  We had and still have many practitioners, just not called 'data scientists'.  Some very good points on where the data is coming from and how it is being used today.

From The Eponymous Pickle

No Such Thing as Unstructured Data? Define it With Care.

No Such Thing as Unstructured Data?  Define it With Care.

Right,  the term is broadly used.  It really means in many cases 'not structured enough for the purpose at hand'.  In a recent architecture project fo BI it meant 'not in a corporately managed database'.  In other cases it means…

From Schneier on Security

Pepper Spray Drones

Pepper Spray Drones

Coming soon to a protest near you: drones that fire pepper spray bullets. Desert Wolf's website states that its Skunk octacopter drone is fitted with four high-capacity paintball barrels, each capable of firing up to 20 bullets…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Solving Word Problems

Solving Word Problems

We used this as a test problem while teaching textual language AI, has it progressed? At least from my very cursory look at the examples, yes.  But is it good enough to be practical in natural language problems?  At MIT:" ..…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Releases Toolkit to Highlight Investments

NSF Releases Toolkit to Highlight Investments

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has recently released a toolkit that describes NSF’s investment in fundamental research. It has infographics, fact sheets, brochures, and a video on NSF’s merit review process.  One of the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Stealing Data from Phones

Stealing Data from Phones

In Wired:  A disconcerting piece about how law enforcement and governments are gathering data directly from mobile phone.   " ... Newly uncovered components of a digital surveillance tool used by more than 60 governments worldwide…


ACM-ICPC World Finals: St. Petersburg State U­niversity Wins!

ACM-ICPC World Finals: St. Petersburg State U­niversity Wins!

St. Petersburg State University wins a thrilling ACM-ICPC World Finals, solving seven problems to win the contest on home soil in Ekaterinburg, Russia!

From Schneier on Security

Risks of Not Understanding a One-Way Function

Risks of Not Understanding a One-Way Function

New York City officials anonymized license plate data by hashing the individual plate numbers with MD5. (I know, they shouldn't have used MD5, but ignore that for a moment.) Because they didn't attach long random strings to the…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Information and Knowledge

Information and Knowledge

The cartoon below by Hugh Mac­Leod is one of the most shared of his images on  the Internet. I have to say I see something different in it every time I view it. Recently I saw it as showing the difference between teaching a programming…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Need a HoloDeck?

Need a HoloDeck?

Via Metaio.  " .... Metaio, the world leader in Augmented Reality (AR) software and solutions today revealed its 6D Holodeck technology that places virtual environments directly in the real world allowing smartphone users toVideo…

From Schneier on Security

Could Keith Alexander's Advice Possibly Be Worth $600K a Month?

Could Keith Alexander's Advice Possibly Be Worth $600K a Month?

Ex-NSA director Keith Alexander has his own consulting company: IronNet Cybersecurity Inc. His advice does not come cheap: Alexander offered to provide advice to Sifma for $1 million a month, according to two people briefed on…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ad Agencies Want Innovations

Ad Agencies Want Innovations

In Adage: Ad agencies are now seeking more than just Ad ideas. For additional revenue streams " ...  Ad Ideas? RFPs Morph Into Requests for Innovation, Products ... "

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cyber Defense Requires Culture

Cyber Defense Requires Culture

In CACM:  Former NSA chief says culture not technology key to cyber defense.  I really don't see our culture going that way.   If anything a sense of personal responsibility is diminishing,  edged that way by technology.    Links…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Looking for Indoor GPS

Looking for Indoor GPS

A long time goal.  Some of the research generally  described here.  Completely personalized navigation indoors is still not here. Coming to an office this morning it took fifteen minutes to get a Wifi connection.  Useless for…


The ACM-ICPC World Finals: How to Watch from Home

The ACM-ICPC World Finals: How to Watch from Home

Not traveling to Ekaterinburg for tomorrow's ACM-ICPC World Finals? Fear not!

From The Eponymous Pickle

Downside of Personalization

Downside of Personalization

Interesting view.  Via Linkedin.  To what degree are we benefited versus being exploited?  Most of this is obvious, but the measures of each are not there. I would like to see it better understood.

From Schneier on Security

Quadrennial Homeland Security Review

Quadrennial Homeland Security Review

The second Quadrennial Homeland Security Review has been published by the Department of Homeland Security. At 100+ pages, I'm not going to be reading it, but I am curious if there's anything interesting in it....

From Schneier on Security

Defending Against Algorithm Substitution Attacks

Defending Against Algorithm Substitution Attacks

Interesting paper: M. Bellare, K. Paterson, and P. Rogaway, "Security of Symmetric Encryption against Mass Surveillance." Abstract: Motivated by revelations concerning population-wide surveillance of encrypted communications,…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The More Languages Change The More They Stay The Same

The More Languages Change The More They Stay The Same

One of the links in yesterday’s interesting links post was to a fun questionnaire for computer science people. Guess the Programming Language asks you to identify programming languages from a small snippet of code. two of the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wolfram Programming Cloud

Wolfram Programming Cloud

Attended today the announcement of the Wolfram Programming Cloud. This embodies the ability to create public and private clouds using the Wolfram programming language.  It uses the Wolfram Alpha AI and natural language capabilities…