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Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2015

From insideHPC

Sandia’s Z machine Helps Pinpoint Age of Saturn

Sandia’s Z machine Helps Pinpoint Age of Saturn

How old is Saturn? Researchers are using Sandia's Z machine to find out.

The post Sandia’s Z machine Helps Pinpoint Age of Saturn appeared first on insideHPC.

From insideHPC

Video: 1.68 Petaflop Prometheus Supercomputer Comes to Cyfronet

Video: 1.68 Petaflop Prometheus Supercomputer Comes to Cyfronet

In this video, officials from Cyfronet describe Prometheus, a new HP Apollo 8000 supercomputer with 1.68 Petaflops of peak performance.

The post Video: 1.68 Petaflop Prometheus Supercomputer Comes to Cyfronet appeared first on…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft's Hololens to Orbit

Microsoft's Hololens to Orbit

In CWorld: Good to see the space station to be used as a sandbox for this kind of application.   Complexity, mobile, wearable, hands free and knowledge intensive. Should learn from this experience.

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Car with Gesture Control

A Car with Gesture Control

In Wired: Until we take the big step to autonomous driving,   You do wonder where all the user interface technology will go.  Here a high end BMW adds gesture control to voice.  Still not used to generally flapping my hands for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Gamification Taps into What Makes Us Human

How Gamification Taps into What Makes Us Human

An interview in K@W.   In the midst of reading this book.  Quite a goal, which I agree is difficult." ... In their new book The Gamification Toolkit: Dynamics Mechanics, and Components for the Win, Wharton legal studies and business…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Source, In Memory Computing

Open Source, In Memory Computing

A trend?    " ... Following through on a promise to open-source its data analysis software, Pivotal has released the source code that powers its GemFire in-memory database.   ... Opening up the code could give enterprise customers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Brightens Black Box of R&D

Digital Brightens Black Box of R&D

In McKinsey:  Very true, but how do you apply the analytics to understand what you are seeing?Brightening the black box of R&DAn all-in-one, one-for-all formula to determine R&D’s productivity can help companies see how wellThe…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Description of Blog and Work

Description of Blog and Work

I have been running a public blog since I was at Procter & Gamble in 2000.  It covers advanced digital innovation topics.  Often what we were experimenting with, but also a what we were tracking to understand and explore along…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Game Theory and Innovation

Game Theory and Innovation

In Cisco Blog: On game theory and innovation.  Had never thought of this quite this way.  Innovation is an industry, though managing it well can be difficult.

From The Eponymous Pickle

There is a need for Not Google Glass

There is a need for Not Google Glass

There is a market for hands free applications, with easy to wear,  inobtrusive ways to view.  We tested applications.   So the 'failure' of Google Glass may teach us something about what works and what does not, here an example…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Teradata Aster

Teradata Aster

An overvew of Teradata Aster and their community.  We visited Aster at a trip to Stanford in around 2010, before their acquisition by Teradata.  A number of integrated products and solutions.  I am now revisiting. Installed Aster…

From insideHPC

Video: Supercomputing the Human Brain at Jülich

Video: Supercomputing the Human Brain at Jülich

In this video, Prof. Dr. Dirk Pleiter from the Jülich Supercomputing Centre describes how Jülich is creating a 3D model of the human brain. "Jülich Supercomputing Centre, one of the largest research center in Germany, uses Lenovo…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Grid Engineer at Open Systems Technologies

Job of the Week: HPC Grid Engineer at Open Systems Technologies

Open Systems Technologies in New York City is seeking an HPC Grid Engineer in our Job of the Week.

The post Job of the Week: HPC Grid Engineer at Open Systems Technologies appeared first on insideHPC.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Power BI no Tableau yet

Power BI no Tableau yet

A friend is continuing to take a closer look at Microsoft's Power BI, and I am following.  A means for doing simple data visualization starting with Excel tables.  Good impressions so far, continuing to evolve.  Worth a look,…

From Putting People First

Designing for behavior as the critical path for patient engagement

Designing for behavior as the critical path for patient engagement

Forget about features, design behaviors. Tying strategic behavior design to engagement outcomes will lead to more pratical and digitally relevant solutions, writes behavioral scientist Steph Habif in a conversation piece on the…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Classic Gary Larson Squid Cartoon

Friday Squid Blogging: Classic Gary Larson Squid Cartoon

I have always liked this one. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From Schneier on Security

Other GCHQ News from Snowden

Other GCHQ News from Snowden

There are two other Snowden stories this week about GCHQ: one about its hacking practices, and the other about its propaganda and psychology research. The second is particularly disturbing: While some of the unit's activities…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The case for techno-optimism

The case for techno-optimism

I define techno-optimism as the belief that technology makes us healthier, richer and smarter at an accelerated rate. Anyone working in information technology cannot help but to be a bit techno-optimist. My wife’s latest Samsung…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Nurse, Professional Assistant

Virtual Nurse, Professional Assistant

More from,   Professional assistants.MindMeld & Launch Breakthrough "Virtual Nurse" SolutionThis week, MindMeld is thrilled to announce our partnership with the technology company and the launch…

From insideHPC

HPC News Bytes for Friday, June 26

HPC News Bytes for Friday, June 26

While we're always on the lookout for HPC news, not everything makes it to the front page. Notable items from this week include new benchmarks for 100GB Ethernet, the Open MPI roadmap, and Docker containers.

The post HPC News…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on WordNet

More on WordNet

A short piece on the origins of the semantic ontology called Wordnet.  Remarkable and free resource to pull help you pull apart aspects of natural language.  We used it as a knowledge base for a tag analysis application.

From insideHPC

Video: Supercomputing Exoplanets

Video: Supercomputing Exoplanets

Astronomers Erika Nesvold (UMBC) and Marc Kuchner (NASA Goddard) essentially created a virtual Beta Pictoris in the computer and watched it evolve over millions of years. It is the first full 3-D model of a debris disk where …

From insideHPC

Mellanox Benchmarks Ceph on 100Gb Ethernet

Mellanox Benchmarks Ceph on 100Gb Ethernet

Today Mellanox announced a set of 100Gb/s network storage performance benchmark results for Red Hat Ceph Storage and Red Hat Gluster Storage.

The post Mellanox Benchmarks Ceph on 100Gb Ethernet appeared first on insideHPC.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Expands Echo Ecosystem

Amazon Expands Echo Ecosystem

In ZDNet: ​" ... Amazon throws in $100 million, developer tools to open Echo's Alexa ecosystem ... The technology behind Amazon's Echo is being opened up to developers and third party hardware vendors as the e-commerce giantVia…

From insideHPC

Time to Unite Exascale and Big Data

Time to Unite Exascale and Big Data

In this video, Dan Reed from the University of Iowa describes the era of Exascale Computing and Big Data. In a recent paper co-authored with Jack Dongarra, Reed makes an impassioned plea for hardware and software integration …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Healthcare Data Lakes

Healthcare Data Lakes

Via Michael Thompson ...Data Lakes in Health care."Intel recently showcased a Semantic Data Lake for healthcare at HIMSS 2015, the largest healthcare IT conference in the US. This data lake is built in collaboration between Franz…

From Schneier on Security

NSA and GCHQ Attacked Antivirus Companies

NSA and GCHQ Attacked Antivirus Companies

On Monday, the Intercept published a new story from the Snowden documents: The spy agencies have reverse engineered software products, sometimes under questionable legal authority, and monitored web and email traffic in order…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Analytics: Full Potential

Watson Analytics: Full Potential

An infographic on the full potential of Watson Analytics,

From The Eponymous Pickle

Networking Intelligently

Networking Intelligently

Networking Intelligently in an Over-connected WorldErica Dhawan discusses her new book and what she and coauthor Saj-nicole Joni call “the power of connectional intelligence.”  ... '

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

We Say Branches And You Say Choices

You like tomato and I like tomahto Oded Green, Marat Dukhan, and Richard Vuduc are researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology—my home institution. They recently presented a paper at the Federated Conference titled, “Branch…