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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2015

From The Eponymous Pickle

Global IT Trends Research

Global IT Trends Research

Excellent report on IT trends, via Jerry Luftus.

From The Eponymous Pickle

McKinsey: Digital Hives: Creating A Surge Around Change

McKinsey: Digital Hives: Creating A Surge Around Change

" ....  Leading-edge digital platforms similarly take center stage in Arne Gast and Raul Lansink’s “Digital hives: Creating a surge around change.” Based on four case studies, the article illustrates how executives can harness…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Get Global R&D

Get Global R&D

In HBR:   Local R&D is not enough for global." ... In order to expand, digital businesses need to pivot to new and promising growth areas. Often that means making forays into new fields and taking on seemingly intractable business…

From Schneier on Security

Yet Another Leaker -- with the NSA's French Intercepts

Yet Another Leaker -- with the NSA's French Intercepts

Wikileaks has published some NSA SIGINT documents describing intercepted French government communications. This seems not be from the Snowden documents. It could be one of the other NSA leakers, or it could be someone else entirely…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What will go if we teach CS?

What will go if we teach CS?

It’s a constant question that comes up when we talk about adding (more) computer science to K-12 curriculum. Katie O'Shaughnessey talked about it in her excellent post Day -1: #cs50bootcamp: It’s all about scheduling in schools…

From insideHPC

Materials Discovery by Computation – a Revolution Still in the Making

Materials Discovery by Computation – a Revolution Still in the Making

"We will describe recent progress and successes obtained in predicting properties of matter by quantum simulations, and discuss algorithmic challenges in connection with the use of evolving high-performance computing architectures…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Kitchen

Digital Kitchen

Google Think on the Digital Kitchen.   Another clear place for the virtual/personal assistant.  Have tested many in that room.  But its much more than just about Millennials.   Food Hacking, Aligning Micro moments, Using Micro…

From insideHPC

HPC People on the Move – Long, Hot Summer Edition

HPC People on the Move – Long, Hot Summer Edition

Dr. Lewey reports on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing.

The post HPC People on the Move – Long, Hot Summer Edition appeared first on insideHPC.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Intelligent Personal Assistants

Intelligent Personal Assistants

At today's CSIG meeting Jim Spohrer pointed us to the growth of the intelligent personal assistant, and that the Wikipedia article on the topic had a good list and links to work under underway.   The article contains much more…

From insideHPC

insideBIGDATA Guide to Scientific Research

insideBIGDATA Guide to Scientific Research

Daniel Gutierrez, Managing Editor, of insideBIGDATA has put together a terrific Guide to Scientific Research. The goal of this paper is to provide a road map for scientific researchers wishing to capitalize on the rapid growth…

From insideHPC

Power Usage for Coprocessors

Power Usage for Coprocessors

"As the use of coprocessors increases to speedup HPC applications, it is important to understand how much additional power the coprocessors use. With various measurements and benchmarks arising to calculate the power used during…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Travel

Future of Travel

Friend Dean DeBiase on the future of travel.   " ... At the latest installation of my Reboot Stories, at the ÄKTA Innovation Series in Chicago, I had a chance to conduct another no-holds-barred interview in front of a live audience…


Exascale Computing and Big Data: Time To Reunite

Exascale Computing and Big Data: Time To Reunite

It is past time to reunite the big data, cloud, and high-performance computing communities. Each can each learn much from the other.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC-led White Papers on the Science of Autonomy

CCC-led White Papers on the Science of Autonomy

In May, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) commissioned members of the research community to generate white papers to help guide strategic thinking in autonomous systems in a number of different domain specific areas, including…

From Computational Complexity

Changing STOC

At the recently completed STOC and the previous FOCS, much of the discussion revolved around reforming the conferences. You read the discussion and comments on Windows on Theory and I've also been cc'd on several very long email…

From Schneier on Security

Baseball Hacking: Cardinals vs. Astros

Baseball Hacking: Cardinals vs. Astros

I think this is the first case of one professional sports team hacking another. No idea if it was an official operation, or a couple of employees doing it on their own initiative....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Another Example of IFTTT Automation

Another Example of IFTTT Automation

In Engadget: An example of how the IFTTT automation method is used and shared.  " ... IFTTT's automation app can watch your Android phone's battery  ... ". .  Based on the addition of a battery channel as data.   See the method…


Improving Computing Education By Viewing Teaching as Community Property

Improving Computing Education By Viewing Teaching as Community Property

Teaching about computing should be shared, not isolated behind closed doors. 

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Apple IOS Threatens Advertising

New Apple IOS Threatens Advertising

Will we see more of this kind of advertising blocking, coming from a change in our definition of privacy?    And will that privacy then be enforced by the operating system?   Where is the line between information delivery and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Self Service Time Series Analysis

Self Service Time Series Analysis

Building self-service tools to monitor high-volume time-series dataThe O'Reilly Data Show Podcast: Phil Liu on the evolution of metric monitoring tools and cloud computing.   ....  "

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF’s New Public Access Plan

NSF’s New Public Access Plan

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has a new public access plan called Today’s Data, Tomorrow’s Discoveries that was released in March to increase access to the results of research funded by NSF. Public access is intended…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Private Label Growth Slowing

Private Label Growth Slowing

In Mediapost: Not that private labels are decreasing in share, but their growth compared to national brands is slowing.  Interesting numbers provided.  Was involved in the analysis of some of these kinds of numbers in CPG.

From insideHPC

Caterpillar & NCSA Expand Collaboration for Realistic Simulations

Caterpillar & NCSA Expand Collaboration for Realistic Simulations

Today Caterpillar Inc. announced it will expand its collaboration with NCSA to develop more realistic simulations that can lead to improved product designs.

The post Caterpillar & NCSA Expand Collaboration for Realistic Simulations…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Do Grades Kill The Magic of Learning?

Do Grades Kill The Magic of Learning?

I was reading Mark Guzdial’s blog this morning (A goal for higher ed: “There is magic in our program. Our program changes lives.”) and as often happen it got me thinking. His daughter is in a summer program with no grades and…

From insideHPC

Video: Petascale Supercomputing for Space-Based Earth Science

Video: Petascale Supercomputing for Space-Based Earth Science

"We have made substantial progress towards three transformative contributions: (1) we are the first team to formally link high-resolution astrodynamics design and coordination of space assets with their Earth science impacts …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Medical Sensor

Google Medical Sensor

In CWorld:   New sensors and new opportunities for analytics." ... Google has created a health-tracking wristband that could give health care professionals real-time information on the well-being of their patients.The wearable…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IT Trends and Service Management: Global Institute for IT Management

IT Trends and Service Management: Global Institute for IT Management

Brought to my attention  The GIIM.Slides from a GIIM talk by Jerry Luftman on IT Trends and Service Management, can be found here. Institute Objective:The objective of the Global Institute for IT Management (GIIM) is to impart…

From insideHPC

Supercomputing Flow of Carbon Emissions in Deep Oceans

Supercomputing Flow of Carbon Emissions in Deep Oceans

A new computer model developed by scientists at LANL increases global climate simulation accuracy through a better representation of the vast eddies that swirl across hundreds of miles of open ocean.

The post Supercomputing Flow…

From insideHPC

Video: Satoshi Matsuoka on HPC Trends from PASC15

Video: Satoshi Matsuoka on HPC Trends from PASC15

In this video from PASC15, Torsten Hoefler from ETH Zurich discusses HPC trends with Satoshi Matsuoka from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Along the way, Matsuoka describes lessons learned during this multi-disciplinary conference…

From The Eponymous Pickle

CrowdTruth Collects Gold Standard Data

CrowdTruth Collects Gold Standard Data

Nice idea, examining further.   Experiences?  We experimented with similar ideas using Mechanical Turk.   More will follow here.CrowdTruth  via  #CrowdTruth  by Anca Dumitrachecollecting gold standard data for training and evaluation…