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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2017

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Quickly returning the top-k elements: computer science vs. the real world

Quickly returning the top-k elements: computer science vs. the real world

A standard problem in computer science is to quickly return the smallest or largest K elements of a list. If the list is made of N elements, then we can solve this problem in time N log (K) using a binary heap. How would theContinue…

From Computational Complexity

Big News on W(3,r) !

This is a JOINT POST with   Evangelos Georgiadis who brought this problem to my attention.)

In 2010 I posted about how dense a set of integers has to be before you know there is a 3-AP in it (a 3-AP is a set of three numbers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple Announces Home Assistant and Speaker: HomePod

Apple Announces Home Assistant and Speaker: HomePod

Reportedly available in December at an expensive $349.    Featuring Siri for intelligence.

Apple's making an Amazon Echo competitor called 'HomePod'   by Ben Gilbert

Apple is making a competitor to Amazon's Echo speaker, and it…

From insideHPC

Intel to Develop New Machine Learning and AI Platform for DARPA

Intel to Develop New Machine Learning and AI Platform for DARPA

Today Intel announced that it has been selected by DARPA to collaborate on the development of a powerful new data-handling and computing platform that will leverage machine learning and other artificial intelligence (AI) techniques…

From insideHPC

Nvidia Partners with Hyperscale Vendors for HGX-1 AI Reference Platform

Nvidia Partners with Hyperscale Vendors for HGX-1 AI Reference Platform

Last week at the Computex conference, Nvidia launched a partner program with hyperscale vendors Foxconn, Inventec, Quanta and Wistron to more rapidly meet the demands for AI cloud computing. Through the program, NVIDIA is providing…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

ITIF Report “10 Steps Congress Can Take to Accelerate Data Innovation”

ITIF Report “10 Steps Congress Can Take to Accelerate Data Innovation”

Contributions to the following blog were made by former CCC Chair Gregory Hager and CCC Director Ann Drobnis.  We all know there is a lot of data out there, and the amount of data is growing rapidly – 2500 petabyes a day by some…

From insideHPC

High Performance Computing: A Business Platform at Caesars Entertainment

High Performance Computing: A Business Platform at Caesars Entertainment

Les Ottolenghi from Ceasers Entertainment presented this keynote at the PBS Works Users Group meeting in Las Vegas. "Ceasers is focused on building loyalty and value with its guests through a unique combination of great service…

From insideHPC

IBM Research Alliance Paves the way for 5nm Technology

IBM Research Alliance Paves the way for 5nm Technology

Today IBM announced it has developed an industry-first process with its research partners to build silicon nanosheet transistors that will enable 5 nanometer chips. The details of the process will be presented at the 2017 Symposia…

From The Eponymous Pickle

GE Digital Introduces Foundry Startups

GE Digital Introduces Foundry Startups

Recently presented with GE Digital, so this approach is of interest.   See my previous posts on GE Digital and in particular Digital Twins and Predix.

GE digital facility in Paris introduces its first set of startups to customers…

From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Tours the 100 Megawatt SuperNAP Datacenter

Radio Free HPC Tours the 100 Megawatt SuperNAP Datacenter

In this Radio Free HPC podcast, Rich gives us the lowdown on his recent tour of the SuperNAP datacenter in Las Vegas. Run by Switch, the campus has over up to 2.4 million sqft of Tier IV Gold data center space with 315 Megawatts…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Busting the Bridge

Busting the Bridge

In my early days I was much Physics oriented.  A classic phenomena of real world dynamic physics is resonance, and the best example given was always the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows bridge. Great because it had scale and had…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Humans not Chatbots

Humans not Chatbots

Loyalty and Chatbots.   Customer Think writes about human interaction being the key to loyalty engagement.  " ... In a world where people are continuously connected and able to share good and bad experiences, customers have more…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Office Cheat Sheets

Microsoft Office Cheat Sheets

We all use too much software to get things done, so always looking for ways to keep all straight  and efficient as possible.  So thus the idea of a 'cheat sheet' to summarize common methods.   Reviewing these.  Here in CWorld…

From Schneier on Security

CIA's Pandemic Toolkit

CIA's Pandemic Toolkit

WikiLeaks is still dumping CIA cyberweapons on the Internet. Its latest dump is something called "Pandemic": The Pandemic leak does not explain what the CIA's initial infection vector is, but does describe it as a persistent…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More On Google Clicks to In-Store Purchase Links

More On Google Clicks to In-Store Purchase Links

Considerable question, continued here with input from a number of experts.   My answer is yes, not just by this first step, but following steps that will use this data to get much higher quality patterns in the purchase data.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Building your own IFTTT Applet

Building your own IFTTT Applet

Create your own,  also an instructive intro to how an Applet works and how it uses data.   A very simple kind of AI/IOT.  With pointers to more in depth instructions.

How to build an Applet

With hundreds of partners building on…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Curiosity and AI

Curiosity and AI

How do you build curiosity in a system.  And the ability to act on curiosity?  In a simplistic sense, mining for data and then ingesting it?   If you are a robot or drone with sensors your have an element of being able to reach…

From insideHPC

Accelerating Innovation with HPC and AI at HPE Discover

Accelerating Innovation with HPC and AI at HPE Discover

In this special guest feature, Bill Mannel from Hewlett Packard Enterprise writes that this week's HPE Discover meeting in Las Vegas will bring together leaders from across the HPC community to collaborate, share, and investigate…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Attracting Good Luck

Attracting Good Luck

The topic of luck came up recently.  Perception of and actual results.   From the 'Barking'  folks, a good look at research based ideas:

Attracting Good Luck.

How To Attract Good Luck: 4 Secrets Backed By Research ... 


From insideHPC

Podcast: Sumit Gupta on IBM’s New AI Software for Data Scientists

Podcast: Sumit Gupta on IBM’s New AI Software for Data Scientists   In this podcast, Sumit Gupta from IBM describes the company’s new PowerAI deep learning software distribution on Power Systems. PowerAI…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Self Driving Trucks

More on Self Driving Trucks

Worked for years on systems that managed trucking and driver management.    So this is a a key area of supply chain costs and complexity.   In

Why Waymo is Plunging into Self-Driving Semi-Truck Test  by  Jerrry Hirsch…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Walmart Sweepstakes Game

Walmart Sweepstakes Game

In Retailwire: With discussion.

Can Walmart’s sweepstakes game teach the unbanked to ‘bank’ their money? by Matthew Stern

In order to let the unbanked and underbanked portion of its customer base take part in things like online…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Unstructured Dark Data

Using Unstructured Dark Data

Instructive move, and worth examining just to understand what dark data is.

Apple acquires AI company Lattice Data, a specialist in unstructured ‘dark data’, for $200M
Posted May 13, 2017 by Ingrid Lunden

On Dark Data.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bayesian Deep Learning

Bayesian Deep Learning

A curated list of resources dedicated to bayesian deep learning
Posted by Emmanuelle Rieuf
This article comes from GitHub via DSC. ... " 

From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing Data Tables

Designing Data Tables

Nicely thought out.   If you design tables well enough, they can do much of the lifting for you.  Many examples at the link below.

By Andrew Coyle    Designing the future of global trade @Flexport 

Design Better Data Tables


From insideHPC

Hyperion Research to hold Annual HPC Market Update Meeting at ISC 2017

Hyperion Research to hold Annual HPC Market Update Meeting at ISC 2017

Hyperion Research, the new name for the former IDC HPC group, today announced that it will hold its Annual HPC Market Update Meeting at ISC 2017 in Frankfurt, Germany. The session will take 4pm to 5pm, Monday, June 19 in the …

From insideHPC

Overview of Panasas Storage for HPC & Big Data

Overview of Panasas Storage for HPC & Big Data

Dale Brantley presented this talk at the PBS Works User Group meeting. "Panasas storage solutions drive industry and research innovation by accelerating workflows and simplifying data management. Our ActiveStor appliances leverage…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Anniversary of Streetview

Anniversary of Streetview

Tenth anniversary of Google Streetview. Something that still amazes me, the amount of data gathered, updated and delivered gives us a remarkable view of our world.  Both the very remarkable views, and the mundane.   Consider

From The Eponymous Pickle

Articles on AI

Articles on AI

A list of some good articles on AI,  mostly about the quant aspects ..... not enough about the process considerations, or operations, but still very useful.  Connections at the link .

20 Great Articles about AI  by Andrei Macsin…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid as Prey

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid as Prey

There's lots of video of squid as undersea predators. This is one of the few instances of squid as prey (from a deep submersible in the Pacific): "We saw brittle stars capturing a squid from the water column while it was swimming…