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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2017

From insideHPC

Using Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Services with PBS Professional

Using Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Services with PBS Professional

Bruce Burns from Oracle presented this talk at the PBS Works User Group. "In this session you learn how to use PBS Professional with Oracle BMCS for common customer use case scenarios to dynamically scale out, on demand and leverage…

From insideHPC

Women in HPC Workshop Returns to ISC 2017

Women in HPC Workshop Returns to ISC 2017

ISC 2017 and WHPC will once again host the Women in HPC Workshop on June 22 in Frankfurt, Germany. "Entitled Diversifying the HPC Community, this workshop aims to provide leaders, managers, and individual contributors in the …

From Schneier on Security

Healthcare Industry Cybersecurity Report

Healthcare Industry Cybersecurity Report

New US government report: "Report on Improving Cybersecurity in the Health Care Industry." It's pretty scathing, but nothing in it will surprise regular readers of this blog. It's worth reading the executive summary, and then…

From insideHPC

Slidecast: Intel Omni-Path Architecture – A World Class High Performance Interconnect

Slidecast: Intel Omni-Path Architecture – A World Class High Performance Interconnect

In this slidecast, Scott Misage from Intel is our guest on the Rich Report. As the General Manager of the Intel Omni-Path Business Unit, Scott has a lot to say about scalability, performance, and market momentum for this powerful…

From insideHPC

Discover a New Compute Experience at HP-CAST 28

Discover a New Compute Experience at HP-CAST 28

genome analyticsTo help customers discover a new compute experience marked by enhanced agility, security, and control, HPE will host its High Performance Consortium for Advanced Scientific and Technical (HP-CAST) computing users group event …

From insideHPC

Intel Omni-Path Architecture: End-to-End Fabric Solution Designed for HPC and Enterprise

Intel Omni-Path Architecture:  End-to-End Fabric Solution Designed for HPC and Enterprise

Intel OPAThe Intel Omni-Path Architecture is the next-generation fabric for high-performance computing. In this feature, we will explore Intel's end-to-end fabric solution designed for HPC and Enterprise. "Intel Omni-Path Architecture…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI, Marketing and Sales

AI, Marketing and Sales

In the HBR,

How AI Is Streamlining Marketing and Sales    by Brad Power

"  ... CenturyLink is one of the largest telecommunications providers in the United States, serving both small and large businesses nationwide. The collects…

From The Eponymous Pickle

HomePod Meets HomeKit in Apple Ecosystem

HomePod Meets HomeKit in Apple Ecosystem

Lengthy speculation of how Apple HomePod will interact with HomeKit, and compete with the flurry of assistants in the home already.   Will it be mostly a speaker or smart home or Siri station?  Not available until late in the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Supply Chain and the New Connectivity

Supply Chain and the New Connectivity

This is very clear, transparency has been known to be important in the supply chain for a very long time.   Now IOT concepts can connect the many things (and kinds of things)  that will make up the connected supply chain.  This…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Inspecting Algorithms for Bias

Inspecting Algorithms for Bias

Bias is incorrectness, and bears with it risk.  Understanding that risk is important.

Inspecting Algorithms for Bias
Courts, banks, and other institutions are using automated data analysis systems to make decisions about your life…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Boosting the Quantum Experience

Boosting the Quantum Experience

IBM Has An Unusual Strategy For Advancing Quantum Computing
We're entering a new technological epoch     By Greg Satell  In Inc.

Building A Community of Users ... 

"... IBM has long been a pioneer in quantum computing, a key technology…

From Geeking with Greg

Quick links

Quick links

Some of the tech news I found interesting lately, and you might too: Jeff Bezos: "Many decisions are reversible, two-way doors. Those decisions can use a light-weight process. For those, so what if you’re wrong? .... If you…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Innovation is Open

Future of Innovation is Open

In CustomerThink, a well put overview:

Why The Future Of Innovation Is Open     By Jacob Morgan  

With the growth of technology and new ways of working, innovation is playing a huge role in the workplace. The most successful organizations…

From insideHPC

How Par-Tec Software will Power the 5 Petaflop Dell EMC Booster Supercomputer coming to Jülich

How Par-Tec Software will Power the 5 Petaflop Dell EMC Booster Supercomputer coming to Jülich

In this video from the Dell EMC HPC Community meeting, Hugo Falter from Par-Tec describes the company's software contribution to the 5 Petaflop booster Dell EMC supercomputer coming the Julich Supercomputing Center. "ParaStation…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Engineer at HGST

Job of the Week: HPC Engineer at HGST

HGST in San Jose is seeking an HPC Engineer in our Job of the Week. "Western Digital’s High Performance Computing and Cloud Computing environments are key to bringing new storage solutions to market. As a Sr. Sys Admin in the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What if Augmented Reality is Everywhere?

What if Augmented Reality is Everywhere?

During innovation sessions we came up with a number of AR scenarios.  Location aware AR allows you to place content in any space.      So imagine if you walked into a restaurant wearing VR glasses, observing through a camera,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digitizing Customer Journeys

Digitizing Customer Journeys

In McKinsey.  Recently took a broader look at this method.

Digitizing customer journeys and processes: Stories from the front lines
By Chandana Asif, Jiro Hiraoka, Tomas Jones, and Prerak Vohra

A compelling customer experience has…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IOT Contactless Payment by Visa

IOT Contactless Payment by Visa

I continued a look into contactless payments by Smartphone,  and found this recent mention of work Visa is doing to make payment even easier.   Making anything IOT a payment system.    Seems that this could quickly be added to…

From insideHPC

Joseph George on Datacenter Trends that are Reshaping HPC

Joseph George on Datacenter Trends that are Reshaping HPC

In this video from the Dell EMC HPC Community meeting, Joseph George describes the latest trends in the datacenter that are reshaping high performance computing. "Joseph George is the former Vice President of Solutions at SUSE…

From The Eponymous Pickle

One Belt One Road

One Belt One Road

Am not an economist, but have worked with China retail, and noted the difference between western and Sino approaches. So it fascinates me to see this report on their view and approaches toward globalization.  The essence is something…

From insideHPC

Call for Applications: FoMICS Prize for PhD Students

Call for Applications: FoMICS Prize for PhD Students

Today the Swiss Graduate Program “Foundations in Mathematics and Informatics for Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering” (FoMICS) issued its Call for Applications. "Led by the Institute of Computational Science (ICS)…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Walmart Mobile Pay Success

Walmart Mobile Pay Success

My question about mobile pay systems got me a note that pointed to this article on the success of Walmart Pay.  And its position behind systems from Samsung and Apple.    But still not ubiquitous. From Engadget:

Walmart Pay will…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Creativity with a Collaborator

Creativity with a Collaborator

Teaching and understanding creativity.   And thinking about the nature of people-machine collaboration.

Want to Understand Creativity?  Enlist an AI Collaborator.  by Nick Stockton

Scientists think artificial intelligence (AI)

From The Eponymous Pickle

Why Don't We Pay for Everything via our Phones?

Why Don't We Pay for Everything via our Phones?

Payment via smartphone is still not near ubiquitous?    Heard a presentation nearly ten years ago saying it was about to happen.  I still don't do it.  Don't know many who do.  Should be easy and safe.  Why is the adoption so…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Sex Is Traumatic for the Female Dumpling Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Sex Is Traumatic for the Female Dumpling Squid

The more they mate, the sooner they die. Academic paper (paywall). News article. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (June 9th, 2017)

Science and Technology links (June 9th, 2017)

This week, Apple told us about two new interesting pieces of technology. On the one hand, we have ARKit. It makes it easy for developers to build and deploy “augmented reality” applications to the iPhone in your pocket. WhatContinue…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Pillars of Change

Digital Pillars of Change

I taught a class at Columbia University on making change happen ....  This is a digital view:

Evolve Or Die: Why Digital Transformation Is More Important Than Ever  by Mike Bainbridge  

Digital transformation: The four pillars

From insideHPC

Christopher Irving Named Manager of HPC Systems at SDSC

Christopher Irving Named Manager of HPC Systems at SDSC

Today the San Diego Supercomputer Center announced that Christopher Irving will be the new manager of the Center’s High-Performance Computing systems, effective June 1, 2017. "Christopher has been involved in the many facets …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Will IKEA Sell Through the Amazon Marketplace?

Will IKEA Sell Through the Amazon Marketplace?

Nothing fixed yet, but rumor is out that IKEA might start test selling through the Amazon marketplace.  But also that Amazon might itself start selling furniture.  Have followed  IKEA for years, though their printed catalogsMore…

From Schneier on Security

NSA Document Outlining Russian Attempts to Hack Voter Rolls

NSA Document Outlining Russian Attempts to Hack Voter Rolls

This week brought new public evidence about Russian interference in the 2016 election. On Monday, the Intercept published a top-secret National Security Agency document describing Russian hacking attempts against the US election…

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