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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2021

From insideHPC

ORNL Names Innovation Crossroads Cohort of Manufacturing, Building and Clean Energy Technology Entrepreneurs

ORNL Names Innovation Crossroads Cohort of Manufacturing, Building and Clean Energy Technology Entrepreneurs

Six science and technology innovators from across the United States will join the fifth cohort of Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Innovation Crossroads program in June. The southeast’s only research and development program for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Programmable Fibers for Textiles

Programmable Fibers for Textiles

Realization of a fabric with the ability to store and process data digitally ... 

Engineers Create a Programmable Fiber

MIT News, Becky Ham, June 3, 2021

The first programmable digital fiber has been designed by engineers at the…

From insideHPC

HPE Reference Architecture for SAS 9.4 on HPE Superdome Flex 280 and HPE Primera Storage

HPE Reference Architecture for SAS 9.4 on HPE Superdome Flex 280 and HPE Primera Storage

This Reference Architecture highlights the key findings and demonstrated scalability when running SAS® 9.4 using the Mixed Analytics Workload running on HPE Superdome Flex 280 Server and HPE Primera Storage. These results demonstrate…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China Bid for Chip Supremacy

China Bid for Chip Supremacy

Nice overview of the current  state of silicon chip development and manufacture worldwide. Emphasizing companies currently involved and current moves likely.   Implications for the delivery of advanced technologies worldwide.…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Happy Mom’s Day

You know, I loved math. My mom was a math teacher—Joan Cusack Interactive version bought from TPT Mary Kay Farley, my dear wife’s mom, and Dorothy Lipton, my mom, have unfortunately both have passed away. Kathryn and I miss them…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Enzymes Embedded in Plastics

Enzymes Embedded in Plastics

Based on a conversation I have had, this is a considerable breakthrough with broad application.

Enzymes successfully embedded in plastics

Research News / June 01, 2021  Fraunhofer Institute

In general, plastics are processed atMaterials…

From Computational Complexity

When do you use et al. as opposed to listing out the authors? First names? Middle initials? Jr?

 If I was refering to the paper with bibtex entry: 


  author    = {Jeffrey Bosboom and

               Spencer Congero and

               Erik D. Demaine and

               Martin L. Demaine and


From The Eponymous Pickle

Robot Therapy

Robot Therapy

Seems stretched, but the name especially is cute, reminds me of some similar approaches demonstrated to us in Japan.

Something Bothering You? Tell It to Woebot.

The New York Times, Karen Brown, June 1, 2021

A chatbot application…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Vinton Cerf Discusses CMEs

Vinton Cerf Discusses CMEs

Vint Cerf Discusses a number of environmental dangers to the earth.   And in particular Coronal Mass Ejections (CME).   I recall that when our enterprise was thinking of using the internet for  transfer of data the potentialIt…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gamification for Productivity

Gamification for Productivity

 Current re-look at gamification.   We did a brief trial of using gamification for crowd sourced problem solving.   Not productivity, but for potential originality in solutions.  No pressure to participate.  You did have to have…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Typing at Brain Speed

Typing at Brain Speed

 Most interesting advance.   How far will will we get with brain interfaces?  Why should we be typing at all? 

Brain-Computer Interface Smashes Previous Record for Typing Speed   By IEEE Spectrum June 3, 2021 

Two tiny arrays of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon and their Sidewalk Experiment

Amazon and their Sidewalk Experiment

Is this a crowdsourced experiment?  Are we being forced to participate?   A true value to consumers? Dangerous or not?  Amazon provides their considerable technical white paper on it, part of it below, and Arstechnica's too. …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Simpler Attacks Occuring on Operatonal Technology

Simpler Attacks Occuring on Operatonal Technology

We need more and effective protection.

Cyberattacks on operational technology are on the rise  in ZDnet

Common techniques are setting a low bar for attacks on control processes. Sometimes, attackers have no idea what the system…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robots Smiling Back

Robots Smiling Back

Not sure how much this buys you, but it makes sense where creating a android-like image to have emotion matching to group or task. We experimented only slightly with this in brand equity systems,  mostly keeping the image smiling…

From The Eponymous Pickle

EU Post Pandemic Wallets

EU Post Pandemic Wallets

Wondering how far this will go, likely as good as the number of times it is asked for.  I note its use is not mandatory. 

EU Plans Digital ID Wallet for Post-Pandemic Life  By Associated Press, June 4, 2021

European Commissioner…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Emergence of Central Bank Digital Currencies

Emergence of Central Bank Digital Currencies

 As usual, an interesting piece from Irving's Blog (Below an intro, details and much more at the link) 

The Emergence of Central Bank Digital Currencies   By Irving Wladawsky   by IWB

Economist Digital Money V1Bitcoin was created…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking Federated AI

Thinking Federated AI

Good general idea,  further detailed at the link.

Changing How Data is Used  By Samuel Greengard,  Commissioned by CACM Staff, June 1, 2021

The ability to examine data in deep and revealing ways has fundamentally changed the world…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IOT Security from CyLab

IOT Security from CyLab

Looks to be a good effort underway.   In general IOT devices have high levels of security danger, because they are minimally protected to begin with, are often placed in networks where they are open to external threats, and in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Free Will an Illusion?

Free Will an Illusion?

No I don't think so, but we should also consider the alternative.    Free will drives action towards goals, and we should expect that of people and systems.   'Free' should still mean carefully regulated, if we hope to remain…

From insideHPC

The New Frontier for Data Management: Edge-Core-Cloud

The New Frontier for Data Management: Edge-Core-Cloud

By Eric Bassier, Quantum Corp. With the proliferation of IoT devices, sensors and robots spanning industries such as autonomous vehicles, manufacturing, surveillance, smart cities and healthcare, edge computing is creating vast…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM and UK Research Quantum

IBM and UK Research Quantum

 Many big players are inventing in quantum.  Watch it.   And the implications for things like optimization, crypto and analytics in general.   

IBM partners with U.K. on $300M quantum computing research initiative  in VentureBeat…

From The Eponymous Pickle

FBI Classifies Ransomware

FBI Classifies Ransomware

I mentioned the FBI recently, that given all all the resources we provide them, they should be able to 'solve', or at least make far less dangerous the curse of Ransomware.  I see that they now classified RW into about 100 types…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Security and Human Behavior

Security and Human Behavior

 Currently much more involved in security issues of late.  I see that Bruce Schneier is blogging and talking about the Security and Human Behavior conference in Cambridge, much more about it below, , with many more links.  ISecurity…

From insideHPC

US-China Tech Rivalry Takes 2 New HPC-Related Turns

US-China Tech Rivalry Takes 2 New HPC-Related Turns

Two new developments emerged this week in the US-China technology rivalry that have bearing on the HPC futures of the two superpowers. According to a Reuters story, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.’s (TSMC) CEO C.C. Wei…

From The Eponymous Pickle

End of Silicon Valley as We Know it?

End of Silicon Valley as We Know it?

Just Saw Tim O'Reilly's column from March.   Provocative thoughts.  Good read.   Been a person who dove into the valley in the 90s, working with the Institute for the Future and others. See my IFTF tags for the time.   Also with…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IKEA Digital Trasformation

IKEA Digital Trasformation

 A long time follower of IKEA, both as a customer, and briefly interacting during our building innovation centers.  Most notably in their use of VR approaches to deign consumer uses of IKEA furnishing design.  Like to see more…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squids in Space

Friday Squid Blogging: Squids in Space

NASA is sending baby bobtail squid into space.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

Read my blog posting guidelines here.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Directional Smells, Virtual Odors, Stereo Smell

Directional Smells, Virtual Odors, Stereo Smell

In our innovation enters we tried to enhance smell,  but not usually directionally.  It was expected that the people would determine changes in smell by their own motion.   Might be useful for example in detecting gas leaks in…

From insideHPC

2021 iRODS User Group Meeting June 8-11

2021 iRODS User Group Meeting June 8-11

June 4, 2021 – The worldwide iRODS user community will connect online from June 8 – 11 for the 13th Annual iRODS User Group Meeting – four days of learning, sharing of use cases, and discussions of new capabilities that have …

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Camera that Knows Where it is

A Camera that Knows Where it is

Think of a camera as a means of adding information to a database about space.

Bristol Researchers' Camera Knows Exactly Where It Is

University of Bristol News (U.K.)

A camera developed by researchers at the U.K.'s University of…