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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2021

From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Sense of Contradictory Science Results

Making Sense of Contradictory Science Results

How do we make make sense of contradictory results?

How to Make Sense of Contradictory Science Papers  in

Published research is less about conclusions than science at play.


The scienceNaturally…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wheelchairs with Smarter Voice Controls

Wheelchairs with Smarter Voice Controls

Seems a very natural solution.  Especially for integrating with chair and smartphone and other aids. Incudes data important to data and operator.

Permobil Connects Electric Wheelchair App to Alexa and Google Assistant   By Eric…

From Schneier on Security

Paul van Oorschot’s Computer Security and the Internet

Paul van Oorschot’s Computer Security and the Internet

Paul van Oorschot’s webpage contains a complete copy of his book: Computer Security and the Internet: Tools and Jewels. It’s worth reading.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Turn a Single Image into a Looping Video: Uses?

Turn a Single Image into a Looping Video:  Uses?

 Experimented with something like this.  Took a single image of part of a machine or process, then applying some images of specific known maintenance issues,  and apply likelihood under specific contexts. Then show to a human…

From insideHPC

MLCommons Launches MLPerf Tiny AI Inference Benchmark

MLCommons Launches MLPerf Tiny AI Inference Benchmark

Today, open engineering consortium MLCommons released a new benchmark, MLPerf Tiny Inference to measure trained neural network AI inference performance for low-power devices in small form factors. MLPerf Tiny v0.5 is MLCommons…

From The Eponymous Pickle

DeepMind Learns Football from Motion Capture

DeepMind Learns Football from Motion Capture

Intriguing, with the implication that you can go from direct motion capture to broader contexts.   Team work, which implies both individual skills, planning and team strategy.   Consider it being used for corporate resource use…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Redefining What a map Can be With New Information and AI

Redefining What a map Can be With New Information and AI

Google re-defining mapping.   Very nicely done.   Started with Google maps, and the ability to link in data as needed for usage contexts.   And AI being used to look for patterns in data.

Redefining what a map can be with newBy…

From insideHPC

Exascale Computing Project Update: Director Kothe Talks Progress, Annual Meeting Highlights

Exascale Computing Project Update: Director Kothe Talks Progress, Annual Meeting Highlights

In this recent interview, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) Director Doug Kothe provides an update on the effort to deliver a capable and sustainable exascale computing ecosystem for the nation.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Inobtrusive Wearables Monitoring Health

Inobtrusive Wearables Monitoring Health

Interesting out of Purdue, where we connected in the retail modeling world.  Here it seems novel methods of self powering.    We called it 'smart clothing'.   Got a call from marketing execs about washing such clothing.  An internet…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Adjusting Algorithms

Adjusting Algorithms

Algorithm, Malgorithm, Jalgorithm?   Fairness in Judgement. 

Right, algorithm just means a standardized method.    Like iany tool can be used or misused. Good piece here.

Misnomer and MalgorithmBy Robin K. Hill  in CACM

In response…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Continues Grab-and-Go Rollouts

Amazon Continues Grab-and-Go Rollouts

 Amazon still thinks the 'Go' concept is a good one, perhaps with locational interests, now a roll out in London. 

Amazon will open the doors to a grab-and-go, checkout-less grocery store on Thursday  By Tonya Garcia

Amazon Fresh…

From insideHPC

Ansys RedHawk-SC™ on Azure: Hold on to Your Socks

Ansys RedHawk-SC™ on Azure: Hold on to Your Socks

This article describes the extensive evaluation testing of the optimal operational configuration for running Ansys RedHawk-SC Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool on Microsoft Azure. The results identified two categories of…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Getting Excited for CSTA 2021

Getting Excited for CSTA 2021

As a member of the CSTA Conference Committee, I attended the first of two presenter training sessions today. Wow! CSTA 2021 will be good. Now I have read most of the proposals for presentations and helped select them so I had…

From insideHPC

ECP and ALCF to Host June 21 Twitter Chat on Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack

ECP and ALCF to Host June 21 Twitter Chat on Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack

On June 21 at 2 p.m. ET, the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) and the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility will host a chat on ECP’s Twitter account (@exascaleproject) that will address several questions concerning the Extreme…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Great Innovative Idea: Computing for Computational Biology and Digital AI

Great Innovative Idea: Computing for Computational Biology and Digital AI

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Somali Chaterji, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University where she leads the Innovatory for Cells and Neural Machines.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Open Sources Hyperledger

IBM Open Sources Hyperledger

 Had examined this sometime ago, seems IBM wants it and blockchain to succeed.  This will promote it it be be better tested. 

IBM Donates Code Improvements to Open Source Hyperledger

“The intent is to improve the usability of Hyperledger…

From Schneier on Security

VPNs and Trust

VPNs and Trust

TorrentFreak surveyed nineteen VPN providers, asking them questions about their privacy practices: what data they keep, how they respond to court order, what country they are incorporated in, and so on.

Most interesting to me…

From Schneier on Security

Andrew Appel on New Hampshire’s Election Audit

Andrew Appel on New Hampshire’s Election Audit

Really interesting two part analysis of the audit conducted after the 2020 election in Windham, New Hampshire.

Based on preliminary reports published by the team of experts that New Hampshire engaged to examine an election discrepancy…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Welcome from the ACM-W Chair – June 2021

Welcome from the ACM-W Chair – June 2021

We’ve reached the end of another year of programming for ACM-W. And what a year it has been!  In spite of the challenges we’ve faced, ACM-W activity worldwide continued in the form of virtual Celebrations, Chapter activities,…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Thursday—June 17th—A Debate on Program Correctness

There are two ways to write error free programs; only the third one works–Alan Perlis Perlis on Coding Joy source Alan Perlis, the first Turing Award winner, summarized the whole issue of program correctness in his single quote…

From insideHPC

Graphcore and SiPearl Form Euro Partnership to Combine AI and HPC

Graphcore and SiPearl Form Euro Partnership to Combine AI and HPC

Graphcore, the British maker of the Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU) for artificial intelligence workloads, and SiPearl, the Franco-German company building an HPC chip, have entered into a strategic partnership intended to …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Global Chip Shortages Leading to Fakes

Global Chip Shortages Leading to Fakes

 Chip shortages leading to fakes and safety in the operation of systems.

The Global Chip Shortage is Creating a New Problem: More Fake Components   By ZDNet

From face masks to hand sanitizer and onto vaccine passports: almost all…

From insideHPC

Subzero Engineering and Armstrong World Industries Partner to Serve U.S. Data Center Market

Subzero Engineering and Armstrong World Industries Partner to Serve U.S. Data Center Market

San Antonio, TX, June 15 , 2021 – Subzero Engineering, a maker of data center containment solutions, and Armstrong World Industries (AWI), a designer and manufacture of commercial and residential ceiling, wall, and suspension…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Autonomous Warehouse Robotics

Amazon Autonomous Warehouse Robotics

Advances in Amazon Warehouse robotics to improve safety and operations. Note includes autonomous operation.

Amazon Details Warehouse Robots, 'Ernie' and 'Bert'

CNBC, Lauren Feiner, June 13, 2021

Retail giant Amazon is testing new…

From insideHPC

Intel’s Infrastructure Processing Unit Targets Hyperscaler Data Centers

Intel’s Infrastructure Processing Unit Targets Hyperscaler Data Centers

Intel has unveiled a programmable networking device for hyperscalers and their massive data center infrastructures. Called the Infrastructure Processing Unit and announced at Intel made the announcement during the Six Five Summit…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Automating Space Weather Prediction

Automating Space Weather Prediction

 Ultimately a very important function,  Coronal Mass Ejection is dangerous to many technical functions on earth.  Neural methods for pattern analysis for coronal holes.

AI Spots Coronal Holes to Automate Space Weather Prediction…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How long should you work on a problem ?

How long should you work on a problem ?

Lev Reyzin says that working too long on a problem might be unproductive: I, personally, have diminishing (or negative?) returns to my creative work as I explicitly work on a problem past some amount of time. I often have insights…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China Based TikTok Says it Will Collect US Biometric Data

China Based TikTok Says it Will Collect US Biometric Data

See also Bruce Schneier with further  comments on this.     

TikTok just gave itself permission to collect biometric data on US users, including ‘faceprints and voiceprints     By Sarah Perez  in TechCrunch

A change to TikTok’s…

From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Positions for Inflation

P&G Positions for Inflation

My former and longtime employer writes, on the threat of Inflation Challenges.  With innovation. 

P&G Is Positioned for Inflation Challenges

Procter & Gamble Vice Chairman and COO Jon Moeller tells investors it has winning products…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Long Will it be Until we can Talk to Animals?

How Long Will it be Until we can Talk to Animals?

First I thought this was a silly question.   But it is really a primary question of intelligence.   Its not just a translation, but a need to parse into a useful structure so it can be translated into/from our world.  Peoples…

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