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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2022

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wearable for Plants

Wearable for Plants

Completely new to me, but have done some work in agri, seems a good directiion.


Wearable Technology for Plants   By American Chemical Society, May 12, 2022

Researchers have developed a wearable sensor for plant leaves…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowdfunding a War

Crowdfunding a War


Crowdfunding a War: How Online Appeals Are Bringing Weapons to Ukraine   By The New York Times, May 11, 2022

A Ukrainian drone operator demonstrates a modified racing drone in a workshop in western Ukraine that is providing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Embracing a Day-One Machine Learning Mindset

Embracing a Day-One Machine Learning Mindset


Embracing an ML-first mindset helps startups accelerate time-to-market and build long-term competitiveness

Allie K. Miller, AWS, @alliekmiller  in Venturebeat

Of the many fascinating insights I get from working with successful…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Women In Theory

I like crossing the imaginary boundaries people set up between different fields—it’s very refreshing. There are lots of tools, and you don’t know which one would work—Maryam Mirzakhani. Shafi Goldwasser is the director of the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Street View Turns 15

Google Street View Turns 15

Always been a big fan, a way to record the whole earth!   And always expanding in new ways.   And Free.   Very impressive Google.  I am also struck about how Google maps, with street view can be used to step back in time.  220…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Walmart Expands Drone-Delivery Service to Reach 4 Million Households

Walmart Expands Drone-Delivery Service to Reach 4 Million Households

WalMart seems to be taking Drone  Delivery Very Seriously

Walmart Expands Drone-Delivery Service to Reach 4 Million Households   By CNBC

Walmart is expanding its partnership with DroneUp to make drone deliveries available in six…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Trustworthy AI

Trustworthy AI

Press Release

Fraunhofer at the Hannover Messe 2022

Artificial intelligence – but please be trustworthy!

Research News / May 02, 2022

To date, entrepreneurs have not put a lot of trust in artificial intelligence – many processesCompanies…


Enterprise Metrics and Optimization

Enterprise Metrics and Optimization

Metrics are critical; without them, you are flying blind.  But be careful what you try to optimize, because you might just get it.

From The Eponymous Pickle

McKinsey Acquires Caserta for Data Strategy

McKinsey Acquires Caserta for Data Strategy

Good to have a strategy for data acquisition and use. Caserta was unknown to me,

McKinsey acquires Caserta, a pioneer in data architecture and engineering     June 1, 2022

McKinsey’s acquisition of Caserta is our latest move to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

An Evolution of Apps

An Evolution of Apps

 Doe not cover the related technology well enough, but makes us think about it related ideas

The App-olution: How apps have evolved over the years and where we see them going

Ayesha Borker -May 8, 2022   in CustomerThink

A lot has…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Computer Available

Quantum Computer Available

Advanced quantum computer made available to the public for first time

A computer capable of achieving quantum advantage – a demonstration of supremacy over conventional machines – is the first that anyone can use over the internet…

From Putting People First

Qualitative humanities research is crucial to AI

Qualitative humanities research is crucial to AI

“All research is qualitative; some is also quantitative”
Harvard Social Scientist and Statistician Gary King

From Putting People First

Global Happiness and Well-being Policy Report

Global Happiness and Well-being Policy Report

In the three years since the last Global Happiness and Well-Being Policy Report, governments have faced a cascade of challenges to the well-being of their populations.

From Putting People First

The search engine for UX research

The search engine for UX research

The people behind Research Bookmark, a vast online collection of UX research resources, have - after months of researching and experimenting - released a search engine built just for UX Researchers.

From insideHPC

AMD Expands HPC Fund to Aid Researchers

AMD Expands HPC Fund to Aid Researchers

SANTA CLARA, Calif.  — June 1, 2022 — AMD today announced the expansion of its High Performance Compute (HPC) Fund with the addition of 7 petaflops of computing power to assist global researchers working to solve the most demanding…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Observability

Data Observability

Was un aware of the broad topic, but can see the value.  Was also unaware of the company: Monte Carlo.  Data Quality is something we always considered.  Much more in the piece.

Monte Carlo Raises $135 Million to Grow Data Observability…


The Other von Neumann

The Other von Neumann

Was Klára Dán von Neumann the first person to write modern computer code?

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tool Helps Spot Killer Asteroids

Tool Helps Spot Killer Asteroids

 Quite interesting,  ultimately this is a big issue, a very big one.   The improvements on detection have been considerable in recent years.  Stopping is a different thing.

Tool Helps Spot Killer Asteroids

The New York Times


From The Eponymous Pickle

Distinguish AI Hype from Reality

Distinguish AI Hype from Reality

Very Useful thoughts, but is it enough? 

Distinguishing AI Hype From Reality in SecOps

AI and ML are important SecOps tools, but human involvement is still required.

Nash Borges, VP of Engineering and Data Science, Secureworks,Artificial…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Client Over-Servicing

On Client Over-Servicing

Remember seeing a few examples of this, which led to some changes in expectations that were counter-productive.   Never heard this completely covered: 

The Problem of Client Over-Servicing: What is it And How to Stop The Cycle

From The Eponymous Pickle

Predicting Behavior on the Road with AI

Predicting Behavior on the Road with AI

 Ultimately work in this direction will be very important in manging driverless.

Predicting Others' Behavior on the Road With Artificial Intelligence

By MIT News. May 9, 2022

Humans may be one of the biggest roadblocks to fullyIf…


Turing's Influence on Computer Construction is Overestimated

Turing's Influence on Computer Construction is Overestimated

How great was Turing's influence on early British automatic computers? Opinions differ considerably.


InnovateFPGA: Wrong Strategy Drives One of the Best FPGA Development Contests into Crisis

InnovateFPGA: Wrong Strategy Drives One of the Best FPGA Development Contests into Crisis

In my opinion, the main problem of the InnovateFPGA contest is the lack of a permanent team to lead.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Getting Hybrid Right

Getting Hybrid Right

Irving Wldawsky-Berger looks at return to the office trends and outcomes, as usual lots of links to studies done, the click through is worth it. 

The 2022 Work Trend Index: How to Get Hybrid Right

“The people returning to the office…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Clearview Facial Recognition for Schools

Clearview Facial Recognition for Schools

 But they could be used to detect who is approaching/entering a school and flag potential threats.   Current errors in their operation can be improved. 


Clearview AI's Facial Recognition Tool Coming to Apps, Schools…

From insideHPC

Quantum Delta NL Appoints Scientist Philippe Bouyer

Quantum Delta NL Appoints Scientist Philippe Bouyer

June 1, 2022 — Quantum Delta NL announced today the appointment of French scientist Philippe Bouyer as coordinator of its Third Catalyst (KAT 3) programme: Quantum Sensing Applications. In it, the University of Amsterdam (UvA)…

From Putting People First

Peter Merholz speaking in Torino

Peter Merholz speaking in Torino

Peter Merholz will be speaking in Torino (Turin, Italy) on Wednesday 8 June. The 9am morning talk will take place in the courtyard of the Circle of Design.

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