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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2023

From insideHPC

GE Aerospace Runs New Engine Architecture Simulations on Frontier Exascale Supercomputer

GE Aerospace Runs New Engine Architecture Simulations on Frontier Exascale Supercomputer

GE Aerospace has announced that to support the development of a new open fan jet engine architecture, the organization has run simulations using Frontier, the world’s no. 1 ranked supercomputer, housed at the Department of Energy…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Workato to Ease Business Automation

Workato to Ease Business Automation

New to me, some broader solutions are emerging.  Others? 

Workato partners with OpenAI to ease business automation   in Venturebeat

Workato, an enterprise automation platform, has announced a strategic collaboration with OpenAI…

From The Eponymous Pickle Using Artificial Intelligence for Shopper Supply Chain Using Artificial Intelligence for Shopper Supply Chain

In Retailwire:  05/15/2023 uses artificial intelligence technology to make it easier for customers to shop for items to buy, optimize truck routes to deliver goods more quickly and determine where to warehouse inventory…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Re Nature of Consciousness

Re Nature of Consciousness

Big issue for future and how we treat and make safe what we build and use.   Good piece.

What Is the Nature of Consciousness?    In QuantaMagazine

Consciousness, our experience of being in the world, is one of the mind’s greatest…

From The Eponymous Pickle

EU Lawmakers Lay Groundwork for 'Historic' AI Regulation

EU Lawmakers Lay Groundwork for 'Historic' AI Regulation

Consider too future development

 EU Lawmakers Lay Groundwork for 'Historic' AI Regulation

Deutsche Welle (Germany)

June 14, 2023

On June 14, the European Parliament voted to regulate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google says its Lens image search can now help identify skin conditions

Google says its Lens image search can now help identify skin conditions

Recall talking to Google on such capabilities. 

Google says its Lens image search can now help identify skin conditions

‘Just take a picture or upload a photo through Lens, and you’ll find visual matches to inform your search.’


Exponential Protests

Exponential Protests

Exponential organizations offer an appropriate organized structure for the current Israeli protest, and maybe for other cases of civil resistance.

From Schneier on Security

Power LED Side-Channel Attack

Power LED Side-Channel Attack

This is a clever new <a href=”>side-channel attack:

The first attack uses an Internet-connected surveillance camera to take a high-speed video of the power LED on a smart card reader…

From The Eponymous Pickle

BBC Talks Job Loss from their Perspective

BBC Talks Job  Loss from their Perspective

Initial look at AI Related Job losses, Intro.

The workers already replaced by artificial intelligence

Published, 2 days ago

Dean Meadowcroft never thought that AI would replace him

By Ian Rose, Business reporter, BBC News

Until recently…

From Computational Complexity

Ted Kaczynski was at one time the worlds most famous living mathematician

(This post is inspired by the death of Ted Kaczynski who died on June 10, 2023.) 

From 1978 until 1995 23 mailbombs were send to various people. 3 caused deaths, the rest caused injuries. The culprit was nicknamed The Unabomber…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Boom Takes Silicon Valley on a Manic Quest, Will it Change the World?

AI Boom Takes Silicon Valley on a Manic Quest, Will it Change the World?


The AI Boom Has Silicon Valley on Another Manic Quest to Change the World

By BusinessWeek,June 15, 2023

It's a frenzy not seen since the dot-com fever of the late 1990s. Tech CEOs are reorienting their companies towardCredit…

From The Eponymous Pickle

ChatGPT Is Coming to 900,000 Mercedes Vehicles

ChatGPT Is Coming to 900,000 Mercedes Vehicles

This made me think about the how and why of it.   Watch the road before prompting. 

Mercedes says it's going to test ChatGPT with its in-car voice assistant for the next three months.  in xtremethink

ChatGPT may be well on itsLike…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google debuts AI-powered ad Placement tools

Google debuts AI-powered ad Placement tools

Lets see it.

Google debuts AI-powered ad placement tools


Alphabet Inc.’s Google said today it’s enhancing its online advertising placement capabilities with the launch of two new artificial intelligence-poweredAI…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Computing Advance Begins New Era: IBM

Quantum Computing Advance Begins New Era: IBM


Quantum Computing Advance Begins New Era: IBM

The New York Times

Kenneth Chang, June 14, 2023

IBM researchers simulated the behavior of 127 atom-scale bar magnets in a magnetic field using a 127-qubit quantum processor, generating…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Kind of Holodec from the 90s

A Kind of Holodec from the 90s

In the 80's we built a kind of Holodec, but were not patient enough to finish it with the tools of the times.   Now we Have more of those tools.     Called them a 'Business Sphere' back them  ...  Click to the right for moreCisco…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Unlikely to Gain human-like Cognition, unless Connected to real World through Robots

AI Unlikely to Gain human-like Cognition, unless Connected to real World through Robots

Don't agree completely 

AI Unlikely to gain human-like cognition, unless connected to real world through robots, says study

by University of Sheffield

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Connecting artificial intelligence systems to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Asia's Opportunity for Generative AI

Asia's Opportunity for Generative AI

Expected, especially with regard to delivering multi lingual Generative results. 


Asia's Opportunity for Generative AI

By MIT Technology Review, June 16, 2023

The skyline of Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, with a view of Mt. Fuji…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Can Edit Their RNA

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Can Edit Their RNA

This is just crazy:

Scientists don’t yet know for sure why octopuses, and other shell-less cephalopods including squid and cuttlefish, are such prolific editors. Researchers are debating whether this form of genetic editing gave…

From insideHPC

Outgoing Exascale Computing Project Director Doug Kothe Takes on New Role at Sandia Labs

Outgoing Exascale Computing Project Director Doug Kothe Takes on New Role at Sandia Labs

Doug Kothe knows about transitions, including transitions on a grand scale. The outgoing director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project helped transition the supercomputing industry into the exascale era…

From Schneier on Security

Security and Human Behavior (SHB) 2023

Security and Human Behavior (SHB) 2023

I’m just back from the sixteenth Workshop on Security and Human Behavior, hosted by Alessandro Acquisti at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

SHB is a small, annual, invitational workshop of people studying various aspects…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Good News! China and the US Are Talking About AI Dangers

Good News! China and the US Are Talking About AI Dangers

This apparent change sounds good, if our own Gvt does not stifle us.

Good News! China and the US Are Talking About AI Dangers

ACM NEWS     By Wired  June 16, 2023

Wherever you stand on the doomsday debate, there’s something nice…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Critical Look at AI-Generated Software

A Critical Look at AI-Generated Software

Considerable article, excerpt and more below, Good cautions.

A Critical Look at AI-Generated Software

AI-Generated Code exaines

•IEEE Spectrum by Jaideep Vaidya / June 11, 2023 

Most recently, OpenAI launched ChatGPT, a large-language…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Global Battle to Regulate AI Is Just Beginning

The Global Battle to Regulate AI Is Just Beginning

The Global Battle to Regulate AI Is Just Beginning

By Wired, May 11, 2023

At the core of the debate about regulating AI is the question of whether it's possible to limit the risks it presents to societies without stifling the growth…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Fungal Architectures and Logical Bacteria

Fungal Architectures and Logical Bacteria

Always had an interest in Fungi,  now connecting with computation?  Amazing thought.  On my list.  

Fungal Architectures and Logical Bacteria  By Karen Emslie

Commissioned by CACM Staff, June 15, 2023

Brain organoid seen through…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Organizing Unstructured Data with Machine Learning

Organizing Unstructured Data with Machine Learning

Considering all the data and its uses. 

Organizing Unstructured Data

By Esther Shein

Commissioned by CACM Staff, June 8, 2023

Vector databases are efficient for conducting similarity searches, and they are scalable and flexible,Vector…

From Computational Complexity

Randomized Acceptances

NeurIPS recently released their 2021 consistency report, a sequel to the 2014 experiment. While the conference has grown dramatically, the results remain "consistent", about 23% disagreement from two separated program committee…

From CS4FN (Computer Science For Fun)

Creating great game worlds

Creating great game worlds

Are you a PUBG or Fortnite addict? Maybe you enjoy playing Minecraft? Have you thought how these games are created? Could you create a game yourself? It is all done using something called a "Game Engine".

From insideHPC

How the U.S. Can Win the Quantum Computing Race

How the U.S. Can Win the Quantum Computing Race

By Rob Hays, CEO, Atom Computing and Kristen Pudenz, Director of Advanced Research Programs, Atom Computing Quantum computing will define the 21st century. It’s a once-in-a-generation, paradigm shift in computation performance…

From The Noisy Channel

How I Became a Micro-Celebrity

How I Became a Micro-Celebrity

In the 1979 movie “The Jerk”, there is a hilarious scene where Navin (played by Steve Martin) becomes excited at the discovery that his name is in print — in the local phone book. He exclaims: “I’m somebody now. Millions of people…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Meta Scientist Yann LeCun says AI won't Destroy Jobs Forever

Meta Scientist Yann LeCun says AI won't Destroy Jobs Forever

Meta Scientist Yann LeCun says AI won't destroy jobs forever    in the BBC

Prof Yann LeCun is known as one of the three godfathers of AI and works as Facebook-owner Meta's top AI scientist    By Chris Vallance, Technology …

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