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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2009

From Putting People First

Converting those who have no desire to be converted

Converting those who have no desire to be converted

80% of the transactions of the UK Government are done with the bottom 25% of society and migrating services online offers great cost savings. Yet, 17 million Britons have never been online and many of those are poor. Now the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Extracting Knowledge from the Web

Extracting Knowledge from the Web

In the enterprise we discovered how difficult it was to construct all the rules to provide the capabilities required for even a narrow slice of corporate knowledge. We then experimented with a number of methods that allowed us…




Real-world hyperlinks find their way into the most surprising places, and in the process become a staple of a Japanese mobile culture.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Contactless at Home Depot and Best Buy

Contactless at Home Depot and Best Buy

At StorefrontBacktalk ... a good report on how contactless payment is progressing. Though I see the devices everywhere, it seems not as well as we were told just a few years ago: ' ... Two of the biggest powerhouses in retail…

From The Eponymous Pickle

SAS and Social Network Analysis

SAS and Social Network Analysis

SAS announced a new product that does social network analysis (SNA). This is something we experimented with inside the enterprise, initially with plain old e-mail. I studied packages that existed at the time. Its a powerful idea…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Emotions in Virtual Characters

Emotions in Virtual Characters

In ZDNet:" .. Spanish researchers have developed a computer model able to generate virtual faces which display emotions and moods according to personality traits. The team leader explains: ‘The aim of this work has been to design…

From Wild WebMink

? Marketing In The Connected Age

? Marketing In The Connected Age

Readers here may be interested in the article I just posted on my personal blog.

From The Noisy Channel

LinkedIn Rolling Out Faceted Search!

LinkedIn Rolling Out Faceted Search!

From The Eponymous Pickle

Do Web Sites Matter?

Do Web Sites Matter?

From Paul Gillin's Social Media Blog: Why Web Sites don't matter. He has some interesting points, but I disagree. I don't always want to engage with someone or their ideas. I just want the basic facts. In fact I could not…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Faith in 140 Characters

Faith in 140 Characters

In the NYT, some examples of religious groups using Twitter. They make an odd kind of implied assumption that faiths are different from other interactions among people. Of course it works, you can always link outside the twitter…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Pedagogy, innovation and convenience

Pedagogy, innovation and convenience

Organizing learning around courses implies the creation of groups and a tight control by professors.

From The Noisy Channel

SIGIR: Meet the Who

SIGIR: Meet the Who

From Return 42;

Notification Message Dispatch for MooTools

Notification Message Dispatch for MooTools

If someone would ask me about what my favorite feature of Apple's Cocoa framework is, I would probably respond with NSNotificationCenter. In my opinion, it is incredibly useful and really helps with code reusability. There are…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-07-15

links for 2009-07-15

A good development - peer reviewed, web delivered, free of charge. I'll be keeping an eye on it.
(tags: FOSS OpenSource Law…

From The Eponymous Pickle

SocialText Deploys Microblogging

SocialText Deploys Microblogging

Socialtext, which I have used inside the enterprise for wiki implementations, has now deployed a microblogging appliance capability, this is unbundled from their other capabilities: ' ... Microblogging ApplianceSocialtext Microblogging…

From Putting People First

For Uganda

For Uganda

In a country where people don’t have electricity, much less Internet access, the Grameen Foundation partners with Google to relay information through mobile phones. Dara Kerr reports from on the ground for CNet: “The research…

From Putting People First

The digital age of rights

The digital age of rights

The digitally deprived have rights too, says BBC News columnist Bill Thompson, who is quite upset about a new French law: “If it is unacceptable to cut people off from the network because their actions are commercially damaging…

From Putting People First

What you don

What you don

Olga Morawczynski, a doctoral candidate at the University of Edinburgh and has spent more than a year investigating customer adoption and usage in both urban and rural Kenya, and has been sharing some of her insights on the CGAP…

From Putting People First

danah boyd on new habits in a connected world

danah boyd on new habits in a connected world

danah boyd, a researcher at Microsoft Research New England and a Fellow at the Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society, got incensed at an Italian conference and bites back: “I’m 31 years old. I’ve been online…

From Putting People First

Personal transformations in the Internet Age

Personal transformations in the Internet Age

In a BoingBoing guest blog, Marina Gorbis, executive director of the Institute for the Future, discusses the personal transformations everyone goes through as they age, and how in the new age of connectivity, these former selves…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Fulfilling Expectations at Our Annual Conference/Symposium

Fulfilling Expectations at Our Annual Conference/Symposium

One of the things I love best and hate the most about my job is reviewing at the evaluations for our annual conference. I love it because it is so clear from the evaluations that we are doing something right. I hate it because…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

ACM Washington Update, Vol. 13.6 (July 14, 2009)

ACM Washington Update, Vol. 13.6 (July 14, 2009)


[1] Newsletter Highlights [2] USACM Completes Reorganization [3] USACM Members Testify on Cybersecurity [4] USACM Co-Chair Outlines Mechanics of Behavioral Advertising [5] USACM Highlights Challenges and Opportunities…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tracking Makes Life Easier

Tracking Makes Life Easier

In AdAge, an article that makes the case that tracking benefits consumers and makes online life easier by not repeating the same message over and over. This is with the looming threats of legislation that will address targeting…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Coupons at Safeway

Online Coupons at Safeway

Safeway has now expanded the use of online coupons to all of its stores. More evidence of the movement from paper to the prevalence of online promotions.

From Putting People First

Playful innovation and simplicity by Philips

Playful innovation and simplicity by Philips

In an exploration into how games can add value to the innovation process, Philips Design has created

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-07-14

links for 2009-07-14

More scientific research which tells us what we would already know if we weren't so busy anthropomorphising.
(tags: Cat Science research BBC behaviour…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Comments on New Electronic Voting Legislation

USACM Comments on New Electronic Voting Legislation

USACM recently sent a letter to Representative Rush Holt commenting on his new electronic voting legislation. The bill, H.R. 2894, is similar to Rep. Holt's earlier electronic voting bills. The emphasis is on providing voter…


The Biggest Gains Come From Knowing Your Data

The Biggest Gains Come From Knowing Your Data

Throwing an off-the-shelf machine learning package at your data can get you started, but the biggest gains come when you learn about your data and your customers.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Days of the Logo Numbered?

Days of the Logo Numbered?

Martin Lindstrom in Branding Strategy Insider blog. ' ... Let

From CERIAS Blog

Cybersecurity Legislation

Cybersecurity Legislation

Cyber seems to be one of the buzzwords in Washington these days, with the recent botnet attacks generating a lot of extra noise. This has included at least one rather bellicose response from a US Representative who either is …

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