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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2009

From The Eponymous Pickle

Design Using the Golden Ratio

Design Using the Golden Ratio

From the DownloadSquad ' .. The Golden Ratio has been used in design for ages. Such greats as DaVinci, Michaelangelo, Rembrandt, Mondrian, and LeCorbusier utilized it in many of their works. Even Mother Nature utilizes the proportion…

From Return 42;

Many Ways to Tag Taggables

Many Ways to Tag Taggables

Today, I was looking for a current version of acts_as_taggable for a small Rails project I am working on. It seems like there are more than a hand full at the moment. This is a list of all the tagging plugins for Rails that I…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Over 800 Reports of Health Data Breaches in California this Year

Over 800 Reports of Health Data Breaches in California this Year

According to's Threat Level, the new California law requiring "organizations in California to report suspected incidents of intentional and unintentional unauthorized breaches of a patient?s personally identifiable…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of July 13

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of July 13

July 14


The Election Assistance Commission will meet and hold a public hearing. Part of the agenda will focus on accessibility and voting technologies. 1 p.m., 1225 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 150, Washington, D.C…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Demonstration Projects at Wolfram

Demonstration Projects at Wolfram

I know I have been harping on Wolfram Mathematica, but since I have been re-introduced to their suite and have had a chance to scan their offerings I have noticed they have a really remarkable set of demonstration projects, as…

From Putting People First

Nokia patents gestural phone controls

Nokia patents gestural phone controls

A promotional video earlier today, and now a patent application — too much of a coincidence: “We know that Nokia is looking into more areas than just buttons and touchscreens for phone controls, and a recently revealed patent…

From Apophenia

I Want my Cyborg Life

I Want my Cyborg Life

For the last few years, I've been spoiled. I've been surrounded by people who, when asked a question, immediately bring out a digital device and look it up. The conferences that I've attended have backchannels as a given. Tweeting…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-07-13

links for 2009-07-13

Brilliant piece by Anil Dash. It took Microsoft until 2005 to start to grasp the issue he frames here, and they still aren't over it yet. IBM faced the same…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AAAI Opens Digital Library

AAAI Opens Digital Library

The premier professional Artificial Intelligence society, AAAI, has opened its digital library to the public..

From Putting People First



The Nokia Conversations blog reports: Designing gestures to help you interact with your device in intuitive ways is a challenge that Nokia is grabbing with both hands and welcoming with a respectful bow. Younghee Jung is one…

From Putting People First

Craiglist founder on the changing balance between authority and the crowd

Craiglist founder on the changing balance between authority and the crowd

In a short video interview on Nokia’s IdeasProject Craigslist founder and customer service expert Craig Newmark says Internet connectivity is adjusting the balance between centralized expertize and the power derived from online…

From The Noisy Channel

Design For Interaction: My SIGMOD Slides

Design For Interaction: My SIGMOD Slides

From The Eponymous Pickle

Average Quicksand

Average Quicksand

Herb Sorensen of TNS Sorensen talks about "Average" Quicksand in shopping trips: ' ... What is the life experience of the average human being? Other than that they are born and die, it gets pretty complicated. That's why we…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-07-12

links for 2009-07-12

Start the week with some timelessly wonderful music - another great sampler that Amazon US are giving away.
(tags: Music Amazon)

From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented ID on Mobile

Augmented ID on Mobile

What you would love to see is a picture ID on any picture taken with your mobile cam. Even the ability, if it were reliable enough, to use it as a means to identify yourself to the phone itself. ReadWriteWeb describes this

From The Eponymous Pickle

3DSee: 3D Modeling on the Web

3DSee: 3D Modeling on the Web

Always looking for easier ways to take aspects of the real world and turn it into manipulable models online. Here reviewed in DownloadSquad. A means of building a 3D model using digital photos. See 3DSee. Examining. More…


Technological Garbage

Technological Garbage

Are Latin American countries prepared enough to deal with the environmental and health risks caused by techno-garbage?

From The Noisy Channel

Faceted Search Book Is Shipping

Faceted Search Book Is Shipping

From The Noisy Channel

Catching Up On Last Week

Catching Up On Last Week

From CSDiary

Carlos Guestrin Wins Presidential Early Career Award

Carlos Guestrin Wins Presidential Early Career Award

Carlos Guestrin has just been given the highest honor bestowed by the US government for early-career scientists and engineers, the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). One of just 100 so named…

From Putting People First

Augmenting Venice

Augmenting Venice

The MIT Mobile Experience Laboratory has just published a recent project about location-based media, focusing on how the future of mobile contents are related to the physical environment. The project, Locast, was made in collaboration…

From Putting People First

Book: Mobile Communication

Book: Mobile Communication

Mobile Communication by Rich Ling and Jonathan Donner Polity, 2009 200 pages With staggering swiftness, the mobile phone has become a fixture of daily life in almost every society on earth. In 2007, the world had over 3 billion…

From The Eponymous Pickle

BP Energy Consumption Data

BP Energy Consumption Data

This turns out to be useful for an ongoing project, impressive:

' ... Everything you always wanted to know about oil and gas prices, consumption, coal, hydro-electricity

From Putting People First

Privacy requires security, not abstinence

Privacy requires security, not abstinence

In a long essay on Technology Review, Simson Garfinkel reflects on what protecting an inalienable right might mean in the age of Facebook. “Privacy matters. Data privacy protects us from electronic crimes of opportunity–identity…

From Putting People First

The rating game

The rating game

The spread of Internet rankings and reviews is freeing consumers to focus on the decisions that matter, writes Kevin Maney in the current issue of The Atlantic Monthly. “The more technology can help with decisions, the better…

From Putting People First

Introduction to service design

Introduction to service design

Culminatum Ltd – Helsinki Region Centre of Expertise has published a great online tool, entitled Introduction to service design. “The purpose of this digital communications tool is to establish a common ground and a starting…

From Putting People First

Rural India

Rural India

The Wall Street Journal and India Knowledge@Wharton present a unique mix of reporting, analysis, interviews and video on life and business in rural India. The Rural India reader resource combines specially-commissioned material…

From Putting People First

Personas, devices, enterprises and diaries to illustrate life in 2020

Personas, devices, enterprises and diaries to illustrate life in 2020

Wired UK reports on a new foresight project by Ericsson: Ericsson, the company that, with Sony, gave birth to Sony Ericsson in 2001, has unveiled its Life in 2020 project, which involved 450 experts from inside and outside the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Losing Our Ability to Think Critically

Losing Our Ability to Think Critically

From the Communications of the ACM: Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?Computer technology has enhanced lives in countless ways, but some experts believe it might be affecting people's ability to think deeply ... '

From The Eponymous Pickle

Brick and Mortar

Brick and Mortar

I have been involved with the understanding of brick and mortar stores, and the utilization of online commerce. Now a way to design a brick wall of the future with mathematics. Building a wall is something that has proven very…