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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2014

From The Eponymous Pickle

RoboHow: Robots Learning in the Cloud

RoboHow: Robots Learning in the Cloud

In Engadget:   Interesting idea, but would like to see the details of the languages that are used by the robots to transmit knowledge.  We  should be able to learn from that.  If this works, perhaps then we should worry.  …

From Wild WebMink

Heartbleed and Lessons Learned

Heartbleed and Lessons Learned

Originally posted on Meshed Insights & Knowledge:We’ve had some time for the shock of the Heartbleed announcement to sink in and there’s a lot to consider. While the first impressions might be about the serious, exploitable bug…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Do Random Walks Help Avoid Fireworks?

Musings on gravity and quantum on the 4th of July Cropped from Crumbel source Amanda Gefter is the author of the book titled Trespassing on Einstein’s Lawn: A Father, a Daughter, the Meaning of Nothing, and the Beginning of Everything…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid T-Shirt

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid T-Shirt

Cute design. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From The Eponymous Pickle

LA Takes Back a Billion Dollars of iPads

LA Takes Back a Billion Dollars of iPads

In Reason: Schools replace them with laptops, declare an unmitigated disaster.   " .... The Los Angeles Unified School District's plan to give every child an iPad—at a cost of $1 billion to taxpayers—drew universal criticism…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sensors, 3D Printing and the Cloud

Sensors, 3D Printing and the Cloud

A new industrial Age?  Overstated, but it is obvious that all these technologies together  will drive specialized component needs to a new place.    " ... A new industrial age is being built on sensors, 3D printing and the cloud…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data in Ad Tech

Big Data in Ad Tech

In GigaOM Research, (requires registration for full access).  " ... Advertising technology (ad tech) involves a formidable set of requirements. Operationally, ad-tech tools must work at lightning speeds to offer and complete…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics and Process

Analytics and Process

In Sloan Review:  Analytics needs process.  " .... Researchers suggest a new framework to regulate the “fairness” of analytics processes. What could this mean for your organization?There are certain insights online retailers…

From Schneier on Security

Web Activity Used in Court to Portray State of Mind

Web Activity Used in Court to Portray State of Mind

I don't care about the case, but look at this: "Among the details police have released is that Harris and his wife, Leanna, told them they conducted Internet searches on how hot a car needed to be to kill a child. Stoddard testified…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How Many Languages Can You Find

How Many Languages Can You Find

A little Friday fun from Microsoft. How many programming languages can you find in this puzzle? The first one I found is COBOL FWIW.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Story Telling for Value

Story Telling for Value

Paul Smith, colleague and author of the excellent book: Lead with a Story ... writes: " ...  I’ve set up a weekly newsletter list you can sign up for that summarizes new podcasts, posts, and news for the week. If you’re interested…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cisco and the Connected Road

Cisco and the Connected Road

Cisco Gains Traction In The Connected Road Race   in  Fast Company "... In the latest installment of their ongoing expansion into the Internet of Things, Cisco recently announced an agreement with Swiss security firm AGT International…

From Schneier on Security

NSA Targets Privacy Conscious for Surveillance

NSA Targets Privacy Conscious for Surveillance

Jake Appelbaum et. al, are reporting on XKEYSCORE selection rules that target users -- and people who just visit the websites of -- Tor, Tails, and other sites. This isn't just metadata; this is "full take" content that's stored…

From Schneier on Security

Goldman Sachs Demanding E-Mail be Deleted

Goldman Sachs Demanding E-Mail be Deleted

Goldman Sachs is going to court to demand that Google retroactively delete an e-mail it accidentally sent. The breach occurred on June 23 and included "highly confidential brokerage account information," Goldman said in a complaint…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science History

Computer Science History

Computer science tends to be a very forward looking field. We are constantly looking at the newest things including the future of computers, of programming languages and paradigms, the future of applications and of careers. This…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Harmonizing Physical and Virtual Stores

Harmonizing Physical and Virtual Stores

A PDF by SAP and Wharton:  " .... Retailers are tapping an array of digital analytical tools to understand shoppers the way merchants, a couple of generations ago, knew customers by name and buying habits. Some retailers have…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Myths About Data Science

Myths About Data Science

Excellent piece by Vincent Granville ...    " .... Here are my reactions to the LinkedIn conversation about the "Statistical data scientists".  In short, I believe that modern big data needs new ways of processing data, and that…

From Geeking with Greg

More quick links

More quick links

More of what caught my attention lately: Crazy cool and the first time I've seen ultrasound used for device-to-device communication outside of research: "Chromecast will be able to pair without Wi-Fi, or even Bluetooth, via[1]…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning Removes Boring Parts

Machine Learning Removes Boring Parts

We also mused about how to do this with long retail behavioral videos. CMU reports on an interesting method.   It is dangerous though to just disregard  'uninteresting' things. Have seen that blatantly done in research situations…

From Writing

Don't Just Learn to Code, Learn How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

Don't Just Learn to Code, Learn How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

One of my blog posts got picked up by Lifehacker! Check out Don’t Just Learn to Code, Learn How to Think Like a Computer Scientist on

From Computational Complexity

Four Centuries of Logarithms

I just returned from visiting my former student Rahul Santhanam in Edinburgh. The National Museum of Scotland has an exhibit on logarithms, first published in a book by John Napier in 1614. Napier invented logarithms to make…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

GLS10 / Let’s Prototype: Women at the Intersection of Learning, Games, & Design

GLS10 / Let’s Prototype: Women at the Intersection of Learning, Games, & Design

The tenth annual Games, Learning and Society Conference, held this past June in Madison, WI, featured a panel on women in gaming.  Moderated by games-journalist-turned-grad-student Amanda Ochsner, the panel featured some heavy…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Eye Tracking in UX Design

Eye Tracking in UX Design

Brought to my attention:  Eye Tracking in User Experience Design by Jennifer Romano Bergstrom and Andrew Schall.   They write: " .... Eye Tracking for User Experience Design explores the many applications of eye tracking to better…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Verizon and Big Data Analytics

Verizon and Big Data Analytics

At the recent Big Data and Analytics Summit I attended a talk and had a chat with Ashok Srivastava of Verizon, who leads a new research and development center in Palo Alto that sets the strategic direction for big data and analytics…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Algorithmic Reporters

Algorithmic Reporters

In Quartz: The examples that I have seen of this have not necessarily been very good, but it is inevitable to see this kind of filtering and re-presentation of material.   As rules are installed you do wonder to what degree they…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What Humans do Better

What Humans do Better

What do humans still do better than robots?  In the HBR blogs. Something we examined closely with a number of University collaborators.  It turns out many, many things.  And despite all the hype, there is a long way to go in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Android Wear

Android Wear

Continued move towards wearable computing: Google launches Android Wear for wearable devices. Motorola announces Android Wear-based Moto 360, which will ship later this year.

From Schneier on Security

Match Fixing in Soccer

Match Fixing in Soccer

Useful primer....

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Overcoming the Isolation of the Computer Science Teacher

Overcoming the Isolation of the Computer Science Teacher

This morning I had a conversation with the other computer science teacher at my school. I told him I wasn't sure what to use for an exercise for my students in Explorations in Computer Science class. This is a brand new course…

From Apophenia

What does the Facebook experiment teach us?

What does the Facebook experiment teach us?

I’m intrigued by the reaction that has unfolded around the Facebook “emotion contagion” study. (If you aren’t familiar with this, read this primer.) As others have pointed out, the practice of A/B testing content is quite common…