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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2015

From The Eponymous Pickle

Condensed Guide to Running Meetings

Condensed Guide to Running Meetings

In the HBR: A good guide, we did most of these things in the enterprise, was a guide, not a set of strict requirements.

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Big Data as Services

On Big Data as  Services

Continued movement towards service orientation.   One of the issues is how we break up the services, and what part of the service landscape can be effectively automated.Big Data as a Service, an Interview with Google's William…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Supply Chain Planning Garbage in Equals Garbage Out

Supply Chain Planning Garbage in Equals Garbage Out

Very interesting piece, which addresses a problem we often encountered, and was too often not addressed well enough.  Every enterprise should have a handle on cleansing and trends in data.  Read the whole thing for a solution…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Supercomputing Flood Maps Using the Titan Supercomputer

Podcast: Supercomputing Flood Maps Using the Titan Supercomputer

In this NPR podcast, Dag Lohmann describes how his startup company called Katrisk is using the Titan supercomputer at ORNL to create detailed flood maps for use by insurance companies.

The post Podcast: Supercomputing Flood Maps…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Solutions Architect at VMware

Job of the Week: HPC Solutions Architect at VMware

VMware is seeking an HPC Solutions Architect in our Job of the Week.

The post Job of the Week: HPC Solutions Architect at VMware appeared first on insideHPC.

From Schneier on Security

NSA German Intercepts

NSA German Intercepts

On Friday, WikiLeaks published three summaries of NSA intercepts of German government communications. To me, the most interesting thing is not the intercept analyses, but this spreadsheet of intelligence targets. Here we learn…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 6 July 2015

Interesting Links 6 July 2015

Last week was ISTE. I’m still sorting through all the information I received. And just one week until the CSTA Conference. Very excited for that one. Hope to see many of you there. And now a few links I managed to collect to …

From Computational Complexity

Does Bob Deserve the lavish acknowledgement: A problem in Logic

Alice and Carol are real mathematicians. Bob is an English major who does not know any mathematics. (This story is based on a true incident.) Alice writes a math paper. Carol reads it and offers corrections of style andI…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Reasoning about Photographic Data

AI Reasoning about Photographic Data

In Engadget.  How do I make sense of the knowledge in a vast set of images?  In real time?    Its called visual media reasoning.  DARPA and others are supporting ... " .... system both detects what's in a shot and presents it…

From insideHPC

Researchers Build Memcomputing Prototype

Researchers Build Memcomputing Prototype

Over at Scientific Advances, a newly published paper describes a new high-efficiency computing paradigm called memcomputing. Modeled after the human brain, a memprocessor processes and stores information within the same units…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Revolution

AI Revolution

An interesting view that plots aspects of intelligence and progress.  The AI Revolution: Road to Superintelligence - in Wait But Why

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Workers Learned to Love their Robot Colleagues

How Workers Learned to Love their Robot Colleagues

In the WSJ, requires registration:I was struck by how this article is addressing the same issue we have dealt with before, how do workers deal with the systems and devices that will be augmenting and scaling their work?  And…

From insideHPC

Video: Algorithms for Extreme-Scale Systems

Video: Algorithms for Extreme-Scale Systems

Bill Gropp from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign presented this talk at the Blue Waters Symposium. "The large number of nodes and cores in extreme scale systems requires rethinking all aspects of algorithms, especially…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Harnessing the Color of Data

Harnessing the Color of Data

All data visualization uses color to show pattern and emphasis in visuals.  Now Vizexplorer says they take it a step further.  I am exploring beyond that.   " ... VizExplorer software makes life easier, more productive and profitable…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Final Thoughts on #ISTE2015

Final Thoughts on #ISTE2015

I thought I was done writing about ISTE but Doug Peterson’s post (Stop It Already - which you really should read including the comments from others) got me thinking a bit more. As Doug pointes out at common thing to hear at ISTE…

From insideHPC

Bringing ARM to the Student Cluster Competition

Bringing ARM to the Student Cluster Competition

Over at the ISC Blog, Luna Backes writes that her Mont-Blanc Climbers Team is looking forward to building the first ARM-based cluster ever at the upcoming ISC Student Cluster Competition.

The post Bringing ARM to the StudentinsideHPC…

From insideHPC

Mellanox to Host Special Events at ISC 2015

Mellanox to Host Special Events at ISC 2015

The countdown to ISC 2015 continues with news that Mellanox will host a set of special events at the conference.

The post Mellanox to Host Special Events at ISC 2015 appeared first on insideHPC.

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The Halting Problem For Linear Machines

A small idea before the fireworks show Thoralf Skolem was a mathematician who worked in mathematical logic, set theory, and number theory. He was the only known PhD student of Axel Thue, whose Thue systems were an early word-based…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Race to Build a Quantum Computer

Race to Build a Quantum Computer

A Good Non technical article in the Atlantic.  It does have some real applications in difficult enterprise problems.  See my previous writing on the topic.  Article mentions D-Wave, a company we talked to about potential applications…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Architecture Solutions, Business Process and Analytics

Architecture Solutions, Business Process and Analytics

Brought to my attention by Michael Fulton, former chief cloud architect at P&G,  the company CC&C.  Fascinated by the potential integration of focused architecture, business process and analytics.  More to follow." ... CC and…

From Putting People First

Videos online of KISD service design conference

Videos online of KISD service design conference

On May 18th 2015 the Köln International School of Design (KISD) in Germany hosted the conference “Service Design – Redefining the Meaning of Design“. Designers, companies and scientists shared insights on theory and practice …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Industrial Robotics in China

Industrial Robotics in China

Hard to believe that China has labor shortages.  But the article says:   " .... A brave, new world of robots is on the rise in China  ... Demand for industrial robots has increased dramatically in the manufacturing sector, and…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fishing in the Gulf of Thailand

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fishing in the Gulf of Thailand

Long article about a very lucrative squid-fishing industry that involves bribing the Cambodian Navy. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Correctness of Classification Models

Correctness of Classification Models

A nice, short, all the basics piece on classification models, from DSC.  Quality and correctness measures emphasized.    A very classic and common machine learning task.   Technical, but not too deep.

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Would an artificial intelligence “grow old”?

Would an artificial intelligence “grow old”?

Old software tends to fail. If you upgrade to the last version of Windows, your old applications may fail to run. This is typically caused by a lack of update and commonly called bit rot. That is, if you stop maintaining software…

From Schneier on Security

Rabbit Beating Up Snake

Rabbit Beating Up Snake

It's the Internet, which means there must be cute animal videos on this blog. But this one is different. Watch a mother rabbit beat up a snake to protect her children. It's impressive the way she keeps attacking the snake until…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Uses of SmartPhone Beacons

The Uses of SmartPhone Beacons

A slideshare on the effective use of beacons.    " ... Movintracks:  We have chosen the top 5 stories from June, 2015 to get your creative juices flowing. These include Ford Cars Selling Themselves with Beacons, A Tour App Enhanced…

From insideHPC

Video: Intel Vector Advisor Unlocks Code Performance

Video: Intel Vector Advisor Unlocks Code Performance

In this video, Rick Leinecker from Slashdot Media describes the Vectorization Advisor, one of the new additions to Intel Parallel Studio XE suite. "Vectorization Advisor is an analysis tool that lets you identify if loops utilize…

From My Biased Coin

The High Cost of Conferences

The High Cost of Conferences

At some point, I'm convinced the "conference structure" is going to fall apart.Case in point -- I haven't bought my tickets yet for SIGCOMM because, unless I'm missing something, a schedule isn't up yet, and unfortunately, because…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Computers in Film

Computers in Film

I am a long time student of how technology is presented in film.    In Computerworld, a list of a number of movies that, as it says, (mostly) get it right and computing tech.  Whole most of these are new , it also steps backwards…