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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2015

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Did You Miss It?

Did You Miss It?

Miss what you ask? Why the CSTA Webinar presented by Beth Ziesenis, Nerdy Best Friend, on May 12, of course! A special invitation was emailed to you on May 1. I opened the email and registered for it immediately! I … Continue…

From insideHPC

Intel and Micron Announce 3D XPoint Non-Volatile Memory

Intel and Micron Announce 3D XPoint Non-Volatile Memory

Today Intel Corporation and Micron Technology unveiled 3D XPoint technology, a non-volatile memory that has the potential to revolutionize any device, application or service that benefits from fast access to large sets of data…

From insideHPC

Savage IO Rolls Out High Performance Open Storage

Savage IO Rolls Out High Performance Open Storage

Today Savage IO announced the SavageStor open storage platform. According to the company, SavageStor is the highest-performing, most-densely populated Open Storage Platform server available today.

The post Savage IO Rolls Out…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Gartner on Digitalization

Gartner on Digitalization

In the Gartner blog, where I was attracted by the word 'digitalization',  Don't like carrying the water for another term.  But OK if it makes a useful distinction.  Not conducive to agility or innovation? Connection to BPM is…

From insideHPC

Ada Lovelace Competition to Inspire Female Programmers

Ada Lovelace Competition to Inspire Female Programmers

Marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ada Lovelace, the woman widely regarded as the first computer programmer, a competition aims to inspire female students by asking what they would most like to communicate to Lovelace…

From insideHPC

Video: TotalView Parallelizes Code at ISC 2015

Video: TotalView Parallelizes Code at ISC 2015

"TotalView breaks down barriers to understanding what's going on with your HPC and supercomputing applications. Purpose-built for multicore and parallel computing, TotalView provides a set of tools providing unprecedented control…

From insideHPC

DDN Sets World Record STAC Performance

DDN Sets World Record STAC Performance

Today DDN announced record performance on the Securities Technology Analysis Center (STAC) benchmark. Using the company's EXAScaler storage solution, DDN set new public records for multiple workload types and sizes, including…

From insideHPC

HP Doubles Down on HPC & Big Data at ISC 2015

HP Doubles Down on HPC & Big Data at ISC 2015

In this video from ISC 2015, Scott Misage from HP describes the company's new strategy for High Performance Computing. With a new business unit centered around HPC and Big Data, the company is poised to grow its market leadership…

From insideHPC

Lustre* For the Enterprise

Lustre* For the Enterprise

Lustre* is not just for the national labs any longer. It was born out of serving up data extremely fast to the world’s most powerful HPC clusters using parallel I/O to improve performance and scalability. Here are five reasons…

From The Eponymous Pickle

UK Virtual Reality Lab for Transport

UK Virtual Reality Lab for Transport

In Engadget: Don't quite understand the application, but intriguing.  In general we found that VR applications were most useful when they were closely connected to real, or imagined realistic spaces. In other words when they…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Historical Big Data Use Case

Historical Big Data Use Case

I like the fact that this includes considerable historical data.   Consider the opportunities.  From Pete Ianace:" ... This is a great use case that describes the benefits of building a Big Data Repository and then applying the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Executive Guide to Machine Learning

Executive Guide to Machine Learning

In McKinsey: An executive’s guide to machine learningIt’s no longer the preserve of artificial-intelligence researchers and born-digital companies like Amazon, Google, and Netflix. .... " 

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cities and the Power of Integration

Cities and the Power of Integration

In Cisco: On the Smart City, how things will be connected, architect ed, and analyics leveraged to make cities work efficiently.   At the end of the day it is still physical things that need to be tracked and moved about, while…

From Schneier on Security

Stagefright Vulnerability in Android Phones

Stagefright Vulnerability in Android Phones

The Stagefright vulnerability for Android phones is a bad one. It's exploitable via a text message (details depend on auto downloading of the particular phone), it runs at an elevated privilege (again, the severity depends on…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Programmers Have No Ideas?

Programmers Have No Ideas?

I read blogs by smart interesting people so I can be exposed to new or different ideas. Eugene Wallingford is one of those smart interesting people. He recently blogged THE FLIP SIDE TO "PROGRAMMING FOR ALL"" In the post he quotes…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Playing Chess With the Devil

A new kind of ‘liar’ puzzle using Freestyle chess Cropped from source Raymond Smullyan is probably the world’s greatest expert on the logic of lying and the logic of chess. He is still writing books well into his 10th decade.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft and the Internet of Things

Microsoft and the Internet of Things

How will the IOT effect the operating system of the past?  Simplifyingbecause parts of the OS can be in the cloud?  Or make them much more complex? .How will search engines be integrated? Microsoft wants to be heavily involved…

From Computational Complexity

Explain this Scenario on Jeapardy

Ponder the following: Larry, Moe, and Curly are on Jeapardy. Going into Final Jeapardy: Larry has $50,000, Moe has $10,000, Curly has $10,000 Larry bets $29,999, Moe bets $10,000, Curly bets $10,000 These bets are ALL RATIONAL…

From Schneier on Security

Michael Chertoff Speaks Out Against Backdoors

Michael Chertoff Speaks Out Against Backdoors

This is significant....

From insideHPC

Last Call for SC15 Tech Program Submissions

Last Call for SC15 Tech Program Submissions

The submissions deadline for portions of the SC15 Technical Program has been extended to Friday, Aug. 7. The SC15 conference will take place Nov. 15-20 in Austin, Texas.

The post Last Call for SC15 Tech Program Submissions appeared…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Prevedere Software uses Leading Indicators

Prevedere Software uses Leading Indicators

Brought to my attention: " ... Prevedére, Inc. is a Big Data Predictive Analytics solution that helps companies increase profits and outperform competition. Our software automates the analysis and identification of leading drivers…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

PCAST Meeting Videos and Presentations

PCAST Meeting Videos and Presentations

The last President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) meeting was held on Tuesday, July 14th at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC. The presentations as well as the webcast videos have all…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Self Checkout Psychology

Self Checkout Psychology

Evan Schuman on Self-checkout psychology: Don't scare away shoppers  Good, new information.  We worked on an analysis of this and related technologies for some time.  Not sure I would call consumers scared, but confused about…

From insideHPC

Slidecast: IBM High Performance Services for Technical Computing in the Cloud

Slidecast: IBM High Performance Services for Technical Computing in the Cloud

In this slidecast, Chris Porter and Jeff Kamiol from IBM describe how IBM High Performance Services deliver versatile, application-ready clusters in the cloud for organizations that need to quickly and economically add computing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Investing in Deep Learning

Investing in Deep Learning

In Virgin Entrepreneur.    Short description of the concept.   Not sure I agree that most companies should invest in this narrow kind of technology,  important as it may be for building out other capabilities. Companies should…

From insideHPC

ISC Cloud & Big Data Conference Announces Workshops

ISC Cloud & Big Data Conference Announces Workshops

Today the ISC Cloud & Big Data conference announced that their pre-conference program will center around eight engaging workshops. The event takes place Sept. 28-30 in Frankfurt, Germany.

The post ISC Cloud & Big Data Conference…

From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of July 27

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of July 27

House Floor H.R. 2206, State Wide Interoperable Communications Enhancement Act H.R. 1634, Border Security Technology Accountability Act Tuesday July 28, 2015 Hearing: Continued Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

What ten years teaching a technical topic in college taught me…

What ten years teaching a technical topic in college taught me…

Over ten years ago, XML was all the rage in information technology. XML was what the cool kids used to store, exchange and process data. By 2005, all the major computer science conferences featured papers on XML technology. Today…

From insideHPC

Smaller Companies Shun HPC in Europe

Smaller Companies Shun HPC in Europe

In the ISC opening keynote, the conference was told that Europe is failing to persuade enough small and medium companies to take advantage of high performance computing and engineering simulation, even though HPC and CAE are …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Self Driving Trucks this Year

Self Driving Trucks this Year

From the BBC: On German roads this year?  Supply chain efficiency changes are considerable. " .. Autonomous trucks: Daimler seeks licence for road tests ... "