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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2017

From The Eponymous Pickle

Whiskers as Sensors

Whiskers as Sensors

Tactile sensors, like the idea of using new kinds of sensors.  Imagine the increased number of data that could be gathered and fed to deep learning techniques.   Added to visual sensory input.

Want a Robot that can really feel…

From The Eponymous Pickle

How Will GE Adapt to Change?

How Will GE Adapt to Change?

Will be interesting to follow. They impressed me as a talented group, but also lumbering about as a big company without paying enough attention to good standards.  Will their Predix system take them in the right direction? In…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Eyeball Collector Wants a Giant-Squid Eyeball

Friday Squid Blogging: Eyeball Collector Wants a Giant-Squid Eyeball

They're rare: The one Dubielzig really wants is an eye from a giant squid, which has the biggest eye of any living animal -- it's the size of a dinner plate. "But there are no intact specimens of giant squid eyes, only rotten…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking Avatar Dreams

Thinking Avatar Dreams

Reimagining the Avatar Dream, illustrationHad never specifically heard of the term avatar dream.  Its not in the Wikipedia.   I could imagine a definition.  As we drift into AI, its like the carpenter or crafts person identifying strongly with their  tools.  But now


From The Eponymous Pickle

Explanation Leading to Trust of Computers

Explanation Leading to Trust of Computers

Learning to explain.   Ultimately a very important topic.  Leading to trust.

AI Research Seeks to Grow Trust between Humans and Computers  By BU Today 

Researchers at Boston University and the University of California, Berkeley…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Vision, Real and Virtual

Vision, Real and Virtual

There have been many years of research about how vision works, but not enough about how this effects virtual and augmented reality.    Ultimately it drives perception.  An extended look at the topic:

 Perception is Reality --Rebecca…

From Schneier on Security

Book Review: Twitter and Tear Gas, by Zeynep Tufekci

Book Review: Twitter and Tear Gas, by Zeynep Tufekci

There are two opposing models of how the Internet has changed protest movements. The first is that the Internet has made protesters mightier than ever. This comes from the successful revolutions in Tunisia (2010-11), Egypt (2011)…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Sleep Technologies

AI Sleep Technologies

This covers a number of approaches now being examined to provide 'personalized optimization' for sleep related problems.  Nicely laid out.  Very similar to other health related pattern recognition problems.  InVenturebeat.

From insideHPC

Open Science with OpenPMD

Open Science with OpenPMD

"We present the open meta data format openPMD for data format agnostic markup of particle-mesh data. Based on a minimal kernel of meta information and enriched with domain-specific extensions, we develop an open ecosystem of …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Reality Try-it-on App

Augmented Reality Try-it-on App

So here is, at least in theory, the ideal augmented reality App.  We tested a number of such related methods in the past with limited success.  Except in its novelty.  But will it succeed because of fewer returns?  See especially…

From insideHPC

Call for Papers: HPC Systems Professionals Workshop

Call for Papers: HPC Systems Professionals Workshop

"The Second Annual HPC Systems Professionals Workshop will bring together systems administrators, systems architects, and systems analysts in order to share best practices, discuss cutting­-edge technologies, and advance the…

From Wild WebMink

Why OSI License Approval Matters

Why OSI License Approval Matters

Individual judgment about the presence of software freedom in a license is not the same as community consensus expressed through OSI approval.

Does it really matter if a copyright license is OSI Approved or not? Surely iflooks…

From insideHPC

SKA and CERN Sign Big Data Agreement

SKA and CERN Sign Big Data Agreement

Today the SKA Organization and CERN signed an agreement formalizing their growing collaboration in the area of extreme-scale computing. The agreement establishes a framework for collaborative projects that addresses joint challenges…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Microsoft Research Faculty Summit to Be Live Streamed July 17-18

Microsoft Research Faculty Summit to Be Live Streamed July 17-18

The Microsoft Research Faculty Summit will be live streamed from Redmond, Washington on Monday, July 17 and Tuesday, July 18. This free online event offers keynotes and selected presentations from the Faculty Summit on artificial…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Ethics and Computer Science Education

Ethics and Computer Science Education

Are ethics and the effects of computer science a reason to teach CS to everyone? Increasingly we are seeing all sort of impacts on daily life because of computing. Some are unintended but others are intended and often some of…

From insideHPC

How PBS Works Makes HPC Easy to Use

How PBS Works Makes HPC Easy to Use

In this video from ISC 2017, Bill Nitzberg from Altair demonstrates how easy it is to launch jobs with PBS Pro. "Altair’s PBS Works workload management suite is used by thousands of organizations worldwide to simplify the administration…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (July 14th, 2017)

Science and Technology links (July 14th, 2017)

PC shipments are at the lowest level of the last 10 years, and they have been declining for the last two years. Using smartphone data, researchers are able for the first in history to measure objectively how active people are…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Machine Learning

Quantum Machine Learning

If this says what I think it does, it could rapidly advance machine learning in a quantum computing world.     Will this kind of thing bring true machine intelligence closer much more quickly?   Technical.

Physicists uncover similarities…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mapping Critical Knowledge

Mapping Critical Knowledge

Always liked the idea of using a map, especially for group interactions.  Does require some paying attention to maintaining the knowledge involved.  Here in Knowledge@Wharton:
Mapping Critical Knowledge for Digital Transformation…

From Schneier on Security

Forged Documents and Microsoft Fonts

Forged Documents and Microsoft Fonts

A set of documents in Pakistan were detected as forgeries because their fonts were not in circulation at the time the documents were dated....

From insideHPC

Lustre 2.10.0 Released

Lustre 2.10.0 Released

Today OpenSFS announced that the Lustre 2.10.0 release has been declared GA and is available download. "Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release. This is the first release of the 2.10.x LTS release…

From Computational Complexity

Solutions to some Hat Problem AND some points of interest.

In my last blog here I asked three (known) hat problems since they may be new to you (one of them I just learned last week) and I had a point to make about them. I have WRITTEN UP the proofs  here since html is clumsy with math…

From insideHPC

Teradata Acquires StackIQ

Teradata Acquires StackIQ

Today Teradata announced the acquisition of StackIQ, developers of one of the industry’s fastest bare metal software provisioning platforms which has managed the deployment of cloud and analytics software at millions of servers…

From insideHPC

Panel Looks at Improving Diversity in HPC

Panel Looks at Improving Diversity in HPC

In this video from ISC 2017, Lara Kisielewska moderates a panel discussion on Diversity in HPC. "Through collaboration and networking, the Women in HPC community strives to bring together women in HPC and technical computing …

From insideHPC

WekaIO Unveils Industry’s First Cloud-native Scalable File System

WekaIO Unveils Industry’s First Cloud-native Scalable File System

Today WekaIO, a venture backed high-performance cloud storage software company, today emerged from stealth to introduce the industry's first cloud-native scalable file system that delivers unprecedented performance to applications…

From insideHPC

Interview: Dr. Christoph Schär on Escaping the Data Avalanche for Climate Modeling

Interview: Dr. Christoph Schär on Escaping the Data Avalanche for Climate Modeling

"There are large efforts towards refining the horizontal resolution of climate models to O(1 km) with the intent to represent convective clouds explicitly rather than using semi-empirical parameterizations. This refinement would…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DataScience@NIH Updates

DataScience@NIH Updates

Check out the following updates from Data Science at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Data Science Opportunities: The NIH is looking for mentors for the Friday Afternoon Data Science Mentorship Program (FAM). The mentorship…

From insideHPC

Alan Turing Institute to Acquire Cray Urika-GX Graph Supercomputer

Alan Turing Institute to Acquire Cray Urika-GX Graph Supercomputer

Today Cray announced the Company will provide a Cray Urika-GX system to the Alan Turing Institute. “The rise of data-intensive computing – where big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and supercomputing converge – has opened…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Science Pipelines

Data Science Pipelines

So rarely well thought out in the enterprise, a high level view.    Well presented.  Via O'Reilly and in Medium:

How to build a data science pipeline  by Balázs Kégl 
Start with y. Concentrate on formalizing the predictive problem…

From insideHPC

Cycles Per Instruction – Why it matters

Cycles Per Instruction – Why it matters

To compare how one version of a part of the code is running to another version, since this is a ratio, it is important to keep one of the values constant in order to understand if the optimization is working. If more cpu cycles…

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