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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2018

From Schneier on Security

Identifying People by Metadata

Identifying People by Metadata

Interesting research: "You are your Metadata: Identification and Obfuscation of Social Media Users using Metadata Information," by Beatrice Perez, Mirco Musolesi, and Gianluca Stringhini. Abstract: Metadata are associated to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google and Measurement Strategy

Google and Measurement Strategy

Without accurate in context measurement strategy, you don't have much of anything.  Here is how Google works with partners in this space.  Consider how this works outside marketing as well.

Why partners play a critical role in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China to Use AI for Diplomatic Strategy

China to Use AI for Diplomatic Strategy

Quite intriguing, pointers to more technical background or details?    Will gaming be an element?  Certainly simulation.  Recall we used agent based methods to simulate Chinese retail changes. (See link to Agent Model examples…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China Aims to use AI as Strategy

China Aims to use AI as Strategy

Quite intriguing
Artificial intelligence, immune to fear or favour, is helping to make China’s foreign policy…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Out of Stocks

Online Out of Stocks

One of our key exploration areas.   Including mobile assistance to instore personnel.  How diffiecult if the problem online?   Stronger communications or connections to fulfillment?

Study: Online retailers losing billions in sales…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Bill Daly from NVIDIA on What’s Next for AI

Podcast: Bill Daly from NVIDIA on What’s Next for AI

"NVIDIA researchers are gearing up to present 19 accepted papers and posters, seven of them during speaking sessions, at the annual Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference next week in Salt Lake City, Utah. Joining…

From insideHPC

Low-Mach Simulation of Flow and Heat Tansfer in an Internal Combustion Engine

Low-Mach Simulation of Flow and Heat Tansfer in an Internal Combustion Engine

In this video from PASC18, Saumil Patel from Argonne describes his poster on engine combustion simulation. "This work marks a milestone achievement in using Nek5000, a highly-scalable computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Quest For Simple Hard Statements

Made-to-order statements that are not so simple Harvey Friedman is a long-standing friend who is a world expert on proofs and the power of various logics. This part of mathematics is tightly connected to complexity theory. This…

From The Eponymous Pickle

MIT Researches Data as an Asset

MIT Researches Data as an Asset

Data as an asset concept was a thing we looked at early on, checking this MIT work out...  does it include estimates of measures about specifically how to monetize?   And to include in these analyses risks as well?  So does the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung Patches Smartthings Security

Samsung Patches Smartthings Security

Do to their broad capabilities in smart appliances, Samsung is likely to be a considerable player in the smarthome and with their SmartThing hub.  My own experience to their TV systems has been shakey.  Good to see they are patching…

From insideHPC

Enabling a Secure Multi-Tenant Environment for HPC at the Sanger Institute

Enabling a Secure Multi-Tenant Environment for HPC at the Sanger Institute

Dr. Peter Clapham from the Sanger Institute gave this talk at the DDN User Group at ISC 2018. "The DDN User Group at ISC is an annual conference that brings together the best and brightest scientists, researchers and technologists…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Software Developer at ANSYS

Job of the Week: HPC Software Developer at ANSYS

ANSYS is seeking an HPC Software Developer in our Job of the Week. "The Software Developer II is responsible for assisting in the design, development and maintenance of the next generation, multi-physics coupling engine. This…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at Amazon Go

A Look at Amazon Go

A closer look at AmazonGo.    And notes that there lots of employees at hand to show how it works. Not too different that the experience I just had at a McDonald's, where there was always employees at hand to show how the ordering…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (July 27th, 2018)

Science and Technology links (July 27th, 2018)

It is frequently argued that intelligence requires great complexity. But complex compared to what? To put things in perspective, my friend Leonid points out that tiny worms have simple brains and yet they can compute the solution…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machines Interpreting Human Emotions

Machines Interpreting Human Emotions

Helping Computers Perceive Human Emotions   In MIT News

MIT Media Lab researchers have developed a machine-learning model that takes computers a step closer to interpreting human emotions as naturally as people do.

In the growing…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Deception

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Deception

This is a fantastic video of a squid attracting prey with a tentacle that looks like a smaller squid. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa for Business Makes Hotel Room Calls

Alexa for Business Makes Hotel Room Calls

Hospitality by assistants expands

Alexa for Business can now Make Phone Calls in Hotel Rooms

Khari Johnson in Venturebeat

Volara, the creator of a hotel concierge service powered by AWS’ Alexa for Business, today announced it has…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Video Surveillance

Future of Video Surveillance


This Japanese AI security camera shows the future of surveillance will be automated  By James Vincent @jjvincent

The world of automated surveillance is booming, with new machine learning techniques giving CCTV cameras…

From Schneier on Security

New Report on Police Digital Forensics Techniques

New Report on Police Digital Forensics Techniques

According to a new CSIS report, "going dark" is not the most pressing problem facing law enforcement in the age of digital data: Over the past year, we conducted a series of interviews with federal, state, and local law enforcement…

From insideHPC

PLDA and HPE to Develop Gen-Z semiconductor IP

PLDA and HPE to Develop Gen-Z semiconductor IP

Today Hewlett Packard Enterprise and PLDA announced a joint collaboration to meet the challenges of next-generation connectivity for advanced workloads. Gen-Z is a new open interconnect protocol and connector developed by the…

From insideHPC

Cray Sets the Stage for Exascale at ISC 2018

Cray Sets the Stage for Exascale at ISC 2018

In this video from ISC 2018, Cray CTO Steve Scott describes how the company is moving towards providing Exascale computing capabilities for scientists and engineers worldwide. "It takes many years and many generations of technology…

From insideHPC

SIGHPC Announces Computational and Data Science Fellowships

SIGHPC Announces Computational and Data Science Fellowships

Today SIGHPC announced the third annual recipients of the ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational and Data Science Fellowship. Funded by Intel, the Fellowship was established to increase the diversity of students pursuing graduate degrees…

From insideHPC

How NVIDIA Powers Dell EMC Systems for HPC & AI

How NVIDIA Powers Dell EMC Systems for HPC & AI

In this video from ISC 2018, Marc Hamilton from NVIDIA describes how the company is working with Dell EMC to accelerate AI and HPC workloads. "Dell EMC Deep Learning Ready Bundle customers include the new Dell EMC PowerEdge C4140…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machines as Better Narrators?

Machines as Better Narrators?

 Perhaps then with humans editing.  Examples I have seen so far would need lots of that.

Storytelling with data: Will machines become better narrators than us?  in 7Wdata

The use of digital technology for storytelling is not limited…

From insideHPC

How AI & Machine Intelligence is Assisting Clinicians

How AI & Machine Intelligence is Assisting Clinicians

machine intelligenceAccording to a new Ovum white paper, sponsored by NVIDIA, there is a huge opportunity to help physicians with AI-based systems that can cut down on the workload across protocoling, imaging analysis, and automated reporting of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Minimal Coding Platforms

Minimal Coding Platforms

Particularly like the mention of direct integration of business process modeling.  Makes at a more efficient application of less code for more value.

Software Without Coding   By Esther Shein in CACM

With digital transformation…

From Schneier on Security

Third Annual Cybercrime Conference

Third Annual Cybercrime Conference

Ross Anderson liveblogged the Third Annual Cybercrime Conference...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity in Oxford

Oxford, England is in the middle of a heat wave and it handles high temperatures about as well as Atlanta handles snow. But that can't stop the complexity and a wonderful workshop this past week. It's my first trip to Oxfordfive…

From Putting People First

The emerging world of healthcare communities

The emerging world of healthcare communities

We are witnessing the emergence of a new phenomenon in health care: self-organizing, online communities of patients, caregivers, clinicians, researchers, academics, and industry, all focused on a particular disease. Patient-led…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter Builds new Efficient Future Factories

Procter Builds new Efficient Future Factories

It seems the new facility will be laden with technology to improve manufacturing and supply chain process.

P&G building 2.5 million-square-foot W.Va. factory
Procter & Gamble is building a 2.5 million-square-foot factory in West…