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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2018

From insideHPC

Addressing Computing Challenges at CERN openlab

Addressing Computing Challenges at CERN openlab

In this special guest feature from Scientific Computing World, Robert Roe speaks with Dr Maria Girone, Chief Technology Officer at CERN openlab ahead of her keynote presentation at ISC High Performance. "The challenge of creating…

From insideHPC

Abstractions and Directives for Adapting Wavefront Algorithms to Future Architectures

Abstractions and Directives for Adapting Wavefront Algorithms to Future Architectures

Robert Searles from the University of Delaware gave this talk at PASC18. "Architectures are rapidly evolving, and exascale machines are expected to offer billion-way concurrency. We need to rethink algorithms, languages and programming…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Morse Code is still Here

Morse Code is still Here

Remember being trained on Morse, then it seemed to go away ... but no,  it still has assistant applications beyond being a (now) obscure point on mystery theater.  Now yet more inspirational!

Making Morse code available to more…

From The Eponymous Pickle

RapidMiner Embeds Machine Learning

RapidMiner Embeds Machine Learning

Over the years we actively used RapidMiner for analytics.   Good to see them advancing their connected capabilities.  Will followup to examine.

Press Release:
RapidMiner announces new program to embed machine learning

New partner…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Stanford AI Recreates Periodic Table

Stanford AI Recreates Periodic Table

Fascinating example.   Could this kind of structure be sought elsewhere?  Thinking it.

Stanford AI recreates chemistry’s periodic table of elements
In a first step toward generating an artificial intelligence program that can find…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Research Scientist for HPC at Intel Labs

Job of the Week: Research Scientist for HPC at Intel Labs

Intel in Silicon Valley is seeking a Research Scientist for HPC. "Intel Labs is seeking motivated researchers in the area of parallel and distributed computing research applied towards high performance computing and machine learning…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Description of Enterprise Blockchain

Description of Enterprise Blockchain

To the point and non-technical.

The blockchain beyond bitcoin

Taking blockchain technology private for the enterprise.   By Jim Scott in O'Reilly

Check out Jim Scott’s session “Using the Blockchain in Enterprise” at the Strata Data…

From insideHPC

IO500 List Showcases World’s Fastest Storage Systems for HPC

IO500 List Showcases World’s Fastest Storage Systems for HPC

In this video from ISC 2018, John Bent and Jay Lofstead describe how the IO500 benchmark measures storage performance in HPC environments. "The IO500 benchmark suite is designed to be easy to run and the community has multiple…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (July 21st, 2018)

Science and Technology links (July 21st, 2018)

It seems that something called “Cartesian Genetic Programming” could be a match for Deep Learning. If you look at the best paid individuals in most fields, most of them are men. Why is that? There are many possible explanations…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Superminds and the Nature of Work

Superminds and the Nature of Work

Interesting piece which uses my alma mater Procter & Gamble, as an example.  We struggled with some of these problems, linking human capabilities and artificial augmentation.  Early on we talked to Tom Malone on related topics…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Breadth of Machine Learning

The Breadth of Machine Learning

Some useful and in my experience correct ideas.   Its still hard to produce and learn general intelligence.  What worked for us was to be as narrow as possible, with rules or by neurons.   Narrow is also useful too for maintenance…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Retail Supply Chains

Retail Supply Chains

Useful examples, more detail would be useful.  We note that CPG company Unilever's was best.

In  Supply Chain Digest

Another View of the Best Supply Chains   by Dan Gilmore

Different Methodologies of Course Lead to Different Results…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Deep Mind and Abstract Thought

Deep Mind and Abstract Thought

 What is abstrsact thought, and how do IQ tests track that?   Closer to what we might call common sense, or really uncommon?

DeepMind AI Takes IQ Tests to Probe Its Ability for Abstract Thought 

in New Scientist  By Jacob Aron


From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Dead Squid on Prince Edward Island

Friday Squid Blogging: Dead Squid on Prince Edward Island

A beach on Prince Edward Island is littered with dead squid. No one knows why. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines…

From The Eponymous Pickle

PwC Looks at the Job Market under new AI

PwC Looks at the Job Market under new AI

AI Won't Kill the Job Market but Keep It Steady, PwC Report Says 
In  Forbes   By Parmy Olson

A study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) researchers of wide-ranging economic trends to better predict how artificial intelligence (AI)…

From The Eponymous Pickle

D-Wave Models a Quantum System

D-Wave Models a Quantum System

Had a brief connect with DWave for applications in business.  Continue to think possible applications areas.   Especially combinatorially complex possibilities.  Good to see an apparent move forward.

D-Wave’s quantum computer

From The Eponymous Pickle

Let's Try to See Clearly on Blockchain for Advertising

Let's Try to See Clearly on Blockchain for Advertising

Have been asked to examine this.  Of interest.

Blockchain is simply too slow to work for the real-time aspects of our programmatic trading world,  
By Jaisimha Muthegere

The release of the Interactive Advertising Bureau's Blockchain…

From insideHPC

From Weather Dwarfs to Kilometre-Scale Earth System Simulations

From Weather Dwarfs to Kilometre-Scale Earth System Simulations

Nils P. Wedi from ECMWF gave this talk at PASC18. "The increasingly large amounts of data being produced b weather and climate simulations and earth system observations is sometimes characterised as a deluge. This deluge of data…

From insideHPC

NEC Accelerates Machine Learning with Vector Computing

NEC Accelerates Machine Learning with Vector Computing

In this video from ISC 2018, Takeo Hosomi from NEC describes how vector computing can accelerate Machine Learning workloads. "Machine learning is the key technology for data analytics and artificial intelligence. Recent progress…

From insideHPC

ECP Launches ExaLearn Co-Design Center

ECP Launches ExaLearn Co-Design Center

The DOE's Exascale Computing Project has initiated a new Co-Design Center called ExaLearn. Led by Principal Investigator Francis J. Alexander from Brookhaven National Laboratory, ExaLearn is a co-design center for Exascale Machine…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Jaron Lanier on Behavior Modification

Jaron Lanier on Behavior Modification

We connected with Lanier long ago on and in virtual worlds.  He does not like it when people he doesn't agree with seem to be keen on altering his behavior.  Or are not part of his tribe.   Don't disagree we should all consider…

From Computational Complexity

CRA Snowbird 2018

Marios Papaefthymiou (UC Irvine), Michael Franklin (U. Chicago), Larry Birnbaum (Northwestern) and me.
This week I attended the 2018 Computing Research Association Snowbird conference, a biennial meeting of Computer Science…

From Schneier on Security

New Report on Chinese Intelligence Cyber-Operations

New Report on Chinese Intelligence Cyber-Operations

The company ProtectWise just published a long report linking a bunch of Chinese cyber-operations over the past few years. The always interesting gruqq has some interesting commentary on the group and its tactics. Lots of detailed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Piviots to Deep Learning

Microsoft Piviots to Deep Learning

I doubt if Microsoft is playing this wrong.  I agree though that other forms of intelligence are also worth investing in, like better ways of providing intelligent conversations and linking that to knowledge infrastructure. 


From The Noisy Channel

I’d hope that a job description would align with these kinds of questions.

I’d hope that a job description would align with these kinds of questions.

I’d hope that a job description would align with these kinds of questions. It’s one of the reasons to publish questions — the interviewing process shouldn’t be a big secret. It should focus on the kind of work the job requires…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Emotional Marketing Driving Growth

Emotional Marketing Driving Growth

Something we looked at in some detail, starting long ago.

How Emotional Marketing Can Drive Business Growth  in K@W

An image of an elegant Vermicular-brand Japanese rice cooker flashed on the screen at the Wharton Customer Analytics…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF DCL: Removal of Deadlines for the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Program

NSF DCL: Removal of Deadlines for the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Program

The following is a cross-directorate Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) on the removal of deadlines for the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Program. Dear Colleague: The Directorates for Computer and Information Science and…

From The Eponymous Pickle



Have an idea? plug it into a Cloud.  Anything that simplifies things is good.

DigitalOcean: Very interesting idea, pointed out to me  ... 

Meet DigitalOcean

We're on a mission to simplify cloud computing so developers and their

From The Noisy Channel

Interview Questions for Search Relevance Engineers and Product Managers

Interview Questions for Search Relevance Engineers and Product Managers

Technical interviewing is hard, and it’s a subject I’m very passionate about personally.

But this post isn’t about technical interviewing in general. It’s specifically about questions I’ve used to interview candidates for search…

From The Eponymous Pickle

ISSIP Speaker Series: Digital Workers and Role of Meta in Digital Services

ISSIP Speaker Series: Digital Workers and Role of Meta in Digital Services

Via Sorin Ciornei, Series Chair, Cisco Systems
The digital worker and technological implications: The critical role of "meta" in digital services innovation and employment

Speaker:  Stephen F


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