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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2019

From The Eponymous Pickle

Definition of a Smart Contract

Definition of a Smart Contract

Good, non technical view of the smart contract,  more details at the link:

 Definition of a Smart Contract

What's a smart contract (and how does it work)?   By Lucas Mearian  in Computerworld
Smart contracts are potentially one

From insideHPC

Supercomputing Heat Transfer between 2D Electronic Components

Supercomputing Heat Transfer between 2D Electronic Components

Researchers are using XSEDE supercomputing resources in the search for new materials for power-efficient electronics. "Using a combination of calculations on XSEDE-allocated resources and lab experiments, a UCLA-led group showed…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Call for Papers – 2nd Annual International Workshop on Quantum Computing for Sustainable Computing

Call for Papers – 2nd Annual International Workshop on Quantum Computing for Sustainable Computing

Drs. Travis Humble (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) and Himanshu Thapliyal (University of Kentucky) have released a call for papers in order to participate in the upcoming 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Computing for Sustainable…

From insideHPC

Why PASC19 is a great show for the International Science Community

Why PASC19 is a great show for the International Science Community

In this video from PASC19 in Zurich, Mike Heroux from Sandia National Labs shares the reasons he attends the conference every year. As a multi-disciplinary show, PASC gives him the opportunity to keep up with the international…

From insideHPC

CRAG Adopts Pure Storage for Agricultural Genomics

CRAG Adopts Pure Storage for Agricultural Genomics

The Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) in Spain has announced plans to deploy Pure Storage solutions to improve its high performance computing environment. CRAG is dedicated to cutting-edge scientific research…

From insideHPC

Bill Kramer to Lead Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

Bill Kramer to Lead Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

William Kramer has been selected as the next director of the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. "It’s our great fortune to recruit Bill, who is known and honored nationally for his leadership and innovations in the world of supercomputing…

From insideHPC

Fujitsu to Deploy Gadi Supercomputer at NCI in Australia

Fujitsu to Deploy Gadi Supercomputer at NCI in Australia

Today Fujitsu announced a contract to upgrade the Australia's fastest supercomputer at NCI. Called "Gadi," the new supercomputer will replace the NCI's current supercomputer, Raijin, which was also provided by Fujitsu back in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Free Digital Transformations Webinar

Free Digital Transformations Webinar

Upcoming Webinar by colleague Tony Saldhana, expert on this topic, has just published a book on the topic.  I will be attending and report on the talk,  more information below:

" ... Don't Let Your Digital Transformation Project…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple to Buy Most of Intel's 5G Modem Business

Apple to Buy Most of Intel's 5G Modem Business

An interesting move, an attempt to make Apple emerge in 5G? Compete with Qualcomm.

Apple’s spending $1 billion to buy most of Intel’s 5G modem business
Apple iPhone in Technology Review

The technology and people it’s acquiring will…

From The Eponymous Pickle

We See Shapes, DL Sees Textures

We See Shapes, DL Sees Textures

Interesting observation here, what are its ultimate implications for AI?

Where We See Shapes, AI Sees Textures in QuantaMagazine
To researchers’ surprise, deep learning vision algorithms often fail at classifying images because…

From Schneier on Security

Wanted: Cybersecurity Imagery

Wanted: Cybersecurity Imagery

Eli Sugarman of the Hewlettt Foundation laments about the sorry state of cybersecurity imagery: The state of cybersecurity imagery is, in a word, abysmal. A simple Google Image search for the term proves the point: It's all white…

From Computational Complexity

Turing to be on the Bank of England 50 pound note, giving me an excuse to talk about Turing

BILL: Darling, guess who is soon going to be on the Bank of England 50 pound note?

DARLING: Alan Turing.

BILL: How did you deduce that? (She is right, see here.)

DARLING: Since you asked it, it couldn't be a member of the…

From insideHPC

Agenda Posted: MVAPICH User Group (MUG) Meeting in Ohio

Agenda Posted: MVAPICH User Group (MUG) Meeting in Ohio

The MVAPICH User Group Meeting (MUG 2019) has published its Speaker Agenda. The event will take place from August 19-21 in Columbus, Ohio. "MUG aims to bring together MVAPICH2 users, researchers, developers, and system administrators…

From insideHPC

Accelerate Your Apache Spark with Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory

Accelerate Your Apache Spark with Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory

Piotr Balcer and Cheng Xu from Intel gave this talk at the 2019 Spark+AI Summit. "Intel Optane DC persistent memory breaks the traditional memory/storage hierarchy and scales up the computing server with higher capacity persistent…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Supercomputers + Graphic Processing for Parameter Simulation

Supercomputers + Graphic Processing for Parameter Simulation

Another example of the use of simulation, and much faster computing to check proposed solutions.  We used just such methods in the enterprise, though well before we had the computing power mentioned here.   Its like traversing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Gives Cancer AI to Open Source

IBM Gives Cancer AI to Open Source

Like the potential of clearly beneficial approaches being shared this way.    What outcomes have come out of this work to date?

IBM Gives Cancer-Killing Drug AI Project to the Open Source Community 
Charlie Osborne

IBM has

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotic Lenses

Robotic Lenses

In New Scientist, complete article requires subscription:

A robotic lens can be controlled by simply looking around or blinking   By Leah Crane

Blink twice to zoom in. A new soft lens can be controlled by your eye movements, pivoting…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Further Emergence of the Very Small

On the Further Emergence of the Very Small

Good piece on the emergence fo the very small devices aimed at tasks for many purposes.

Micro machines: How the next big thing in robotics is actually quite small in Digitaltrends

A micro bristle bot beside a penny. Max Planck


From The Eponymous Pickle

Defining, Measuring Cleanliness

Defining, Measuring Cleanliness

Worked early on in grocery.

How do consumers define cleanliness in grocery stores?  by Tom Ryan in Retailwire

Cleanliness in grocery stores means much more than “clean up on aisle five.” According to a recent survey of Consumer…


Lessons from a First-Year Seminar

Lessons from a First-Year Seminar

Teaching a first-year seminar to a mixed group musters the basics of computer science.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sensor Based Skin for Prosthetic Touch

Sensor Based Skin for Prosthetic Touch

New advances in touch.   We experimented with devices on the shelf to let consumers touch-engage with a product.    So this might be a way to quantitatively test the experience?

A sensor-filled “skin” could give prosthetic hands…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC System Administrator at DE Shaw Research

Job of the Week: HPC System Administrator at DE Shaw Research

D.E. Shaw Research is seeking and HPC System Administrator in our Job of the Week. "Exceptional sysadmins sought to manage systems, storage, and network infrastructure for a New York–based interdisciplinary research group. Ideal…

From insideHPC

Video: Lustre, RoCE, and MAN

Video: Lustre, RoCE, and MAN

Marek Magryś from Cyfronet gave this talk at the DDN User Group. "This talk will describe the architecture and implementation of high capacity Lustre file system for the need of a data intensive project. Storage is based on …

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (July 27th 2019)

Science and Technology links (July 27th 2019)

There are thick ice deposits on the Moon. Water in space is important as it can be used to create fuel and to sustain life. Most animals do not suffer heart attacks and strokes, the way human beings do. It appears that the difference…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Integrating Machine Learning and Graph Algorithms

Integrating Machine Learning and Graph Algorithms

Just attended the Neo4j webinar for Improving Machine Learning Predictions Using Graph Algorithms.   Nicely informative.   Click below to watch a recording of the webinar, view the slides, and learn more about the topic with


From The Eponymous Pickle

Regulations Needed for Digital Ledgers

Regulations Needed for Digital Ledgers

Regulations for Blockchain systems and contracts

Columbia DataScience (@DSI_Columbia)

How is blockchain technology affecting the securities market and what regulations are needed to govern digital ledgers? This Q&A with a Columbia…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Big Complicated Programming Projects

Big Complicated Programming Projects

Ria Galanos has a wonderful blog about her experiences moving from the classroom to a life as a professional software developer. It’s been a long time since I developed software for a living and her posts are bringing a lot of…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Humbolt Squid in Mexico is Getting Smaller

Friday Squid Blogging: Humbolt Squid in Mexico is Getting Smaller

The Humbolt squid are getting smaller: Rawley and the other researchers found a flurry of factors that drove the jumbo squid's demise. The Gulf of California historically cycled between warm-water El Niño conditions and cool-water…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Assistive Driving Tech Allows Control of Multiple Trucks

Smart Assistive Driving Tech Allows Control of Multiple Trucks

New look at how to make supply chains more efficient.

Smart assistive driving tech allows one truck driver to control multiple trucks     By Luke Dormehl in DigitalTrends  @lukedormehl

Few people argue that self-driving…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Powering Drones for Days with Ultralight Photovoltaics

Powering Drones for Days with Ultralight Photovoltaics

Something like this might fill the skies.  The efficiency increase seems small, but perhaps is key to the task at hand.

Drones will fly for days with new photovoltaic engine  by Linda Vu

UC Berkeley researchers just broke another…