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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2019

From insideHPC

Globus Integrates with Box Cloud Content Management

Globus Integrates with Box Cloud Content Management

Today the Globus research data management service announced the general availability of Globus for Box, a new solution for seamlessly connecting Box with an organization’s existing research storage ecosystem. "The Box connector…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Next ACM TechTalk- Shwetak Patel on “The Emerging Role of Mobile Computing in Health”

Next ACM TechTalk- Shwetak Patel on “The Emerging Role of Mobile Computing in Health”

Computing Community Consortium (CCC) council member Shwetak Patel, Director of the Ubicomp Lab at University of Washington, will be giving the next free ACM TechTalk on "The Emerging Role of Mobile Computing in Health" on Thursday…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Ecology of Machine Intelligence. When?

Ecology of Machine Intelligence.   When?

Classic question, when will machines have our general intelligence?  What will this coexistence then look like?   And what is the resulting 'Ecology'?    In the Edge:

Ecology of Intelligence    A Talk By Frank Wilczek

I don't think…

From insideHPC

Video: Hyperion Research – Market Insight for HPC & AI

Video: Hyperion Research – Market Insight for HPC & AI

In this video, the Hyperion Research team describes how the company helps customers make fact-based decisions on technology purchases and business strategy. "Our industry experts are the former IDC high performance computing …

From insideHPC

High Performance Systems: An “Open Plan” for HPC

High Performance Systems: An “Open Plan” for HPC

In this special guest feature from the SC19 Blog, Ryan Quick from Providentia Worldwide calls for a conference program that reflects more sharing across disciplines. "For me, HPC is about delivering answers to hard questions …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Known UnKnowns: Uncertainty in AI

Known UnKnowns: Uncertainty in AI

Ultimately is always an issue.  Consider it early.  Test it often.

Known Unknowns: Designing Uncertainty Into the AI-Powered System

from ODSC - Open Data Science

Uncertainty may be a fearful state for many people, but for data scientists…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Explaining Simplistic Forecasts to Management

Explaining Simplistic Forecasts to Management

Recall this kind of thing coming up many times.   We addressed it by installing a clickable pop up to anticipate the question and make the case for the forecast.    Agree, its about selling the forecast,in context to management…

From insideHPC

Meet the Winners of the Student Cluster Competition from CHPC in South Africa

Meet the Winners of the Student Cluster Competition from CHPC in South Africa

In this video, Dan Olds interviews the overall winners of the ISC 2019 Student Cluster Competition from CHPC in South Africa. "With this win, CHPC has now taken home the ISC Overall Championship an astounding four times, pulling…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Component Identification, Learning

Component Identification, Learning

Quite interesting project.  A way to further connect data to parts and then wholes?    A kind of basic semantic representation?     Can think of a number of ways this could produce much value.

Intel Does the Hard Work so Robots…

From Schneier on Security

Attorney General William Barr on Encryption Policy

Attorney General William Barr on Encryption Policy

Yesterday, Attorney General William Barr gave a major speech on encryption policy -- what is commonly known as "going dark." Speaking at Fordham University in New York, he admitted that adding backdoors decreases security but…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Dialogue Mapping Talk

Dialogue Mapping Talk

Will be attending.

CSIG (Cognitive Systems Institute Group) Talk - July 25, 2019 -10:30-11am US Eastern  

Talk Title: Dialogue Mapping with IBIS for More Productive Meetings  Speaker: Paul Fernhout, Software Developer 


From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

2019 NAACL Student Research Workshop

2019 NAACL Student Research Workshop

The 17th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL HLT 2019) was held in Minneapolis, June 3 to June 5, 2019. The Computing Community…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Programming competition with $1000 in prizes: make my code readable!

Programming competition with $1000 in prizes: make my code readable!

Colm MacCárthaigh is organizing a programming competition with three 3 prizes: $500, $300, $200. The objective? Produce the most readable, easy to follow, and well tested implementation of the nearly divisionless random integer…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Arbitrary byte-to-byte maps using ARM NEON?

Arbitrary byte-to-byte maps using ARM NEON?

Modern processors have fast instructions that can operate on wide registers (e.g., 128-bit). ARM processors, the kind of processors found in your phone, have such instructions called “NEON”. Sebastian Pop pointed me to some of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Innovation Labs

On Innovation Labs

We had multiple major innovation labs. I helped design and implement and run them.   Have lots of opinions about them.  Agree to what is stated below, and more so.   Its got to be much more than just theater.

Why Innovation Labs…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Clothing Brand uses IOTA Blockchain

Clothing Brand uses IOTA Blockchain

IOTA, which does a novel kind of blockchain consensus model, using a directed acyclic graph (DAG).  Have been following it for a while for its potential in smart contract applications.

Clothing brand Alyx turns to Iota’s blockchain…

From insideHPC

Registration Opens for September HPC User Forum at Argonne

Registration Opens for September HPC User Forum at Argonne

Registration is now open for the HPC User Forum at Argonne National Lab. "Our global steering committee representing leading HPC centers has worked with Hyperion Research to provide a powerful agenda representing key trends at…

From insideHPC

Video: Arm HPC Update from ISC 2019

Video: Arm HPC Update from ISC 2019

In this video, Brent Gorda provides an update on the progress on Arm HPC from the ISC 2019 conference in Frankfurt. "From the perspective of Arm in HPC, it was an excellent event with several high-profile announcements that caught…

From insideHPC

Configuring Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory for Best Performance

Configuring Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory for Best Performance

In this video, Dave Larsen describes how to configure Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory for best performance. "Intel Optane DC persistent memory is a revolutionary technology that combines memory-like performance with the capacity…

From insideHPC

Podcast: What Quantum Applications are Always Hybrid

Podcast: What Quantum Applications are Always Hybrid

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at inherently hybrid nature of quantum computing applications. "If you’re always going to have to mix classical code with quantum code then you need an environment that is built …

From Schneier on Security

Science Fiction Writers Helping Imagine Future Threats

Science Fiction Writers Helping Imagine Future Threats

The French army is going to put together a team of science fiction writers to help imagine future threats. Leaving aside the question of whether science fiction writers are better or worse at envisioning nonfictional futures,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Drug Hunting for Phama

AI Drug Hunting for Phama

Note the mention of simulations as a means of determining the effectiveness of prospective drugs.

AI Drug Hunters Could Give Big Pharma a Run for Its Money 
By Robert Langreth
July 15, 2019

Using the latest neural-network…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning vs AI

Machine Learning vs AI

Good set of examples for Marketing and related terminology  ....

The Difference Between AI and Machine Learning and How Marketers Use Them to Increase ROI  by Alain Stephan in Business2com

A recent survey of 300 B2B marketers,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Secure Cloud Architecture for Smart Cities

Secure Cloud Architecture for Smart Cities

Having seen how municipalities are being attacked by malware, this is becoming essential.

A Secure Cloud Architecture for Smart Cities
Government Computer News
Stephanie Kanowitz   Syracuse University
July 11, 2019

Syracuse University…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Integrates Online and In-Store Teams

Wal-Mart Integrates Online and In-Store Teams

The direction of Wharton here seems to be first a kind of re-training, and also a means of understanding customers in multiple contexts.    Should be powerful to the extent that it works.

Walmart shakes things up, further integrating…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Database Archive with Map Interface

Database Archive with Map Interface

Free spatio-temporal database archive.    The world map interface is interesting, you can play with the data on the map, then download data as needed.   You can also add your own data to the map.

Dataset Archive Helps Researchers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Very Tiny, Vibration Powered Robotics

Very Tiny, Vibration Powered Robotics

Power of the very small.

Vibration-Powered Robots Are the Size of the World's Smallest Ant 
Georgia Tech Research Horizons
By John Toon

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) have developed tiny three-dimensional…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Papers and Diaper Tech War: Smart Diapers?

Papers and Diaper Tech War: Smart Diapers?

Have not seen a play in this area for some time,  early on Apps popped up.  Is this appealing to parents making a diaper choice? 

Baby tech: Pampers to deliver a big diaper change
by Nancy Cohen , Tech Xplore

In some home soon,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Creativity of AI

On the Creativity of AI

A long time question of mine, will AI subvert creativity that occurs normally when we normally do tasks?   Or will AI do that as well?

AI Is More Creative Than You Think
By Jay Baer, Partner  in the Cisco Blog

Artificial intelligence…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Catalyzing Computing Podcast Episode 14 – Interview with Dan Lopresti Part 2

Catalyzing Computing Podcast Episode 14 – Interview with Dan Lopresti Part 2

This is part 2 of Khari Douglas’ interview with Dr. Daniel Lopresti, the Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Director of the Data X strategic initiative at Lehigh University. In this episode Dr…