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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2019

From Schneier on Security

Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang Has Quantum Encryption Policy

Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang Has Quantum Encryption Policy

At least one presidential candidate has a policy about quantum computing and encryption. It has two basic planks. One: fund quantum-resistant encryption standards. (Note: NIST is already doing this.) Two, fund quantum computing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IOTA and Mobility

IOTA and Mobility

A further look at uses of IOTA in Automotive Industry

IOTA in the mobility sector: a complete rundown
in IOTAarchive

The days of assembling “dumb” parts into something that moves are (nearly) over. Vehicle sales for personal ownership…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopping Malls and Face Recognition

Shopping Malls and Face Recognition

Not unexpected,  how will shoppers react?   Will the use be clearly posted?   There are already lots of security cameras.  We did lots of work tracking traffic in stores, and tested technical methods.  Many malls used the same…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Journalism AI

Journalism AI

Interesting to see what Google believes to be journalism.  Most importantly,  what are the goals of the idea?  Truth or readership?   Another example where behavior of consumers, as it relates to some goals,  needs to be better…

From insideHPC

HPC4Energy Innovation Program Funds Manufacturing Research

HPC4Energy Innovation Program Funds Manufacturing Research

Today the High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation program (HPC4EI) announced the nine public/private projects awarded more than $2 million from the DOE, with aims of improving energy production, enhancing or developing…

From Computational Complexity

Degree and Sensitivity

Hao Huang's proof of the sensitivity conjecture that I posted on last week relied on a 1992 result of Gotsman and Linial. Let's talk about that result.

Consider the set S={-1,1}n. The hypercube of dimension n is the graph with…

From insideHPC

NERSC Computer Scientist wins First Corones Award

NERSC Computer Scientist wins First Corones Award

Today the Krell Institute announced that Rebecca Hartman-Baker, a computer scientist at the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), is the inaugural recipient of the James …

From insideHPC

Podcast: ExaScale is a 4-way Competition

Podcast: ExaScale is a 4-way Competition

In this podcast, the RadioFree team discusses the 4-way competition for Exascale computing between the US, China, Japan, and Europe. "The European effort is targeting 2 pre-exa installation in the coming months, and 2 actual …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machine Learning Interpretability: Free eBook

Machine Learning Interpretability:  Free eBook

Its the ultimate need for any problem solving method, interpreting the results you get from complex methods.

Just scanned this new O'Reilly eBook.  30+ pages, nicely done, includes links and technical details.  But could still…

From insideHPC

Video: Verne Global joins NVIDIA DGX-Ready Program as HPC & AI Colocation Partner

Video: Verne Global joins NVIDIA DGX-Ready Program as HPC & AI Colocation Partner

In this video, Bob Fletcher from Verne Global describes advantages the HPC cloud provider offers through the NVIDIA DGX Ready Data Center program. "Enterprises and research organizations seeking to leverage the NVIDIA DGX-2 System…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Parsing JSON quickly on tiny chips (ARM Cortex-A72 edition)

Parsing JSON quickly on tiny chips (ARM Cortex-A72 edition)

I own an inexpensive card-size ROCKPro64 computer ($60). It has a ARM Cortex-A72 processors, the same processors you find in the recently released Raspberry Pi 4. These are processors similar to those you find in your smartphone…

From insideHPC

Achieving Parallelism in Intel Distribution for Python with Numba

Achieving Parallelism in Intel Distribution for Python with Numba

parallelismThe rapid growth in popularity of Python as a programming language for mathematics, science, and engineering applications has been amazing. Not only is it easy to learn, but there is a vast treasure of packaged open source libraries…

From insideHPC

Rigetti Computing acquires QxBranch for Quantum-powered Analytics

Rigetti Computing acquires QxBranch for Quantum-powered Analytics

Today Rigetti Computing announced it has acquired QxBranch, a quantum computing and data analytics software startup. "Our mission is to deliver the power of quantum computing to our customers and help them solve difficult and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Integrating Metadata

Integrating Metadata

In the latest ACM, interesting piece on transferring data.   And notable about mentioning the metadata ultimately involved ....

Extract, Shoehorn, and Load  By Pat Helland
Communications of the ACM, July 2019, Vol. 62 No. 7, Pages…

From Schneier on Security

Resetting Your GE Smart Light Bulb

Resetting Your GE Smart Light Bulb

If you need to reset the software in your GE smart light bulb -- firmware version 2.8 or later -- just follow these easy instructions: Start with your bulb off for at least 5 seconds. Turn on for 8 seconds Turn off for 2 seconds…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What do Companies Get Out of Supporting CS Education

What do Companies Get Out of Supporting CS Education

After the announcement of a millions dollar grant by Google to CSTA and the new “Code with Google” program I was asked “what does a company get out of this sort of thing?” The answer can be complex.

In many cases, including this…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Random Thoughts on #CSTA2019

Random Thoughts on #CSTA2019

I’m pretty sure I have been to every CSTA conference going back to when it was the CS & IT conference and there was no CSTA organization. This year’s was by far the biggest and maybe even the best. But it does feel big. Not ISTE…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CSTA 2019 Day 3

CSTA 2019 Day 3

So I missed the opening keynote which I am sure was amazing but I spent the time catching up with a good friend who I see too rarely. Time well spend. Leigh Ann Delyser from CS for All sometimes talks about the CS community as…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Nestle Open Blockchain Pilot

Nestle Open Blockchain Pilot

Always impressed by Nestle's efforts in tech,    Note the consumer facing direction.  Again another example of seriousness in CPG, Retail and Supply Chain.  Here transparency to consumer seems to be the goal. 

Nestle Embarks …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart and the Workforce of the Future

Wal-Mart and the Workforce of the Future

In HBS Working Knowledge, interesting view of changes in the workplace once it is digitized and moves towards automation.     With Wal-Mart as example.

Walmart's Workforce of the Future     by Julia Hanna
A case study by William…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Children's Intelligence in Connections and Flexibility

Children's Intelligence in Connections and Flexibility

I have a very young granddaughter, so I am alert to  examples of intelligence and how it can come about.  It is an old AI model,  if you could build a very flexible learning model, with the correct sensors to understand its environment…

From insideHPC

Google Cloud and NVIDIA Set New Training Records on MLPerf v0.6 Benchmark

Google Cloud and NVIDIA Set New Training Records on MLPerf v0.6 Benchmark

Today the MLPerf effort released results for MLPerf Training v0.6, the second round of results from their machine learning training performance benchmark suite. MLPerf is a consortium of over 40 companies and researchers from…

From insideHPC

David Bader to Lead New Institute for Data Science at NJIT

David Bader to Lead New Institute for Data Science at NJIT

Professor David Bader will lead the new Institute for Data Science at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Focused on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and development in all areas pertinent to digital data, the institute…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Authorship Patterns via Machine Learning

Authorship Patterns via Machine Learning

Although this about music, I like it as an example of pattern recognition, and useful as an exampled.  I note that the link is to the Financial Times, which has a strict pay-wall.   But the example stands as a useful example


From The Eponymous Pickle

Explainable AI from Kyndi is Funded

Explainable AI from Kyndi is Funded

Quite a claim, like the components I see mentioned.  More explanation, logic, graphs, semantics ....  we explored and used them all,  is it enough for required transparency?  And how will such AI and explanation be maintained…

From insideHPC

The Challenges of Updating Scientific Codes for New HPC Architectures

The Challenges of Updating Scientific Codes for New HPC Architectures

In this video from PASC19 in Zurich, Benedikt Riedel from the University of Wisconsin describes the challenges researchers face when it comes to updating their scientific codes for new HPC architectures. After that he describes…

From insideHPC

Supercomputing Potential Impacts of a Major Quake by Building Location and Size

Supercomputing Potential Impacts of a Major Quake by Building Location and Size

National lab researchers from Lawrence Livermore and Berkeley Lab are using supercomputers to quantify earthquake hazard and risk across the Bay Area. Their work is focused on the impact of high-frequency ground motion on thousands…

From insideHPC

NEC Embraces Open Source Frameworks for SX-Aurora Vector Computing

NEC Embraces Open Source Frameworks for SX-Aurora Vector Computing

In this video from ISC 2019, Dr. Erich Focht from NEC Deutschland GmbH describes how the company is embracing open source frameworks for the SX-Aurora TSUBASA Vector Supercomputer. "Until now, with the existing server processing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tricks for Complex Machine Learning

Tricks for Complex Machine Learning

Always new and interesting ideas from DSC,  here is an example, join their group:

7 Simple Tricks to Handle Complex Machine Learning Issues
Posted by Vincent Granville 

We propose simple solutions to important problems that all

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Analytics and Private Equity

Data Analytics and Private Equity

From the Wharton Customer Analytics Conference.

In Knowledge@Wharton:

Data Analytics Is (Slowly) Transforming Private Equity
Jul 08, 2019 North America 

Data analytics is one of the hottest areas in business these days. Companies…

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