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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2020

From insideHPC

Video: VMware Talks GPU Virtualization, Sharing for AI/ML

Video: VMware Talks GPU Virtualization, Sharing for AI/ML

In this video, Mike Adams, VMware’s Senior Director CPBU, AI/ML Market Development, talks with us about a new, integrated VMware vSphere 7 feature enabling “elastic infrastructure” on-demand for AI and machine learning. VMware…

From Schneier on Security

Hacking a Power Supply

Hacking a Power Supply

This hack targets the firmware on modern power supplies. (Yes, power supplies are also computers.) Normally, when a phone is connected to a power brick with support for fast charging, the phone and the power adapter communicate…

From Putting People First

15 years of Experientia

15 years of Experientia

Today is the 15th birthday of Experientia.
The first ones to thank are all our collaborators (former and current ones), but also our clients, our partners and our network for their support and commitment. We wouldn't have reached…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robots Given Human Like Perception of Environment

Robots Given Human Like Perception of Environment

In general,  there is need for general an understanding of context, starting with physical environment.

MIT researchers have developed a representation of spatial perception for robots that is modeled after the way humans perceive…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Offline Learning

Offline Learning

Some good points made about using particular machine learning methods off-line.    The point that offline could be dangerous.

D4RL: Building Better Benchmarks for Offline Reinforcement Learning
By Justin Fu   By Berkeley

In the


From CERIAS Blog

Summary of July 15th, 2020 Purdue Seminar on Control System Cyber Security

Summary of July 15th, 2020 Purdue Seminar on Control System Cyber Security

Joe Weiss

Guest Blog by Joe Weiss, Applied Control Systems, Inc

Wednesday July 15, 2020 I gave a 1 hour presentation on control system cyber security for the Purdue University Summer Seminar Series.


The statistics from the…

From insideHPC

Autonomous Vehicles to Race at Indy 500 Speedway

Autonomous Vehicles to Race at Indy 500 Speedway

One of – if not the – most famous car races in the world, the Indianapolis 500, will take AV form a year from this fall when more than 36 universities globally will compete for $1.5 million in prize money in the Indy Autonomous…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Assistant IOT Regulation

Assistant IOT Regulation

Specifics of the IOT aspects would seem to be beyond these, and to any assistant, depending on the definition of an IOT.

Siri, Alexa Targeted as E.U. Probes Internet of Things
By Bloomberg     July 20, 2020

The European Commission…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Automatically Generating Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

Automatically Generating Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

Can be expected that many current machine learning techniques will move towards automation.  Papers mentioned are worth looking at.

DeepMind’s AI automatically generates reinforcement learning algorithms
Kyle Wiggers in VentureBeat…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Pandemic Shopping Habits

Pandemic Shopping Habits

An interesting peek into corporate bahavior.

Our pandemic shopping habits are here to stay. Brands are racing to adapt  By Hanna Ziady CNN Business 

Three days a week at 7:00 am, senior Procter & Gamble executives check in with…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Industrial Internet Consortium

The Industrial Internet Consortium

Was just reminded of the Industrial Internet Consortium. Has some interesting documents within.


The Industrial Internet…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Nominations Open for 2021 Microsoft Research Fellowships

Nominations Open for 2021 Microsoft Research Fellowships

Nominations are now open for the 2021 Microsoft Research Ada Lovelace Fellowship and Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship. Doctoral students must be nominated by the department chair’s office in their field of study by August 14…

From Schneier on Security

On the Twitter Hack

On the Twitter Hack

Twitter was hacked this week. Not a few people's Twitter accounts, but all of Twitter. Someone compromised the entire Twitter network, probably by stealing the log-in credentials of one of Twitter's system administrators. Those…

From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at Transfer Learning

A Look at Transfer Learning

Good generalized look at the concept of Transfer Learnig

Everything you need to know about transfer learning in AI   in TNW

Today, artificial intelligence programs can recognize faces and objects in photos and videos, transcribe…

From insideHPC

UC San Diego Center for Microbiome Innovation Breaks Data Bottlenecks

UC San Diego Center for Microbiome Innovation Breaks Data Bottlenecks

In this compelling use case provided by our friends over at HPC storage solution provider Panasas, we look at how the UC San Diego Center for Microbiome Innovation (CMI) got around a number of hurdles by deploying a Panasas ActiveStor…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook Reveals Holographic Optics for Thin, Light VR Headsets

Facebook Reveals Holographic Optics for Thin, Light VR Headsets

Technically interesting  next step via Facebook.  Still apparently in early stages. 

Facebook Reveals Holographic Optics for Thin, Light VR Headsets
Jeremy Horwitz

Facebook has unveiled a holographic optical framework…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI, CoronaVirus and Investing

AI, CoronaVirus and Investing

I am guessing probably because most learning models depend on machine learning, and the data is not there to predict rare events.  A classic caution for any AI work ...

Even the Best AI Models Are No Match for the Coronavirus in…

From Computational Complexity

Erdos-Turan for k=3 is True!

(All of the math in this post is summarized (without proofs) in a writeup by Erik Metz and myself which you can find here. It is a pdf file so you can click on links in it to get to the papers it refers to. There have been posts…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sankey Diagrams for Visualization

Sankey Diagrams for Visualization

A reader reminded me that I had posted on the Sankey Diagram, a form of 'pie' chart with room for lots of relationships.    A kind of concept diagram too.    Even link to a blog with lots of examples.  Here is a re-post of that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Try Ons

Virtual Try Ons

An idea with a long history that we also examined as part of a broader smart-store effort.  Would not say it has been generally successful to date, but with increased contact-less interaction?  And once the consumer is comfortable…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Has AI Lived up to its Hype?

Has AI Lived up to its Hype?

I say No and Yes.   No because it cannot live up to the implied magic of the term AI.   People still expect it to do far more than it can do currently.   I hear the equivalent of: " .. But of course AI could do that.."  Without…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Agents Learning to Communicate

AI Agents Learning to Communicate

Machines learning and adapting using language.   As suggested,the environment/context is also important.

AI agents can learn to communicate effectively  by University of Gothenburg

A multi-disciplinary team of researchers frompublished…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Mathematical Search

A flying start from nearby Rochester Anurag Agarwal and Richard Zanibbi are tenured faculty in Mathematics and Computer Science, respectively, at RIT. They partner with Clyde Lee Giles of Penn State and Douglas Oard of U.Md.…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Book Review: Weapons of Math Destruction

Book Review: Weapons of Math Destruction

Weapons of Math Destruction has been out for a couple of years now and it is one of those books that a lot of people reference. I finally got around to reading my copy this week.  For those of you who are not familiar with it…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Alexa-Live Next Week

Amazon Alexa-Live Next Week

Am an invited remote participant at the Amazon Skill Developer event:  Alexa-Live on July 22 next week.  In particular to represent a project with voice assistant application potential.    See more about this event.    If you…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Capital One's AI Assistant

Capital One's AI Assistant

Had not seen this assistant example before.   Much more at the link.

How Capital One’s AI assistant achieved 99% NLU accuracy
VB Staff in VentureBeat

Like almost every other bank, Capital One used to have a basic SMS-based fraud…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Implications of Working Without an Office

Implications of Working Without an Office

Worth while look based on a broad survey, analysis of the results, with some surprising results. 

The Implications of Working Without an Office   HBR Big Idea
HBR Big Idea
By Ethan Bernstein, Hayley Blunden, Andrew Brodsky, Wonbin…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Dividend Plan

Data Dividend Plan

We worked on a number of projects that linked to 'data as an asset'  ideas, and was reminded of this project in Wired.  Its value, limitations are and issues worth re-examining.

Andrew Yang’s Plan to Pay You for Your Data Doesn't…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Found on Provincetown Sandbar

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Found on Provincetown Sandbar

Headline: "Dozens of squid found on Provincetown sandbar." Slow news day. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here.…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Downloading files faster by tweaking headers

Downloading files faster by tweaking headers

I was given a puzzle recently. Someone was parsing JSON files downloaded from the network from a bioinformatics URI. One JSON library was twice as fast at the other one. Unless you are on a private high-speed network, the time…