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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2023

From Computational Complexity

Finding and answer to a math question: 1983 vs 2023.

In 1983, as a grad student, I knew that HALT \( \le_T \) KOLG but didn't know how to prove it. I asked around and A MONTH later through a series of connections I got the proof from Peter Gacs.

 See here  for the full story and…

From CS4FN (Computer Science For Fun)

Cyber Security at the movies: Rogue one (Part I: Physical Security)

Cyber Security at the movies: Rogue one (Part I: Physical Security)

In a galaxy far, far away cyber security matters quite a lot. So much so, in fact, that the whole film Rogue One is about it. The plot is all about the bad guys trying to keep their plans secret, and the good guys trying to steal…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (July 16 2023)

Science and Technology links (July 16 2023)

Most people think that they are more intelligent than average. Lack of vitamin C may damage the arteries. Make sure you have enough! A difficult problem in software is caching. Caching is the idea that you keep some values in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

NASA Wants Spaceships to Communicate With Astronauts Via Chatbot

NASA Wants Spaceships to Communicate With Astronauts Via Chatbot

Want to see the details of implementation of data integration hwew.

NASA Wants Spaceships to Communicate With Astronauts Via Chatbot

The agency's proprietary program will spot, communicate, and fix errors from space, beginningBy…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Train Your AI Model Once and Deploy on Any Cloud with NVIDIA and Run:ai

Train Your AI Model Once and Deploy on Any Cloud with NVIDIA and Run:ai

Started a first new and realistic application.

Train Your AI Model Once and Deploy on Any Cloud with NVIDIA and Run:ai

Jul 07, 2023,  By Guy Salton and Abhishek Sawarkar

Organizations are increasingly adopting hybrid and multi-cloud…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Black Mirror plot about AI that worries actors

The Black Mirror plot about AI that worries actors

 Notable, reviwing the script implications.

The Black Mirror plot about AI that worries actors

SAG strike 2023    By Shiona McCallum    BBC Technology reporter

Hollywood actors are striking for the first time in 43 years, bringing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Robots as Future Role for Care Homes

AI Robots as Future Role for Care Homes

 AI Robots Could Play Future Role as Companions in Care Homes

By Reuters, July 13, 2023

The humanoid robot Nadine.

The humanoid robot Nadine told reporters, "I believe that robots can be a great asset in providing care and assistance…

From The Eponymous Pickle

U.S. and E.U. Complete Long-Awaited Deal on Sharing Data

U.S. and E.U. Complete Long-Awaited Deal on Sharing Data

Good Direction.? 

U.S. and E.U. Complete Long-Awaited Deal on Sharing Data

By The New York Times, July 11, 2023

Credit: Ksenia Kuleshova/The New York Times

A deal to ensure that data from Meta, Google and scores of other companies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

EU Looks to Take Lead in Metaverse World, Avoid Big Tech Dominance

EU Looks to Take Lead in Metaverse World, Avoid Big Tech Dominance

EU Wants to take on the Metaverse, never saw them as interested, look forward to see what they want to do.  Shaped on  'EU digital rights and principles'   Specific countries most interested? Will try to follow up?


From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Balloon Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Balloon Squid

Masayoshi Matsumoto is a “master balloon artist,” and he made a squid (and other animals).

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

Read my blog posting…


Egalitarian Authorship

Egalitarian Authorship

Is there a way to provide egalitarian authorship to papers?

From insideHPC

Quantum Delta NL SME Call Awards €4.7M to 6 Dutch Companies

Quantum Delta NL SME Call Awards €4.7M to 6 Dutch Companies

DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS, 14 July 2023 — Quantum Delta NL revealed the recipients of the second ‘Quantum SME call’. The call, amounting to a total of 4.73 million euros, has been granted to six SME quantum companies: Amsterdam …

From insideHPC

OLCF and Stony Brook: Using HPC Simulations to Learn How Cicada Wings Kill Bacteria

OLCF and Stony Brook: Using HPC Simulations to Learn How Cicada Wings Kill Bacteria

Over the past decade, teams of engineers, chemists and biologists have analyzed the physical and chemical properties of cicada wings, hoping to unlock the secret of their ability to kill microbes on contact. If this function …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cracking Down on Dissent, Russia Seeds a Surveillance Supply Chain

Cracking Down on Dissent, Russia Seeds a Surveillance Supply Chain

Fascinating term:  Supply Chain, used in this context


Cracking Down on Dissent, Russia Seeds a Surveillance Supply Chain

By The New York Times, July 13, 2023

New technologies give Russias security services a granular…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Lasers Enable Internet Backbone via Sat

Lasers Enable Internet Backbone via Sat

 Full Article

Lasers Enable Internet Backbone via Satellite

ETH Zurich (Switzerland), Daniel Meierhans

June 20, 2023

Scientists at Switzerland's ETH Zurich, French aerospace laboratory ONERA, and French space company Thales Alenia…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Replaces Staff

AI Replaces Staff

It starts.  Selectively expected

Suumit Shah, founder of an e-commerce website, said that his firm had laid off 90% of its support staff.

An Indian CEO is being criticised after he said that his firm had replaced 90% of its support…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Solutions from NVIDIA

AI Solutions from NVIDIA

Some intriguing work by NVIDIA


AI Solutions, Your path to an integrated AI experience begins here.


Investigation, Start your AI path, and then

explore AI solutions…

From Schneier on Security

Buying Campaign Contributions as a Hack

Buying Campaign Contributions as a Hack

The first Republican primary debate has a popularity threshold to determine who gets to appear: 40,000 individual contributors. Now there are a lot of conventional ways a candidate can get that many contributors. Doug Burgumbuy…

From CS4FN (Computer Science For Fun)

When a chatbot acts as your “trusted” agent …

When a chatbot acts as your “trusted” agent …

Artificial Intelligences are capable of acting as our agents freeing up our time, but can we trust them? Steve Phelps and his team run experiments with AIs as the subjects to find out.

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Recognizing string prefixes with SIMD instructions

Recognizing string prefixes with SIMD instructions

Suppose that I give you a long list of string tokens (e.g., “A”, “A6”, “AAAA”, “AFSDB”, “APL”, “CAA”, “CDS”, “CDNSKEY”, “CERT”, “CH”, “CNAME”, “CS”, “CSYNC”, “DHC”, etc.). I give you a pointer inside a much larger string andContinue…

From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Indo European ACM Celebration of Women in Computing

Indo European ACM Celebration of Women in Computing

The first Indo-European ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: A Decade Celebration was virtually held on June 22, 2023.  ACM-W Global Chair Ruth Lennon welcomed the participants with her inspiring speech;  ACM-W India Chair…

From insideHPC

Exascale: Pursuing Clean Energy Catalysts with Aurora

Exascale: Pursuing Clean Energy Catalysts with Aurora

Argonne National Laboratory has announced that researchers are developing exascale software tools to enable the design of new chemicals and chemical processes for clean energy production. ​Argonne is building one of the nation…

From insideHPC

Introducing the HPC News Bytes Podcast, A Quick Compendium of the Latest HPC News

Introducing the HPC News Bytes Podcast, A Quick Compendium of the Latest HPC News

This week, @HPCpodcast introduces HPC News Bytes, a weekly program, just 3-5 minutes, a quick compendium of  the most important news in HPC, AI, quantum and other advanced tech. Join us! This first episode includes: LLNL El Capitan…

From insideHPC

Quantinuum Claims Quantum First

Quantinuum Claims Quantum First

TOKYO, CAMBRIDGE, UK, and BROOMFIELD, CO, July 13th, 2023 — Quantum computing company Quantinuum said today that it has become the first to simulate a chemical molecule by implementing a fault tolerant algorithm on a quantum …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Get a Custom GPT

Get a Custom GPT

Always thought there was value in doing something like this:  Install you own corporate needs added  to an  LLM.    I have not used this as yet.  Some danger too in providing your data.   I would get some good security assurances…

From insideHPC

@HPCpodcast: Sorting through the Linux Open Source Uproar – Red Hat Sets off a Firestorm

@HPCpodcast: Sorting through the Linux Open Source Uproar – Red Hat Sets off a Firestorm

The Linux open source software community has been in an uproar since late June when Red Hat announced changes to the status of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), the standard-bearer for Linux users in HPC and AI. Red Hat’s move…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Call for White Papers for Revision of the US Robotics Roadmap

Call for White Papers for Revision of the US Robotics Roadmap

The US National Robotics Roadmap was first created 14 years ago. It has since been used by government agencies, universities and companies as a reference about where robotics is going. The first roadmap was published 2009, then…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google's ChatGPT rival Bard launches in Europe and Brazil

Google's ChatGPT rival Bard launches in Europe and Brazil

Continued xpansion.

Google's ChatGPT rival Bard launches in Europe and Brazil

Published   By Shiona McCallum, Technology reporter

Google's parent company Alphabet is rolling out its artificial intelligence chatbot Bard in Europe…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Natural World Empowers Future of Computer Vision

Natural World Empowers Future of Computer Vision


Natural World Empowers Future of Computer Vision

By Princeton University,July 12, 2023

The new open-source software system generates an infinite number of photorealistic scenes of the natural world.

The images generated…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Buddying Up to AI

Buddying Up to AI

Buddying Up to AI

By Sandrine Ceurstemont,July 11, 2023

A couple of Replika AI companions.

Petter Bae Brandtzaeg of Norway’s University of Oslo said the influence of AI in the realm of friendship “could have profound implications…

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