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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2010

From Schneier on Security

Eavesdropping on Smart Homes with Distributed Wireless Sensors

Eavesdropping on Smart Homes with Distributed Wireless Sensors

"Protecting your daily in-home activity information from a wireless snooping attack," by Vijay Srinivasan, John Stankovic, and Kamin Whitehouse:

Abstract: In this paper, we first present a new privacy leak in residential wireless…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

New Developments in the Exploring Computer Science Curriculum

New Developments in the Exploring Computer Science Curriculum

Many of you are familiar with the Exploring Computer Science (ECS) curriculum, developed in partnership with CSTA as part of an NSF grant. Though initially developed to broaden the participation in computing for Los Angeles…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Yield Management of Knowledge

Yield Management of Knowledge

Mark Montgomery of KYield posts about Realizing the Theory: Yield Management of Knowledge. He defines it as: " ... Yield Management of Knowledge: The process by which individuals and organizations manage the quality and quantity…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Managing Social Media Presence

Managing Social Media Presence

A short article on how to manage time for social media presence. Mostly common sense, but also worth a look.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chief Listener

Chief Listener

A good article in AdAge: My thoughts: Listening, whether it be to consumers, trends, the pulse of technology, is very important. Maybe it should be called observing or even interacting because it should not be passive ... you…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Autocad on the IPhone

Autocad on the IPhone

In a very interesting development a version of the very well known CAD system will become available for the IPhone and IPad, available by this fall.... I used AutoCad early in the enterprise for manufacturing design applications…

From Computational Complexity

Report from Barriers II Part 1

On Thursday Aug 26 Lance stated Bill is at Barriers II in Princeton and promises a full report upon his return. Not quite sure I promised that, or what a full report would entail, but here goes.

When I first heard there would…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Interactive Systems Architectures

Interactive Systems Architectures

Thirty researchers met August 11-13 to discuss the future of interactive systems. This workshop was sponsored by the Computing Community Consortium, ACM/SIGCHI and Canada

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Time To Mine the Data

Time To Mine the Data

Or is it “mind” the data? Last week I read a blog post by Stacey Armstrong (CS News – Video Game Data Mining) that linked to an article about how game companies collect and use the data they collect while people play their games…

From Wild WebMink

? Two Endings and a Beginning

? Two Endings and a Beginning


From My Biased Coin

Blog Retrospective

Blog Retrospective

I started blogging a little over 3 years ago, as something of an experiment.  Lance had given up blogging, and I had been a reasonably frequent and opinionated commenter on his blog, enough so that people often asked when I would…

From Schneier on Security

High School Teacher Assigns Movie-Plot Threat Contest Problem

High School Teacher Assigns Movie-Plot Threat Contest Problem

In Australia:

A high school teacher who assigned her class to plan a terrorist attack that would kill as many innocent people as possible had no intent to promote terrorism, the school principal said yesterday. The Year-10 …

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

When Having a Lot of Facebook Friends is Good

When Having a Lot of Facebook Friends is Good

Some people scoff at those who have too many friends on Facebook. "They probably just friend a bunch of people they don't know to look popular," they say. While I'm not interested in having lots of 'friends' for that reason,…

From Wild WebMink

Causality Essay Published

Causality Essay Published

In response to several comments, I’ve just extracted my discussion of direct and indirect causality from my recent article on why “which licence” is now the wrong question in understanding open source communities. The discussion…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Review Your Offering

Review Your Offering

Want your service, book, software or consulting skills presented to an elite audience here in review form? See my Ad and review policies here. ------------------------

From Schneier on Security

Misidentification and the Court System

Misidentification and the Court System


How do most wrongful convictions come about? The primary cause is mistaken identification. Actually, I wouldn't call it mistaken identification; I'd call it misidentification, because you often find that there was…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Simons Foundation to Fund New Institute for the Theory of Computing

Simons Foundation to Fund New Institute for the Theory of Computing

The Simons Foundation will provide up to $6 million/year in funding for a new Institute for the Theory of Computing. The call for applications recognizes the deep importance of the study of computation to society. Computation…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Independent Review of Recorded Future

Independent Review of Recorded Future

I have now mentioned Recorded Future a number of times in this space, here is another independent review that does a good job of introducing it for niche research. Continuing to explore it myself. Love to hear of other experiences…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Write a Twitter application in 5 minutes

Write a Twitter application in 5 minutes

I spend much time alone, writing and thinking.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tag Strategy at Wal-Mart

Tag Strategy at Wal-Mart

More in Storefrontbacktalk about Wal-Mart's RFID tagging strategy.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Bread Crumbs

Digital Bread Crumbs

So if you don't have GPS, can you use digital bread crumbs to track your movements?

From Wild WebMink

? Thinking of OOoCon

? Thinking of OOoCon

Hungarian Parliament, originally uploaded by webmink. My best wishes to all my friends attending the conference in Budapest this week. With all of the ups and downs and pluses and minuses of the…

From Wild WebMink

? Holiday Gift

? Holiday Gift

Vanguard Records Sounds of Summer MP3 Sampler Not 100% to my taste, but some of the tracks are very good (I like Robert Cray and Stacy Clark) but the whole thing is likely to have different appeal for different people so go grab…

From Computational Complexity

New Institute for Theory of Computing

The Simons Foundation has announced a competition to establish a new Institute for the Theory of Computing in the United States. Computation (and its abstract form, the algorithm) has not only revolutionized science, technology…

From Schneier on Security

Security Theater on the Boston T

Security Theater on the Boston T

Since a fatal crash a few years ago, Boston T (their subway) operators have been forbidden from using -- or even having -- cell phones while on the job. Passengers are encouraged to report violators. But sometimes T operators…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Manifesto for Half-Arsed Academic Research

Manifesto for Half-Arsed Academic Research

Research results are more important than the number of publications or citations. This is fine. Yet, we don’t have time to read your papers. So, just keep publishing a lot of papers each year. And get your influential friends…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Posts 30 August 2010

Interesting Posts 30 August 2010

One of the things I tell people when they ask me about why I came to work for Microsoft is that the company has grown up in many ways over the years. One of those ways is in giving back to the community both in general andMicrosoft …

From Wild WebMink



Some ancient source code given away freely by Sun in 1984 turned out to have a non-Free-software licence all these years, upsetting the licensing purity of glibc and everything built with it.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Brandery Welcomes Inaugural Class

Brandery Welcomes Inaugural Class

Dave Knox welcomes the inaugural class to a concept he calls the Brandery on Monday. " ... If you

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wrist Watch Comeback

Wrist Watch Comeback

With more people using data and information rich smartphones, wristwatches are not selling well beyond their jewelry appeal. But a new Blue Tooth 4.0 standard that will allow information to be transmitted from another nearby…

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