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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2011

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson FIRST FIRST


From The Eponymous Pickle

Slogans vs Logos

Slogans vs  Logos

Penn's always interesting language log blog has an interesting post about how while verbal slogans can be resisted as a form of meme, logos and graphical forms are more difficult to avoid. Is this an example of conscious vsThe…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Sock Monkey and Computer Science Advocacy Specialists

Sock Monkey and Computer Science Advocacy Specialists

The CSTA Computer Science Advocacy Specialists play a huge role in advocating for K-12 computer science education at the state and national level.

Here is Sock Monkey helping Computer Science Advocacy Specialists Stephanie…

From Schneier on Security

Home-Made Wi-Fi Hacking, Phone Snooping, UAV

Home-Made Wi-Fi Hacking, Phone Snooping, UAV


From Apophenia

Everyone’s abuzz with the “nymwars,” mostly in response to Google Plus’ decision to enforce its “real names” policy. At first, Google Plus went on a deleting spree, killing off accounts that violated its policy. When the community…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Empower Media Marketing to Acquire MIG

Empower Media Marketing to Acquire MIG

I have mentioned Market Intelligence Group here a number of times. More companies should be using their analytical methods. Now they are being acquired by Empower Media Marketing. Much more about that and both companies here…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

One of mankind’s oldest dreams is to fly like a bird. And now, thanks to a team of German researchers, we’ve moved one step closer with

From Schneier on Security

Hacking Lotteries

Hacking Lotteries

Two items on hacking lotteries. The first is about someone who figured out how to spot winner in a scratch-of tic-tac-toe style game, and a daily draw style game where expcted payout can exceed the ticket price. The second

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Gigabit in the Home

Gigabit in the Home

We’ve covered the US Ignite and Gig.U initiatives on this blog over the course of the past few months, and now we’ve been pointed to a great video that explains, in fairly concrete terms, exactly what high-capacity networking…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Becoming Acquainted with Data

Becoming Acquainted with Data

Stephen Few on on becoming acquainted with a dataset for the first time. Nicely done, this was a situation I often encountered and simple visualization was the best technique.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Crackers are Evil

Computer Crackers are Evil

Recently a friend of mine, Vicki Davis, received a pre-publication copy of the new book by Kevin Mitnick the famous cracker. Vicki wrote here review of the book at Ghost in the Wires: Kevin Mitnick's memoir. She found the book…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Back to School Tablet Sales

Back to School Tablet Sales

Forbes suggests that tablet sales will boom with the new school year. Not unexpected, but I still think that laptops are today still more versatile, and tablets will act as an augmentation device.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook Analytics Tool

Facebook Analytics Tool

A new Facebook Analytic tool of interest. ...PageLever shows impressions (any time a story loads in a browser whether on your page or not) for any date range, not just month or week. It separates unique impressions from repeat…

From Schneier on Security

New Information on the Inventor of the One-Time Pad

New Information on the Inventor of the One-Time Pad

Seems that the one-time pad was not first invented by Vernam:

He could plainly see that the document described a technique called the one-time pad fully 35 years before its supposed invention during World War I by Gilbert Vernam…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DoD Enters National Robotics Initiative

DoD Enters National Robotics Initiative

Back in mid-June, we noted the President’s announcement of a $70 million National Robotics Initiative (NRI) — a multi-agency investment spanning the NSF, NIH, NASA, and U.S. Department of Agriculture –

From Computational Complexity

If I was a tweeter (is that a word?)

Since Lance is not tweeting this week, I will take up the slack. So, here is my once-in-a-while post

If I tweeted AND if tweets didn't have to be so short, here is what I would tweet:
Possibly the youngest blogger: a 7-year…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

mHealth Winter Institute Announced

mHealth Winter Institute Announced

The NIH has just announced a Mobile Health Winter Institute — to be held in conjunction with the 2011 mHealth Summit in Washington, DC, in early December. Applications for the weeklong training opportunity — specifically geared…

From The Eponymous Pickle

QR Code Mistakes

QR Code Mistakes

Good Mashable piece on the use of QR codes. A useful quick read for anyone considering a QR code based promotion idea.

From Schneier on Security

Identifying People by their Writing Style

Identifying People by their Writing Style

The article is in the context of the big Facebook lawsuit, but the part about identifying people by their writing style is interesting:

Recently, a team of computer scientists at Concordia University in Montreal took advantage…

From Putting People First

Ezio Manzini on the economics of design for social innovation

Ezio Manzini on the economics of design for social innovation

Sarah Brooks of Shareable has just published the second part of her interview with the Italian design strategist Ezio Manzini, who is one of the world

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Imagine Cup Projects

Imagine Cup Projects

Many of the best projects that are entered in the Imagine Cup are inspired by real people solving problems that have deep meaning for the project team. For some it is a family member or friend who suffered a great loss. For others…

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Do I Want to Be an Entrepreneur?

Do I Want to Be an Entrepreneur?

Even though it's early, I have been starting to think about what I want to do when I graduate. Teaching is high up there is I can find a good local job doing it, but I have also been toying with the idea of starting something…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Skype on the iPad

Skype on the iPad

Skype now has an available native App on the iPad. Tested it and it works quite well on wifi.Could use better contact management and additional client options. A few crashes. Overall though it creates a nice video 'desktop' on…

From Schneier on Security

Developments in Facial Recognition

Developments in Facial Recognition

Eventually, it will work. You'll be able to wear a camera that will automatically recognize someone walking towards you, and a microphone that will automatically tell you who that person is and maybe something about them. None…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Science Fiction Behind Search

The Science Fiction Behind Search

In the Google Quarterly. A looking at what works very well, not quite so well and not at all in search by Google, and how we may start to think about the future of search. I think one thing missing is strong collaborativenewly…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Eight Pillars of Innovation

Eight Pillars of Innovation

In the Google Quarterly. "... The greatest innovations are the ones we take for granted, like light bulbs, refrigeration and penicillin. But in a world where the miraculous very quickly becomes common-place, how can a company…

From Putting People First

Book: Design for Services

Book: Design for Services

Design for Services Series: Design for Social Responsibility Authors: Anna Meroni and Daniela Sangiorgi Gower Publishing, August 2011, 298 pages In Design for Services, Anna Meroni and Daniela Sangiorgi articulate what Design…

From Putting People First

Design research: what is it and why do it?

Design research: what is it and why do it?

In a long post on reBoot, Panthea Lee has laid out some basic principles, approaches, and tools of design research so public institutions can better understand how it serves their work. As pointed out by Tricia Wang, the article…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Could the Next Big Thing

Could the Next Big Thing

It’s not everyday the national news media envisions computing research. But it happened on Sunday, when

From The Eponymous Pickle

Brain and Brain Vibrations

Brain and Brain Vibrations

Martin Lindstrom in his latest article writes about phantom cellphone vibrations That have us reaching for our pockets even without any conscious cues. He relates how this work relates to fmri studies he did concerning the influence…