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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2014

From Computational Complexity

Subhash Khot wins Nevanlinna

At the opening ceremonies of the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2014, Subhash Khot was awarded the Rolf Nevanlinna Prize, given every four years to an under-40 researcher for outstanding contributions in Mathematical…

From Computer Science Teachers Association

Report on the CSTA Annual Conference

Report on the CSTA Annual Conference

This past July 14-15, 326 attendees converged on St. Charles, Illinois, for the 2014 CSTA Annual Conference. This number continues the impressive growth of the conference, representing a roughly 20% increase from 2013. On Monday…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Expanding cybersecurity and privacy research

Expanding cybersecurity and privacy research

The National Science Foundation (NSF)‘s Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program has announced two Frontier-scale projects, part of a $74.5 million investment to support foundational cybersecurity research and education…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Challenges for Google Glass

Challenges for Google Glass

Good Wired piece on the challenges for the success of Google Glass.  In our own enterprise experiment we also met some of these same issues.  Still have not seen them directly addressed by Google in their current versions of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Forgetting Leads to Memory Holes in the Web

Forgetting Leads to Memory Holes in the Web

The EU rulings that you could ask for posts to be removed from Google web searches have led to more unusual and unexpected results.  Not that there are not already memory holes in the web. It seems that there are often external…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hadoop and Metadata

Hadoop and Metadata

Excerpts from recent research about meta data use in the enterprise.  From Hortonworks and more in Infoq:" ... One of the most attractive qualities of Hadoop is its flexibility to work with semi-structured and unstructured data…

From Putting People First

The Internet of Words

The Internet of Words

In his review of the recent books by Alice E. Marwick and danah boyd, Ted Striphas focuses on how they guide us in understanding how the internet is affecting our language as it expresses our social experience. “There has been…

From Putting People First

White House launches UX-focused Digital Service team

White House launches UX-focused Digital Service team

Yesterday, the White House formally launched the U.S. Digital Service. “The Digital Service will be a small team made up of our country’s brightest digital talent that will work with agencies to remove barriers to exceptional…

From Putting People First

UX without user research is not UX

UX without user research is not UX

UX teams are responsible for creating desirable experiences for users. Yet many organizations fail to include users in the development process. Without customer input, organizations risk creating interfaces that fail, writes…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Multi Sensory Marketing

Multi Sensory Marketing

Advertising through multiple sense.  In Shopperception.  '... When two or more senses receive stimulation at the same time - cause shoppers to stay in the store for a longer time and buy more products ...  " 


Contributing to Humanity

Contributing to Humanity

Even as computer graphics professionals meet to learn from each other and celebrate their own, they acknowledge their shared understanding of the importance of giving back.

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 11 August 2014

Interesting Links 11 August 2014

One more week until I return to school for the new year. I’ve been spending a lot of time planning and thinking about how to teach things better this year than last. You many have seen some of my posts on projects lately. A lot…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Uses for Neurosynaptic Chips

Uses for Neurosynaptic Chips

So what are the applications for neurosynaptic chips?  That are on the near horizon today.   Here are some examples  The Internet of Things is a marketer's dream for chip sales.   Especially to IOT applications that need sensory…

From The Eponymous Pickle

EEG Capture Service

EEG Capture Service

When I worked with a neuromarketing analyis company one of the limiting issues was how to accurately, effectively and economically gather EEG signals in multiple contexts and locations. Annoucement of a company providing these…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

A culture of envy

A culture of envy

Many people are worried about their social status and inequality. We live in what I call a culture of envy. Matt Welsh, a software engineer who previously was a Harvard professor, wrote about the Fame trap last week, telling…

From Schneier on Security

Irrational Fear of Risks Against Our Children

Irrational Fear of Risks Against Our Children

There's a horrible story of a South Carolina mother arrested for letting her 9-year-old daughter play alone at a park while she was at work. The article linked to another article about a woman convicted of "contributing to the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Video Stabilization Tools

Video Stabilization Tools

In the BBC.  New work out of Microsoft on video stabilization.  A topic we followed for the analysis of video streams of shopper behavior.  " ... Microsoft researchers have found a way to stabilise films and speed them up to…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NIH System to Scan Social Media for Drug Trends

NIH System to Scan Social Media for Drug Trends

The University of Maryland’s Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) has received five years of funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), which is part of the National Institutes of Health, to develop the National…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tag Management

Tag Management

In ClickZ: A broad discussion.  Have been involved in several projects that have dealt with the management of data and metadata using tags.  Its less about the having tags than it is about how these tags are organized, and used…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hadoop not Killing the Data Warehouse

Hadoop not Killing the Data Warehouse

Why Hadoop Isn't Killing The Data Warehouse ..... Apache's open-source software framework is the future, but it won't extinguish the past.   Never thought there was a direct contention here, perhaps just in publicity ..." ...…

From Computational Complexity

Quetions that arose teaching HS students crypto

I taught a 3-week, 3-hours-a-day course to HS student titled Computer Science: A Hands Off Approach. Given that time constraints and the fact that some already know (say) Java and some don't know any language, this seemed like…

From The Eponymous Pickle

About the End of Work

About the End of Work

In Kurzweil:   Podcast and text.  Kurzweil and company discuss the dilemma of no labor force." ... The jobless economy: a fully automated, engineered, robotic system that doesn’t need you, or me either. Anything we can do, machines…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wikibrains Semantic Visualization Tool

Wikibrains Semantic Visualization Tool

Former colleague writes  Leon Markovitz writes:" ... Currently, I'm in TLV helping develop, a cool tool to quickly create data visuals. We try to keep the UI as simple and minimalist as possible. ... Every connection…

From Writing

The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads - and that's ok.

The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads - and that's ok.

There is a meme going around that too many programmers are wasting their careers working on meaningless software: they spend all their time trying to get people to click on ads, they aren’t tackling the important stuff, and…

From Writing

The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads - and that's ok.

The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads - and that's ok.

"The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. That sucks." - Jeff Hammerbacher
There is a meme going around that too many programmers are wasting their careers working on meaningless software…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Lowes Innovation Labs

Lowes Innovation Labs

Formed in 2013.  Lowes Innovation Labs.  I like the strong innovation focus:" ... Lowe's Innovation Labs brings together uncommon partners to identify and tackle problems consumers face every day. SciFutures, a technology, research…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Lowes Labs and Neuroscience Innovation

Lowes Labs and Neuroscience Innovation

Unaware of this work, taking a closer look. Has been a while since hearing of information from Lowes Innovation Labs." ... One company that Lowe's Innovation Labs has partnered with is Neurons Inc., a neuromarketing firm that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Auto Predictive Coding Systems

Auto Predictive Coding Systems

Received the following recently, have not examined it as yet, but passing it along. Abhirup Ghosh, IT Developer at AutoPredictiveCoding LLCWe develop predictive analytic platform/products over Hadoop.We have various product1…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Self Assembling Robots

Self Assembling Robots

Reported in CWorld:  " ... Scientists create self-assembling, working robots ... These origami robots can fold up and walk away ...  Then add to the mix that it's a laser-cut origami robot and you have the new robotic technology…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Subscribing for Attention by P&G

Subscribing for Attention by P&G

In AdAge: P&G connecting to two very different subscription services. I like the innovative spirit.