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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2015

From The Eponymous Pickle

New Features for Polinode Graph Analytics

New Features for Polinode Graph Analytics

Been following the Polinode graph analytics capabilities for some time.  Their blog reports a number of new network metrics have been added.  Based on a freemium usage model, so it is easy to test.   Has a unique survey metholology…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Evolution of Cognitive Computing Services

Evolution of Cognitive Computing Services

Rama Akkiraju of IBM writes:Looking at the evolution of service composition, from SOA to cognitive servicesToday, developers can create a wide variety of service compositions with a new breed of cognitive computing services.  …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Thought Vectors for Common Sense

Thought Vectors for Common Sense

Note my recent post on solving the common sense problem,  and Hinton's work on deep learning.  quite an interesting direction, which if solved,  makes a big step towards intelligence.   Implicatons for capturing emotions andGoogle…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Key Points about Big Data Assets

Key Points about Big Data Assets

Intel Corp talks about data.     Very obvious, hardly a secret, but still ignored point:   "This is the dirty little secret about big data: No one actually knows what to do with it," Jason Waxman, an Intel vice president andBut…

From insideHPC

Lustre* Users Group in China Issues Call for Papers

Lustre* Users Group in China Issues Call for Papers

The 2015 PRC Lustre* Users Group conference has issued its Call for Papers. The event takes place Oct. 20 in Beijing.

The post Lustre* Users Group in China Issues Call for Papers appeared first on insideHPC.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Copies of 3D Spaces

Digital Copies of 3D Spaces

In Wired:   Commercial methods like those of Google, have led the way.   Now new work in making highly accurate representations of cities.   Ways to implement structural links to the smart city.  An Internet of things container…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Systems Developer/Engineer at Ohio Supercomputer Center

Job of the Week: Systems Developer/Engineer at Ohio Supercomputer Center

The Ohio Supercomputer Center is seeking a Systems Developer/Engineer in our Job of the Week.

The post Job of the Week: Systems Developer/Engineer at Ohio Supercomputer Center appeared first on insideHPC.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Reproduceability of Pscyh Results

Reproduceability of Pscyh Results

In Mind Hacks: Always suspected that a number of social science results were hard to confirm. Interesting results here.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Superforecasting with Tournaments

Superforecasting with Tournaments

I m a student of unusual markets and frecasts,  and this forecasting approach with  tournaments is described in some detail in a recent Edge article.  Quite an eminent science group of participants in the project are commenting…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Telling a Brands Story with Graphics

Telling a Brands Story with Graphics

In MIT Sloan:  Experiments with graphic presentation of data are making it easier for sales people to see how they’re performing right in the field, according to Joseph D. Bruhin, chief information officer of Constellation Brands…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Cephalopod Anatomy Class

Friday Squid Blogging: Cephalopod Anatomy Class

Beautiful diorama. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From Schneier on Security

Mickens on Security

Mickens on Security

James Mickens, for your amusement. A somewhat random sample: My point is that security people need to get their priorities straight. The "threat model" section of a security paper resembles the script for a telenovela that was…

From Schneier on Security

The Benefits of Endpoint Encryption

The Benefits of Endpoint Encryption

An unofficial blog post from FTC chief technologist Ashkan Soltani on the virtues of strong end-user device controls....

From insideHPC

Video: Big Data Powers Climate Research at BSC

Video: Big Data Powers Climate Research at BSC

In this video from the Barcelona Supercomputer Center, Big Data is presented as a key challenge for researchers studying global climate change. "Changes in the composition of the atmosphere can affect the habitability of the …

From insideHPC

Video: Present and Future Leadership Computers at OLCF

Video: Present and Future Leadership Computers at OLCF

In this video from the 2015 OLCF User Meeting, Buddy Bland from Oak Ridge presents: Present and Future Leadership Computers at OLCF. "As the home of Titan, the fastest supercomputer in the USA, OLCF has a exciting future ahead…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Machines as Talent

Machines as Talent

(More comments to follow)Machines as Talent   via DeloitteCollaboration, not competitionThe impact of computing on work is not new, but it is accelerating. The increasing power of computers and software to perform cognitive tasks…

From insideHPC

GENCI to Collaborate with IBM in Race to Exascale

GENCI to Collaborate with IBM in Race to Exascale

Today GENCI announced a collaboration with IBM aimed at speeding up the path to exascale computing. Created in 2007 by the French government, GENCI with the aim of placing France among the leading countries on the international…

From insideHPC

Arithmetic Intensity of Stencil Operations

Arithmetic Intensity of Stencil Operations

Applications that use 3D Finite Difference (3DFD) calculations are numerically intensive and can be optimized quite heavily to take advantage of accelerators that are available in today's systems. The performance of an implementation…

From Schneier on Security

German BfV - NSA Cooperation

German BfV - NSA Cooperation

The German newspaper Zeit is reporting the BfV, Germany's national intelligence agency, (probably) illegally traded data about Germans to the NSA in exchange for access to XKeyscore. From Ars Technica: Unlike Germany's foreign…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Exploitation Lagging

Innovation Exploitation Lagging

Good piece, the situation has been the case for some time. Technology leads, innovation exploitation is lagging .... There is a growing, perhaps even an overwhelming business case, for transforming the innovation management structure…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Networks and the Nature of the Firm

Networks and the Nature of the Firm

 Note the use of graph analytics to address this problem, often mentioned here, see the tag below.   Do we need a way to quickly categorize a particular kind of connectedness to understand it?Networks and the Nature of the Firm…

From insideHPC

The Price of Open-source Software – a Joint Response

The Price of Open-source Software – a Joint Response

"Ultimately, we must accept that research is best served through using a combination of open-source and proprietary software, through developing new software and through the use of existing software. This approach allows the …

From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

HLF2015 / John Hopcroft, Diversity, and One of the First Computer Science Courses

HLF2015 / John Hopcroft, Diversity, and One of the First Computer Science Courses

This blog post originates from the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Blog. The 3rd Heidelberg Laureate Forum is dedicated to mathematics and computer sciences, and takes place August 23-28, 2015. Abel, Fields, Turing and Nevanlinna Laureates…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Product Design

Future of Product Design

The Future of Product Design   (Free EBook via Autodesk with registration) How Emerging Technologies Are Disrupting the Product Lifecycle By Jonathan FollettDesign and production considerations change throughout any product's…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Cancellation is a Pain

How to avoid the pain of estimating tough sums Cricketing source Andrew Granville is a number theorist, who has written—besides his own terrific research—some beautiful expository papers, especially on analytic number theory.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Viz Description of Machine Learning

Viz Description of Machine Learning

From R2D3:Very nicely designed scrolling and animated visual of specific machine learning methods.   An introductory, intuitive and clear look, with no need for math.  This appears to be only the first edition of this, there"…

From insideHPC

Video: Stunning Simulation Shows Comet in the Solar Wind

Video: Stunning Simulation Shows Comet in the Solar Wind

In what has to be one of the most beautiful simulations I've ever seen, this video from the European Space Agency shows simulated interaction of solar winds with 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the famous comet targeted the Rosetta…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Serious Games Institute

Serious Games Institute

Revisited the Serious Game Institute.   " ... An International Centre for Excellence in Serious Games Applied Research, Business Engagement and Study .... " .    Been a few years since I have heard from them.      I see their…

From insideHPC

ISC Cloud & Big Data Conference to Focus on Business, Technology and Research

ISC Cloud & Big Data Conference to Focus on Business, Technology and Research

Early Bird registration rates are now available for ISC Cloud & Big Data Conference, which takes place Sept. 28-30 in Frankfurt, Germany. This year the event will kick off with one full day of workshops. The new program will …

From Schneier on Security

Iranian Phishing

Iranian Phishing

CitizenLab is reporting on Iranian hacking attempts against activists, which include a real-time man-in-the-middle attack against Google's two-factor authentication. This report describes an elaborate phishing campaign against…