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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2016

From The Eponymous Pickle

Improved Analytics through Crowdsourcing

Improved Analytics through Crowdsourcing

In Sloan Review.      Requires registration.

" ... Syngenta developed an award-winning suite of analytics tools by tapping into expertise outside the organization — including talent available through open-innovation platforms.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Practical Predictive Analytics

Practical Predictive Analytics

Good non technical piece that takes you on a journey of useful thoughts.    Interesting infographics and statistics as well.

From The Eponymous Pickle

You Always Need more Data

You Always Need more Data

All the Data and Still Not Enough!Claudia Perlich discusses tricks to the art of predictive modeling in situations where the right data is scarce.  Video by Claudia Perlich August 2, 2016

From The Eponymous Pickle

Every Windows 10 PC can have Hololens

Every Windows 10 PC can have Hololens

Now calling it 'mixed reality', makes some sense, distinguishing the terms augmented versus virtual reality has sometimes been difficult, but trying to push another term is confusing too.  Mixed means what?  Recently saw a Hololens…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Mood Science and the Internet of Things

Mood Science and the Internet of Things

Anyone who works with advertising and marketing ideas wants to measure and influence aspects of mood in  a number of context.   Much has been made of neuromarketing ideas in recent years.   'Things'  that can  influence moodlinks…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Product Association Rules Using R

Product Association Rules Using R

Nice DSC article by Gregory Choi  that relates directly to retail purchasing. How do I mine for associations in purchasing based on past buying data?  Could be used to put together bundles for possible co marketing. This uses…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Lineages of Creativity in Research

Lineages of Creativity in Research

Nature article looks at the 'Phd-Family' trees of scientists and in particularly mathematicians.  I don't find it too surprising that there are a small number of lineages.  Like the degrees of of separation findings.  But I do…

From insideHPC

SCinet Preps World’s Fastest Network Infrastructure at SC16

SCinet Preps World’s Fastest Network Infrastructure at SC16

Over at the SC16 Blog, JP Vetters writes that planning for the SCinet high-bandwidth conference network is a multiyear process.

The post SCinet Preps World’s Fastest Network Infrastructure at SC16 appeared first on insideHPC.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Juno Skims Close for More Atmosphere Data

Juno Skims Close for More Atmosphere Data

Today the Juno probe skims close to Jupiter.  With an aim to get a much better understanding of its atmosphere.  Not the topic of this blog, but my earliest analytics dealt with modeling solar atmospheres,  so the topic of our…

From insideHPC

Extreme-scale Graph Analysis on Blue Waters

Extreme-scale Graph Analysis on Blue Waters

George Slota presented this talk at the Blue Waters Symposium. "In recent years, many graph processing frameworks have been introduced with the goal to simplify analysis of real-world graphs on commodity hardware. However, these…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Programmed for Procrastination?

Programmed for Procrastination?

We are programmed to delay work.   So what do we do?  See also the tag below on the topic, I have mentioned a number of other good pieces  on this topic.How to Hack Your Brain to Destroy Procrastination, According to HarvardElle…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Following the Euro

Following the Euro

Long have been a follower of the EU and Euro and the implications of the union.  Especially how the regulatory structure influences innovation.  Newly published.  Podcast and text.The eurozone project was “flawed at birth” notes…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Self-Repairing Fabrics Based on Squid Teeth

Friday Squid Blogging: Self-Repairing Fabrics Based on Squid Teeth

Really: As shown in the video below, researchers at Pennsylvania State University recently developed a polyelectrolyte liquid solution made of bacteria and yeast that automatically mends clothes. It doesn't have a name yet, but…

From Technology News

Study provides voice for evacuation needs of mobility impaired

Study provides voice for evacuation needs of mobility impaired

A fire alarm sounds. An announcement comes over the office public address system: "A fire has been reported in the building. This is not a drill. Please move to the nearest stairwell and exit the building."

From The Eponymous Pickle

Beacon System for Push Notification

Beacon System for Push Notification

A very simple idea, a small device that can generate an alert for a push notification based on context and location. .  Note this is unrelated in function to the Amazon Dot, even though it looks similar.Seeing this more generally…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hacking the Turing Test

Hacking the Turing Test

The Turing test is a measure of 'intelligence'  which came out of the AI era, has a number of flaws.  In the CACM: " ... The test currently can't determine if a person is talking to another human being or a robot if the person…

From Schneier on Security

Collision Attacks Against 64-Bit Block Ciphers

Collision Attacks Against 64-Bit Block Ciphers

We've long known that 64 bits is too small for a block cipher these days. That's why new block ciphers like AES have 128-bit, or larger, block sizes. The insecurity of the smaller block is nicely illustrated by a new attack called…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Data Operations Specialist at the Simons Foundation

Job of the Week: Data Operations Specialist at the Simons Foundation

"The Simons Foundation is beginning a new computational science organization called the Flatiron Institute. Flatiron will seek to explore challenging science problems in astrophysics, biology and chemistry. Computational science…

From insideHPC

Video: System Methodology—Holistic Performance Analysis on Modern Systems

Video: System Methodology—Holistic Performance Analysis on Modern Systems

"This talk will discuss various system performance issues, and the methodologies, tools, and processes used to solve them. The focus is on single systems (any operating system), including single cloud instances, and quickly locating…

From insideHPC

ACM Announces George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships

ACM Announces George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships

Today ACM announced the recipients of the 2016 ACM/IEEE George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships. The fellowship honors exceptional PhD students throughout the world whose research focus is on high performance computing applications…

From insideHPC

Overview of the MVAPICH Project and Future Roadmap

Overview of the MVAPICH Project and Future Roadmap

In this video from the 4th Annual MVAPICH User Group, DK Panda from Ohio State University presents: Overview of the MVAPICH Project and Future Roadmap. "This talk will provide an overview of the MVAPICH project (past, present…

From The Noisy Channel

Searching for Goldilocks

Searching for Goldilocks

Many search queries don’t have a single right answer or even an objective best answer. For example, if you’re looking for mailboxes or…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Triggers of Behavior

Triggers of Behavior

BJ Fogg worked with us in a number of projects in the enterprise.Why behavior matters more than thought leadershipTriggering habit-forming behavior Stanford University researcher BJ Fogg posited that you need three things for…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Analytics 360 Suite

Google Analytics 360 Suite

Screens and more screens, mobile and stationary.    How does this change the decision space?Marketing analytics for a multi-screen world.Say hi to the Google Analytics 360 Suite, built for the enterprise. It helps you better82…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

App Challenge! Enter to Win $20,000 for your School

App Challenge! Enter to Win $20,000 for your School

I had an email the other day about the Verizon app challenge. It looks interesting and I may have some students enter this year. The fact that coding IS NOT required opens the door to a lot more students. Anyone else using this…

From Schneier on Security

The NSA is Hoarding Vulnerabilities

The NSA is Hoarding Vulnerabilities

The National Security Agency is lying to us. We know that because of data stolen from an NSA server was dumped on the internet. The agency is hoarding information about security vulnerabilities in the products you use, because…

From The Eponymous Pickle

New and Improved Wolfram Alpha

New and Improved Wolfram Alpha

Another of the general virtual assistants.  It has been a while since I have checked it out, but was impressed then.  I have yet to see this applied in a real situation to how it might perform as a useful assistant.  Can someone…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Faster dictionary decoding with SIMD instructions

Faster dictionary decoding with SIMD instructions

A particularly fast and effective compression technique is dictionary coding. Intuitively, it works as follow. Suppose you are given a long document made of millions of words, but containing only 65536 distinct words. You can…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Talk on Understanding Cognitive Systems

Talk on Understanding Cognitive Systems

Our presenter this week was Jim Spohrer from IBM. who will presented  "Understanding Cognitive Systems.".   Worth taking a look at.   Slides here.  .... Presentation. We encourage those who join the calls to add questions and…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Emotion Analysis API

Emotion Analysis API

More companies are looking at text analysis ....AlchemyLanguage Emotion Analysis API is Generally Available, and It’s Getting BetterMany in the field of Cognitive AI research and development speak of the importance of context…