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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2016

From insideHPC

Video: What is Driving Heterogeneity in HPC?

Video: What is Driving Heterogeneity in HPC?

Wen-mei Hwu from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign presented this talk at the Blue Waters Symposium. "In the 21st Century, we are able to understand, design, and create what we can compute. Computational models are…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI in Business

AI in Business

Remember outlining a similar report some time ago.   Really helps to layout who will use it and how.  I am seeing a move back to the term 'AI' too.The AI business landscapeA data-driven analysis of companies that are adopting…

From The Eponymous Pickle

GIF's and All that

GIF's and All that

A considerable look at the history of the GIF, a graphic format, developed in 1987,  that opened the door to online visualization.  Even animating things.   We recall when you had to do considerable work in getting GIF's to display…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Free NASA Online Research Archive

Free NASA Online Research Archive

A wealth of information.  Does not contain all research papers produced by NASA.NASA’s new online archive is a treasure trove of free research articles" ... NASA launched a free online archive for science journal articles that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Retailing Technology is Now

Future of Retailing Technology is Now

Forbes article.  Generally put, but good piece:The Future Of Retailing: The Technology Revolution Is Nowby Walter Loeb ,   ContributorI believe that retailing is undergoing a revolutionary change. Merchants are no longer the…

From insideHPC

NERSC Dungeon Session Speeds Code for Cori Supercomputer

NERSC Dungeon Session Speeds Code for Cori Supercomputer

Six application development teams from NERSC gathered at Intel in early August for a marathon “dungeon session" designed to help tweak their codes for the next-generation Intel Xeon Phi Knight’s Landing manycore architecture …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Neural Networks with R

Using Neural Networks with R

Back in the first go around with neural networks we had to write our own, but now its easily available via R.  (And many other places)  This is a reasonable introduction, but not really best for an actual application.    ButIn…

From insideHPC

IIT in Bombay Opens the First OpenPOWER Research Facility

IIT in Bombay Opens the First OpenPOWER Research Facility

Today IBM announced the opening of the first OpenPOWER Research Facility (OPRF) at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. The OPRF will help drive the country's National Knowledge Network initiative to interconnect all institutions…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Software and Management

Software and Management

Technology and the “End of Management”FrontiersBlog July 27, 2016    Lynda GrattonNo, software will not render managers obsolete, but you will need to be more skilled than ever before. ... "  Agree with that, but also expect…

From Schneier on Security

Windows 10 Update Breaks Most Webcams

Windows 10 Update Breaks Most Webcams

Now's your chance.......

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google on Beacons Reshaping Marketing

Google on Beacons Reshaping Marketing

In ThinkwithGoogle:" ... Beacon technology is poised to change the way consumers interact with brands, making devices more helpful and revolutionizing the way retailers measure the offline impact of online ads. When it comesTo…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa and the Emerging Art of Conversation

Alexa and the Emerging Art of Conversation

An interesting exploration of conversational interfaces using the Amazon Echo.   What has it shown us so far?  I like it, but it still has a long way to go. You adapt as you use it, like you would with any conversational partner…

From The Eponymous Pickle

ROI of Customer Engagement

ROI of Customer Engagement

Always looking for new ways to measure.   But it takes lots of trials in different contexts, to understand the implications of measurement.Calculating the ROI of Customer Engagement by Rachel HappeWe know that customer engagement…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Stubby Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Stubby Squid

Photo of the cutest squid ever. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Looks at IDF 2016

Radio Free HPC Looks at IDF 2016

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team reviews the recent 2016 Intel Developer Forum. “How will Intel return to growth in the face of a declining PC market? At IDF, they put the spotlight on IoT and Machine Learning. With new…

From updated sporadically at best

Ten Recipes for the Beginner Cook

Ten Recipes for the Beginner Cook

This blog post is dedicated to my college roommate Brigit, who has been ramping up her cooking efforts. This week I've been on vacation with my college roommates and we've been having many conversations about how we've come a…

From Schneier on Security

Unintentional DOS Attack against Car-Door Openers

Unintentional DOS Attack against Car-Door Openers

Radio noise from a nearby neon-sign transformer made it impossible for people to unlock their cars remotely....

From The Eponymous Pickle

Flying a Horse and other Creations

Flying a Horse and other Creations

Been reading my former colleague Kevin Ashton's book:  How to Fly a Horse: The Secret History of Creation, Invention, and Discovery.  Very nicely done, worth the read.Publishers description: To create is human. Technology pioneer…

From insideHPC

SC16 Facing Housing Crunch in Salt Lake City

SC16 Facing Housing Crunch in Salt Lake City

Over at the SC16 Blog, Elizabeth Leake writes that there will be a bit of a housing crunch in Salt Lake City this year during the world's largest supercomputing conference.

The post SC16 Facing Housing Crunch in Salt Lake City…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Links Power BI to R

Microsoft Links Power BI to R

 ... By Sharon MachlisI remain pleasantly surprised at Microsoft's enthusiasm for adding R to its analytics ecosystem (and not [at least yet] fulfilling suspicions its end game is to fork a version of R that is semi-proprietary)…

From insideHPC

Nvidia Donates DGX-1 Machine Learning Supercomputer to OpenAI Non-profit

Nvidia Donates DGX-1 Machine Learning Supercomputer to OpenAI Non-profit

This week Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang hand-delivered one of the company's new DGX-1 Machine Learning supercomputers to the OpenAI non-profit in San Francisco. “The DGX-1 is a huge advance,” OpenAI Research Scientist Ilya Sutskever…

From insideHPC

Taming Heterogeneity in HPC – The DEEP-ER take

Taming Heterogeneity in HPC – The DEEP-ER take

Norbert Eicker from the Jülich Supercomputing Centre presented this talk at the SAI Computing Conference in London. "The ultimate goal is to reduce the burden on the application developers. To this end DEEP/-ER provides a well…

From insideHPC

Making Life Easier with Altair Data Center GPU Management Tool

Making Life Easier with Altair Data Center GPU Management Tool

Altair's new Data Center GPU Management Tool is now available to Nvidia HPC Customers. With the wide adoption of Graphics Processing Units, customers are addressing vital work in fields including artificial intelligence, deep…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AliceBot Chatbot Engine

AliceBot Chatbot Engine

I am reminded of the Alice Bot which we experimented with in the 90s.   Now the idea has taken hold as a simpler way of delivering AI, especially for human natural language interaction.About Alicebot:A.L.I.C.E. (Artificial Linguistic…

From The Eponymous Pickle

On Patient Behavior

On Patient Behavior

In every business where there are customers, its about their behavior.   Even in healthcare. Knowledge@Wharton talks about a new book:  How Patients Think: A Science-Based Strategy for Patient Engagement and Population Health…

From Technology News

It's only rock 'n' roll – and sometimes it's better in mono

It's only rock 'n' roll – and sometimes it's better in mono

While music lovers continue to argue about the relative merits of digital audio and the analogue vinyl disc, another debate is going on about the renaissance of an audio format that most people thought had long since disappeared…

From Schneier on Security

More on Election Security

More on Election Security

Andrew Appel has a good two-part essay on securing elections. And three organizations -- Verified Voting, EPIC, and Common Cause -- have published a report on the risks of Internet voting. The report is primarily concerned with…

From Technology News

Experts use drift modeling to define new MH370 search zone

Experts use drift modeling to define new MH370 search zone

Experts hunting for the missing Malaysian airliner are attempting to define a new search area by studying where in the Indian Ocean the first piece of wreckage recovered from the lost Boeing 777—a wing flap—most likely drifted…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Intel Acquires Nervana: How AI is Disrupting the Largest Industries

Intel Acquires Nervana: How AI is Disrupting the Largest Industries

Unexpected, but have always been impressed with Intel's deep innovation, want to see hardware enhanced AI.In Medium:   Standing on the Shore*: How AI is Disrupting the World’s largest Industries Artificial Intelligence is undergoing…

From insideHPC

Video: Intel Sneak Peek at Knights Mill Processor for Machine Learning

Video: Intel Sneak Peek at Knights Mill Processor for Machine Learning

In this video from the 2016 Intel Developer Forum, Diane Bryant describes the company's efforts to advance Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Along the way, she offers a sneak peak at the Knights Mill processor, the…

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