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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2016

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Change in NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Solicitation

Change in NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Solicitation

The following is a special contribution to this blog by Tracy Kimbrel, Program Director in the Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) at the National Science Foundation.   The NSF-wide Graduate Research Fellowship…

From insideHPC

New iBook brings us 72 Beautiful Galaxies

New iBook brings us 72 Beautiful Galaxies

A new iBook by Dr. Stephen Perrenod looks at 72 Beautiful Galaxies. With a Foreword written by our own Rich Brueckner from insideHPC, the iPad "book" offers an interactive way to explore the universe. "In 72 Beautiful Galaxies…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI and Human Safety: Steve Omohundro

AI and Human Safety: Steve Omohundro

AIBrainTalk: AI and Human SafetyOn August 17, 2016 Steve Omohundro spoke to the “Million AI Startups” group about “AI and Human Safety”:AI and robotics will create $50 trillion of value over the next 10 years according to McKinsey…

From insideHPC

Hot Interconnects Conference Comes to Santa Clara Aug 24-26

Hot Interconnects Conference Comes to Santa Clara Aug 24-26

There is still time to register for the 2016 Hot Interconnects Conference, which takes place August 24-26 at Huawei in Santa Clara, California. The keynote speaker this year is Kiran Makhijan, Senior Research Scientist, Network…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Naralogics: Understanding Decisions with Neural Networks

Naralogics: Understanding Decisions with Neural Networks

Always interested in how to represent and use models of decisions, especially how they are driven by data.   Today heard a talk by Nathan Wilson of Naralogics on the topic.  They are having considerable success in modeling decision…

From insideHPC

Video: The Coming Quantum Computing Revolution

Video: The Coming Quantum Computing Revolution

In this video, D-Wave Systems Founder Eric Ladizinsky presents: The Coming Quantum Computing Revolution. "Despite the incredible power of today’s supercomputers, there are many complex computing problems that can’t be addressed…

From Computational Complexity

Predicting in Changing Environments

The New York Times yesterday ran a story connecting climate change to the Louisiana flooding.
The National Weather Service reports that parts of Louisiana have received as much as 31 inches of rain in the last week, a number…

From insideHPC

Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Design

Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Design

"The major functionality of the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor is a chip that does the heavy computation. The current version utilizes up to 16 channels of GDDR5 memory. An interesting notes is that up to 32 memory devices can be…

From Technology News

Discovering electric mobility in a playful way

Discovering electric mobility in a playful way

How can services help encourage the spread of electric mobility, and how can they be systematically developed? Using four case studies from Finland, Estonia, Denmark and Norway, Fraunhofer IAO presents various approaches to developing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Inc Looks at Neuromarketing

Inc Looks at Neuromarketing

Have been detached from technical neuromarketing efforts for a while now, you can see some writings from those efforts in the tag below.   Inc Mag takes a non technical look.  There is  usefulness to address this.  A sort of'hints…

From Technology News

Image: Margaret Hamilton's Apollo code

Image: Margaret Hamilton's Apollo code

Half a century ago, MIT played a critical role in the development of the flight software for NASA's Apollo program, which landed humans on the moon for the first time in 1969. One of the many contributors to this effort was Margaret…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Staying Ahead of Smart Machines

Staying Ahead of Smart Machines

A look at content generation using smart machines.  A newly discovered philosophical blog.   Lots of companies are considering the implications of AI today.

From Schneier on Security

Prisoner's Dilemma Experiment Illustrates Four Basic Phenotypes

Prisoner's Dilemma Experiment Illustrates Four Basic Phenotypes

If you've read my book Liars and Outliers, you know I like the prisoner's dilemma as a way to think about trust and security. There is an enormous amount of research -- both theoretical and experimental -- about the dilemma,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Driver Assistance vs Autopilots

Driver Assistance vs Autopilots

Interesting story of varying language being used in describing the idea of 'driver assistance' when using and selling the Tesla.   Our language has to adapt to the physical consequences  And the legal consequences.  In ArsTechnica…

From insideHPC

Designing Machines Around Problems: The Co-Design Push to Exascale

Designing Machines Around Problems: The Co-Design Push to Exascale

A single issue has always defined the history of HPC systems: performance. While offloading and co-design may seem like new approaches to computing, they actually have been used, to a lesser degree, in the past as a way to enhance…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Sociotechnical Cybersecurity Call for White Papers

Sociotechnical Cybersecurity Call for White Papers

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) will be sponsoring a visioning activity on Sociotechnical Cybersecurity. As a part of this effort, the workshop organizing committee has released a call for white papers in order to both…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft's Open Mind

Microsoft's Open Mind

Not released yet, but apparently in process:Open Mind: Microsoft's Visual-Studio-like suite for machine learningMicrosoft looks to be building a Visual-Studio-like tool suite for machine learning called Open Mind Studio.  ByMary…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Hacks for Forgetfulness

Hacks for Forgetfulness

The topic has always interested us.  In the modern world there are so many more things to remember.  But we have devices now, and they can provide cues in some context.    What are the best kinds of cues?  In Knowledge@Wharton…

From insideHPC

Video: Parallel I/O Best Practices

Video: Parallel I/O Best Practices

In this video from the 2016 Blue Waters Symposium, Andriy Kot from NCSA presents: Parallel I/O Best Practices.

The post Video: Parallel I/O Best Practices appeared first on insideHPC.

From insideHPC

Podcast: Supercomputing Better Soybeans

Podcast: Supercomputing Better Soybeans

In this TACC Podcast, Researchers describe how XSEDE supercomputing resources are helping them grow a better soybean through the SoyKB project based from the University of Missouri-Columbia. "The way resequencing is conducted…

From insideHPC

Software Framework for Deep Learning

Software Framework for Deep Learning

Deep learning solutions are typically a part of a broader high performance analytics function in for profit enterprises, with a requirement to deliver a fusion of business and data requirements. In addition to support large scale…

From insideHPC

Supercomputers Power NOAA Flood Forecasting Tool

Supercomputers Power NOAA Flood Forecasting Tool

NOAA and its partners have developed a new forecasting tool to simulate how water moves throughout the nation’s rivers and streams, paving the way for the biggest improvement in flood forecasting the country has ever seen. Launched…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter and Targeted Facebook

Procter and Targeted Facebook

More on P&G's change in the use of targeted Facebook.P&G Shakes Up Targeted Facebook Approach, Sparks Marketing StirProcter & Gamble announced yesterday the company has decided to scale back on their targeted Facebook advertisements…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Cities, an IoT in Enterprise Introduction

Smart Cities, an IoT in Enterprise Introduction

Thingworkx On Smart Cities.  A free e-book that requires registration:" ... Current hype aside, the Internet of Things will ultimately become as fundamental as the Internet itself, with lots of opportunities and trials along…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Anthropologic Thinking

Using Anthropologic Thinking

In the HBR:  Using anthropology to get more our of social media.    We used anthropologists in the enterprise.  This article promotes more quantitative thinking than we typically saw from anthropology.  Something that may seem…

From insideHPC

Faster and More Accurate Exploration using Shared Storage with Parallel Access

Faster and More Accurate Exploration using Shared Storage with Parallel Access

This very interesting whitepaper explains how selecting a proper parallel file system for your application can increase the performance of complex simulations and reduce time to completion.

The post Faster and More Accurate Exploration…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation and the Language of the Corner Office

Innovation and the Language of the Corner Office

 Reminds of work we did to enhance executive information systems.   Back then and then later when we had more technology and live data to leverage.  Language is a big deal. And finally when we started to leverage AI concepts.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Comparing Three Data Science Concepts

Comparing Three Data Science Concepts

Nice quiz and a demonstration of the imprecision of the terms in useAI vs Deep Learning vs Machine Learning   Posted by William Vorhies  Summary:  Which of these terms means the same thing:  AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Neural Dust Health Sensors

Neural Dust Health Sensors

In Cnet: Beyond Fitbit: 'Neural dust' puts invisible cyborg tech deep inside you ... New, tiny sensors could create superpowerful fitness trackers, move prosthetics forward and lead to treatments for conditions like epilepsy.…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cooperative Robotics for Amazon

Cooperative Robotics for Amazon

Like humans being augmented by AI, here in the physical world.How Locus Robotics Plans to Build a Successor to Amazon's Kiva RobotsBy Evan AckermanLocus’ robot is designed to work collaboratively with humans to fill orders in…

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