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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2017

From insideHPC

IBM Scales TensorFlow and Caffe to 256 GPUs

IBM Scales TensorFlow and Caffe to 256 GPUs

Over at IBM, Sumit Gupta writes that the company has enabled record-breaking image recognition capabilities that make Deep Learning much more practical at scale. "The bottom line is that the record IBM broke slashes Deep Learning…

From insideHPC

Future HPC Challenges for Europe

Future HPC Challenges for Europe

In this video from PRACEdays17, Thomas Skordas describes the future challenges of HPC in Europe and the key role of PRACE in the European HPC ecosystem. "PRACEdays17 included keynotes about European and international HPC strategy…

From Schneier on Security

Uber Drivers Hacking the System to Cause Surge Pricing

Uber Drivers Hacking the System to Cause Surge Pricing

Interesting story about Uber drivers who have figured out how to game the company's algorithms to cause surge pricing: According to the study. drivers manipulate Uber's algorithm by logging out of the app at the same time, making…

From insideHPC

Will the Cloud steal my job?

Will the Cloud steal my job?

In this special guest feature, Dr Rosemary Francis from Ellexus describes why the HPC Community has little to fear from the rise of Cloud Computing. "AWS alone has eight different types of storage that vary hugely in terms of…

From insideHPC

Building a True Data Solution

Building a True Data Solution

Tom Matson, SandiskMany of the biggest challenges in current data center deployments involve moving and protecting the massive amount of data that is used by today’s leading companies. In this sponsored post from One Stop Systems, Inc., Tom Matson…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Assistants Addressing Primary Health Care

Assistants Addressing Primary Health Care

Primary Health care via assistant, continue to follow this topic.   Good overview:

The robot will see you now  By Pam Baker in HP Enterprise
Intelligent personal medical devices will improve your quality of life. And nag you when…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Raise Your Hand With Glitch

Raise Your Hand With Glitch

Nice simple idea, not sure how rewards work, but could see this working among an enterprise team and getting some sort of reward points for helping. Could also push toward standard usage when developing.  Ultimately might be


From The Eponymous Pickle

Global Value Chains

Global Value Chains

Internalizing Global Value Chains: A Firm-Level Analysis  in HBS
by Laura Alfaro, Pol Antràs, Davin Chor and Paola Conconi

In recent decades, advances in information and communication technology and falling trade barriers have…

From insideHPC

Seagate Updates Nytro Flash Storage

Seagate Updates Nytro Flash Storage

Today Seagate announced enhanced versions of two flash technologies to boost performance and capacity for mixed data center workloads. The updated solid-state drives — including the Nytro 5000 M.2 non-volatile memory express …

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How To Retain Computer Science Teachers

How To Retain Computer Science Teachers

One of the big topics around computer science education is the shortage of teachers with enough CS knowledge to properly teach the subject. One fear is that anyone well enough versed in computer science to teach it is likelyOn…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Issues Awards to Advance a National Research Infrastructure for Neuroscience

NSF Issues Awards to Advance a National Research Infrastructure for Neuroscience

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has made 17 Next Generation Networks for Neuroscience (NeuroNex) awards to aid the research community as it pursues one of its grandest challenges: understanding the brain. These projects…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Patent Troll Loses Podcast Fight

Patent Troll Loses Podcast Fight

Was slightly involved with research for patent litigation that dealt with trolls,  so follow recent activity in this area, in particular regarding prior art.    Quite a bit of detail at the link regarding podcasting prior art…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Siemens: Getting Robots and Workers to Cooperate

Siemens:  Getting Robots and Workers to Cooperate

Like that this approach is addressing elements and architecture of process, and that the design and operation of  these elements is also a big part of doing something intelligently.  New component elements of business process…

From insideHPC

DDN Drives Microscopy Workflows with Gatan

DDN Drives Microscopy Workflows with Gatan

Today DDN announced a strategic partnership with Gatan to deliver groundbreaking solutions for microscopy research environments and workflows. With innovative solutions that combine DDN’s high-performance data storage platform…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Sales is AI

Future of Sales is AI

Looking at the future of sales.   Further, if you can automate it, you can improve it.  In performance, reach, cost or adaptability.  And learn about some of these same contexts.   Not to say this is new, we have done these things…

From insideHPC

Video: Dark Matter – Detecting Gravity’s Hidden Hand

Video: Dark Matter – Detecting Gravity’s Hidden Hand

"One of today’s great challenges in physics is to observe individual dark matter particles coming in from the galaxy and striking particles on Earth. This talk presents the evidence for dark matter and introduces one of the most…

From insideHPC

New XSEDE program makes HPC expertise more accessible

New XSEDE program makes HPC expertise more accessible

Today XSEDE announced a pilot-phase program meant to give users ready access to HPC expertise. Called ECSS (Extended Collaborative Support Services), ECSS service allows researchers with XSEDE supercomputer allocations to collaborate…

From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Looks at Posit Computing

Radio Free HPC Looks at Posit Computing

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at the problems with IEEE Floating Point. “As described in a recent presentation by John Gustafson, the flaws and idiosyncrasies of floating-point arithmetic 'constitute a sizable…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Its All About Continuous Learning

Its All About Continuous Learning

Our own early experiments in AI failed because we ended up needing expensive continuous Maintenance.   We need continual learning, and we need to plan for that up front.  I always recommend that for projects that seek to integrate…

From insideHPC

Intel Xeon Scalable Platform Enables Major Advancements for HPC

Intel Xeon Scalable Platform Enables Major Advancements for HPC

Intel Xeon scalable platformDescribed by Intel as the biggest platform advancement in a decade, the new Intel Xeon Scalable Platform accelerates high-performance computing workloads and provides new capabilities to advance emerging fields like artificial…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Voices in AI Podcasts

Voices in AI Podcasts

From GigaOM, have signed up for these.

Announcing “Voices in AI” Podcast,  Byron Reese
Artificial intelligence has received more digital ink recently than just about any topic in technology. This level of coverage is warranted,…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Twitter Chats for Computer Science Teachers

Twitter Chats for Computer Science Teachers

With the isolation that many computer science teachers feel social media can be an important part of both building community and professional development. Recently I have focused on blogs (Five Must Read Blogs for Computer Science…

From Schneier on Security

Hacking Slot Machines by Reverse-Engineering the Random Number Generators

Hacking Slot Machines by Reverse-Engineering the Random Number Generators

Interesting story: The venture is built on Alex's talent for reverse engineering the algorithms -- known as pseudorandom number generators, or PRNGs -- that govern how slot machine games behave. Armed with this knowledge, he…

From Mostafa Dehghani

Learning to Attend, Copy, and Generate for Session-Based Query Suggestion

Learning to Attend, Copy, and Generate for Session-Based Query Suggestion

Our paper "Learning to Attend, Copy, and Generate for Session-Based Query Suggestion", with Sascha Rothe, Enrique Alfonseca, and Pascal Fleury, has been accepted as a long paper at the international Conference on Information…

From Computational Complexity

Should we care if a job candidate does not know the social and ethical implications of their work (Second Blog Post inspired by Rogawarys Moral Character Paper)

Phillip Rogaway's article on the

The Moral character of Cryptographic Work (see here)

brings up so many issues that it could be the topics for at least 5 blog posts. I've already done one here, and today I'll do another. As…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google's Gmail will Answer Your Emails?

Google's Gmail will Answer Your Emails?

What is Ray Kurzweil up to at Google?  Writing your Emails.  ... in Wired ..  I respond:

Interesting background and information about an innovator and his team's neural net driven AI project.  Good as an indication of how Google…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Conversational Banking Assistant Pilot

Conversational Banking Assistant  Pilot

Intriguing statement of how this is operating, and how it can deal with a messy conversational interaction.   Because of the nature of the interaction, this would appear to be particularly important and difficult to assure correctness…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Targeting Cancer with 3D Modeling and Simulation

Podcast: Targeting Cancer with 3D Modeling and Simulation

In this podcast, University of Oregon Associate Professor Eugene Zhang and Assistant Professor Yue Zhang describe their research to help medical doctors better target cancerous tumors by using 3D modeling and simulation. "What…

From insideHPC



In this video, Ray Leto from Total Sim LLC describes how his firm uses supercomputing resources at OSC to speed NASCAR simulations. "Designers and engineers utilizing common CAD or CAE software on desktop computers often encounter…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Transcript Data to Tailor Voice Interaction

Transcript Data to Tailor Voice Interaction

Amazon’s Alexa Has A Data Dilemma: Be More Like Apple Or Google?
Amazon’s virtual assistant is caught between Apple-like privacy safeguards and Google-style openness.   By Jared Newman

Devices like Amazon Echo could someday turn…