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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2017

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google View of AI: Intelligence and Scale

Google View of AI: Intelligence and Scale

Via O'Reilly: 

Jeff Dean is a Google senior fellow in the Research Group, where he leads the Google Brain project. Here is a video (and slides) of a talk he gave, "Intelligent Systems with Large Scale Deep Learning." It's a decent…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Identifying Plant Species

Identifying Plant Species

Another example of using many images to train via AI.   Also describes the data needs for such a process, done via Deep Learning neural methods.

From the CACM: 
Digitizing plant specimens is opening up a whole new world for researchers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Infinite Pool Tables

Infinite Pool Tables

We actually used this idea for solving cleaning coverage problems.   A rare case where advanced topology math principles came into play in industry.  This was the kind of math that I always liked, not too abstractly symbolic,…

From The Eponymous Pickle

NASA and Virtual and Augmented Realities

NASA and Virtual and Augmented Realities

NASA has been known for experimenting in this space, I have played with a few of their published capabilities.  Here is an overview of their future plans.

NASA’S Next Spacecraft  may launch from virtual and augmented realities…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Time Series Insights in Azure

Time Series Insights in Azure

Time Series Insights PREVIEW
Instantly explore and analyze time-series data in IoT solutions
Azure Time Series Insights is a fully managed analytics, storage, and visualization service that makes it simple to explore and analyze…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cortana Predicting Future Travel Plans

Cortana Predicting Future Travel Plans

Been watching virtual assistants for some time.    The key appears to be getting as many as possible out there,  on many kinds of hardware,  keep them cheap and for attentive use with voice,  something you use every day,  but…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Video Detecting Infection Patterns

Video Detecting Infection Patterns

Looking for patterns in healthcare using video that lead to infection.

Researchers use AI to monitor hospital staff hygiene
The technology could be used to reduce rates of hospital-acquired infections.

By Mallory Locklear,   @mallorylocklear…

From insideHPC

AI and Blockchain Companies Partner to Advance Healthcare Research

AI and Blockchain Companies Partner to Advance Healthcare Research

Today Insilico Medicine announced a research collaboration with The Bitfury Group, the world’s leading full-service blockchain technology conglomerate, to develop novel solutions for healthcare applications. The companies signed…

From insideHPC

Podcast: 18 Petaflop Stampede 2 Supercomputer Powers Research at TACC

Podcast: 18 Petaflop Stampede 2 Supercomputer Powers Research at TACC

In this Texas Standard podcast, Dan Stanzione from TACC describes Stampede2, the most powerful university supercomputer in the United States. "Phase 1 of the Stampede2 rollout, now complete, features 4,200 Knights Landing (KNL)…

From insideHPC

OSC Hosts fifth MVAPICH Users Group

OSC Hosts fifth MVAPICH Users Group

A broad array of system administrators, developers, researchers and students who share an interest in the MVAPICH open-source library for high performance computing will gather this week for the fifth meeting of the MVAPICH Users…

From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Looks at Biohacking

Radio Free HPC Looks at Biohacking

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks alarming new hacks of health care data. With news that Biohackers have successfully inserted malware into DNA, security is becoming a matter of concern for everything from scanners…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Bubbling up is lowering empathy at a civilization scale

Bubbling up  is lowering empathy at a civilization scale

Computer networks are a fantastic invention. When they came in my life, I remember spending hours, sometimes days, arguing with people I violently disagreed with. At first glance, it looks like a complete waste of time, but experience…

From Schneier on Security

Bank Robbery Tactic

Bank Robbery Tactic

This video purports to be a bank robbery in Kiev. He first threatens a teller, who basically ignores him because she's behind bullet-proof glass. But then the robber threatens one of her co-workers, who is on his side of the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Text Summarization

Text Summarization

A good AI challenge that has useful applications.

An Algorithm Summarizes Lengthy Text Surprisingly Well
Training software to accurately sum up information in documents could have great impact in many fields, such as medicine,


From Computational Complexity

What is unusual about this MIT grad student in Applied Math?

(Thanks to Rachel Folowoshele for bringing this to my attention)

John Urschel is a grad student in applied math at MIT. His webpage is here.

Some students go straight from ugrad to grad (I did that.)

Others take a job of some…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Exoskeleton Controlled by Voice

Exoskeleton Controlled by Voice

Adding the voice to being reactive to movements is an interesting approach, another case of multi channel interaction and control.

This exoskeleton can be controlled using Amazon’s Alexa
‘Alexa, let’s go for a walk’     by James…


SIGIR 2017: Diversity and Inclusion

SIGIR 2017: Diversity and Inclusion

This article describes activities to support diversity and inclusion at SIGIR 2017 in Tokyo, Japan.

From insideHPC

Call for Abstracts: Intel HPC Developer Conference at SC17

Call for Abstracts: Intel HPC Developer Conference at SC17

"The Intel HPC Developer Conference 2017 has become the place for developers to learn about the latest trends, developments, and the future of HPC. By submitting an abstract and speaking at the conference you will be able to …

From The Eponymous Pickle

On a Bias about First Impressions

On a Bias about First Impressions

A first impression knowledge Bias?

Why our brains lead us astray when we take things at face value   Article by Diana Gitig 
A new book looks at how we overestimate what we can tell from a first impression.

" ... Professor Alexander…

From insideHPC

Heroes of Deep Learning: Yuanqing Lin

Heroes of Deep Learning: Yuanqing Lin

In this video from the Heroes of Deep Learning series, Andrew Ng interviews Head of Baidu Research, Yuanqing Lin. "Baidu Research brings together global research talent to work on AI technologies in areas such as image recognition…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Addressing the Analogy Gap

Addressing the Analogy Gap

Reminiscent of using humans as a peripheral, here determining high level relationships, then having the deep learning sort out the lower level patterns.  Points to Mechanical Turk, which we used this way.  At what point are the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China and AI

China and AI

In the NYT, word on China investments in AI: 

" ... China has laid out a development plan to become the world leader in artificial intelligence (AI) by 2030, with the goal of surpassing its rivals technologically and establishing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IFTTT and Honeywell

IFTTT and Honeywell

Continue to be impressed about how companies are working with IFTTT data streams, most recently brought to my attention:  Honeywell.  Plus other methods using the IFTTT Open Platform.  I have several examples in operation.


From The Eponymous Pickle

Multivariate Regression

Multivariate Regression

In DSC, a good piece explaining multivariate regression.  Not very technical, addresses both the data and the results.  Every manager should understand this simple approach.   A very common kind of problem you run into.   A good…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Bikes Existing Among Cars

Bikes Existing Among Cars

Troublesome thought that bicycles might need to become so complex to exist in an ecosystem with automobiles.

Bikes May Have to Talk to Self-Driving Cars for Safety's Sake     by Margaret J. Krauss

Researchers envision bicycles…

From My Biased Coin

Best Post I've Read on the Google Memo

Best Post I've Read on the Google Memo

After the shout-out to Meena, she suggested I might have more to say on the issue of the Google memo.  I (like I imagine so many others) have been following the array of follow-up articles and posts since this issue erupted.





In 2017, General Electric (GE), one of the largest American companies that specializes in oil and gas, healthcare, aviation and software development, and Eurelectric, the union of the electric industry in Europe, partnered to…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Handbook of Neural Computation

Handbook of Neural Computation

Handbook of Neural Computation - 1st Edition - ISBN: 9780128113189, 9780128113196Below book looks good, but very pricey.    Consider a free version via MIT, also being continually updated, don't have a copy to compare its coverage.    In general today, a book on 'Deep Learning' would cover similar topicsNeural…

From insideHPC

Video: HPE goes for Mission to Mars with Supercomputer Launch

Video: HPE goes for Mission to Mars with Supercomputer Launch

"Traveling to Mars and further destinations will require more sophisticated computing capabilities to cut down on communication latencies and ensure astronauts’ survival, but existing computing resources are limited and incapable…

From insideHPC

Slovenia signs European Declaration on HPC

Slovenia signs European Declaration on HPC

This week Slovenia became the ninth member state to sign the European Declaration on High Performance Computing. Designed to coordinate HPC efforts throughout Europe, the EuroHPC declaration was originally launched during Digital…

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