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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2018

From The Eponymous Pickle

Questions to Guide a Digital Transformation

Questions to Guide a Digital Transformation

Simple questions, would like to have more process detail to lead some goals, assume its in the book, but a good start.

What questions should guide a digital transformation?   Knowledge@Wharton staff

Presented here for discussion…

From insideHPC

Student Teams Step up to 2018 APAC HPC-AI Student Competition

Student Teams Step up to 2018 APAC HPC-AI Student Competition

Today the HPC-AI Advisory Council announced the winning teams of the first Asia-Pacific HPC-AI Competition during a live award ceremony in Singapore. The award ceremony recognized the top three winners and meritorious performers…

From insideHPC

How Dell EMC Powers HPC at Paypal

How Dell EMC Powers HPC at Paypal

In this video from the Dell EMC HPC Community Meeting, Venkatesh Ramanathan from Paypal describes how HPC innovation is helping the company invent new ways to make money safe and accessible for all. "Venkatesh is a senior data…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching Programming with Blocks vs. Teaching with Text-based Languages

Teaching Programming with Blocks vs. Teaching with Text-based Languages

Blocks or text? Which should I use with beginners? On one hand, I read research backed articles like Mark Guzdial’s High school students learning programming do better with block-based languages, and the impact is greatest for…

From insideHPC

New Frontera supercomputer at TACC to push the frontiers of science

New Frontera supercomputer at TACC to push the frontiers of science

Today the National Science Foundation announced a $60 million award to TACC for the deployment of Frontera, a new machine that will be one of the fastest supercomputers ever available to academia. "The new Frontera systems represents…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Empowering Multimedia Search

Empowering Multimedia Search

Spent lots of time looking at how corporate files containing multimedia could be stored and effectively searched, and included in other systems.  The emergence of AI image pattern recognition has started to enable this.  Could…

From Schneier on Security

CIA Network Exposed Through Insecure Communications System

CIA Network Exposed Through Insecure Communications System

Interesting story of a CIA intelligence network in China that was exposed partly because of a computer-security failure: Although they used some of the same coding, the interim system and the main covert communication platform…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IOT Revolutionizing Manufacturing

IOT Revolutionizing Manufacturing


Here's How the IoT Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing   

The internet of things (IoT) is much more than the next step in consumer technologies — it also represents a significant leap forward for industries of…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Puls Puts Technology Assistants in Homes

Puls Puts Technology Assistants in Homes

Not a bad idea.  Though spanning the breadth of electrician to software may be hard to deal with.  Never seen much of Geek squad in the Neighborhood, do they advertise that?

Puls Technologies raises $50 million to do tech support…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Cognitive Systems Talk: Machine Learning in a Snap

Cognitive Systems Talk:  Machine Learning in a Snap

Invitation to the ISSIP Cognitive Systems Institute Group Webinar

Please join us for this call and invite your contacts - e.g., at universities, partners & clients. The call is in a series - and you can see the series here http…

From insideHPC

Dell EMC Does Supercomputing Genomics Down Under

Dell EMC Does Supercomputing Genomics Down Under

The Garvan Institute of Medical Research has selected Dell EMC to deliver an HPC system for Garvan’s Data Intensive Computer Engineering (DICE) group, designed to push scientific boundaries and transform the way genomic research…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Second Cashierless Store in Seattle

Second Cashierless Store in Seattle

More testing of the cashier-less model, would seem to be an indication of success. Most interesting would be to see how shopper behavior differs in such a setting. 

Amazon has a second Go at cashierless convenience store in downtown…

From The Eponymous Pickle

What HBR Gets Wrong About Algorithms

What HBR Gets Wrong About Algorithms

 I linked to the HBR article here, this reply is thoughtful ...

What HBR gets wrong about algorithms and bias in O'Reilly
The Harvard Business Review recently published an article, "Want Less-Biased Decisions? Use Algorithms,"

From The Eponymous Pickle

Publix Healthcare Kiosks

Publix Healthcare Kiosks

Worked at Publix in my early days.  Later looked at how kiosks interact with consumers in Grocery.

Publix pioneers an easier way to see the doctor    by Matthew Stern in Retailwire

Healthcare in the U.S. is changing, and retailers…

From The Eponymous Pickle

No Touch Planning: Human Error and Supply Chains

No Touch Planning: Human Error and Supply Chains

Remember that planning means predicting, forecasting and analyzing risk in context

The route to no-touch planning: Taking the human error out of supply-chain planning

Slow, manual supply-chain planning processes can be a thing


From The Eponymous Pickle

Blurring the Lines Between Virtual and Reality

Blurring the Lines Between Virtual and Reality

In EPFL News.  Could be a way to transfer gaming, and thus gaming engagement to real spaces.  Say offices, but perhaps also to industrial spaces. Possible then also for use with data, or analytic  solutions to data.  We examined…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: HPC Specialist at New York University

Job of the Week: HPC Specialist at New York University

New York University Arts and Science is seeking a talented HPC Specialist to join their Department of Biology in our Job of the Week. "This individual will provide technical leadership in design, development, installation and…

From Schneier on Security



Andy Greenberg wrote a fascinating account of the Russian NotPetya worm, with an emphasis on its effects on the company Maersk. BoingBoing post....

From insideHPC

Generative Models for Application-Specific Fast Simulation of LHC Collision Events

Generative Models for Application-Specific Fast Simulation of LHC Collision Events

Maurizio Pierini from CERN gave this talk at PASC18. "We investigate the possibility of using generative models (e.g., GANs and variational autoencoders) as analysis-specific data augmentation tools to increase the size of the…

From Computational Complexity

Is Trivium (the Stream Cipher) used?

This Fall I am teaching the senior course in Crypto at UMCP. Its a nice change of pace for me since REAL people REALLY use this stuff! Contrast to last Spring when I taught

                   Ramsey Theory and its `Applications'…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Enabling Reliable Data science and ML Projects

Enabling Reliable Data science and ML Projects

By my own experience, agreed.  Enterprise Data Science is rarely done very carefully, leading it open to error.

Enabling reliable, secure collaboration on data science and machine learning projects    A conversation with Paul


From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at Smart Home Market

A Look at Smart Home Market

New look at the direction of Smart Homes.  But it does depend upon how your define a smart home.  Mine is still quite simple in what it includes,would it be defined as such?

Smart Home Market Analysis – Expectations vs. Reality…

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) Community Updates

Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) Community Updates

Check out the following updates from the Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) GCTC-SC3 Cybersecurity and Privacy Meeting Part 1 on Oct 3, 2018, in San Jose, California GCTC-SC3 Cybersecurity and Privacy Advisory Committee (AC)…

From insideHPC

Under New Management, Penguin Computing is Coming Back to HPC in a Big Way

Under New Management, Penguin Computing is Coming Back to HPC in a Big Way

Today Penguin Computing announced that it is expanding its global headquarters in Fremont, California to become a two-building campus with a new, state-of-the art production facility, along with creation of both a benchmarking…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Zippin Combines SmartShelves and Cameras

Zippin Combines SmartShelves and Cameras

Zippin with another approach to 'no checkout', but with claims of combining shelf and camera sensors to increase accuracy.  Note also the SRI connection, who we also talked to about shelf tech.

Can Zippin zip past where Amazon…

From insideHPC

Supercomputing “Northern Lights” on Other Planets

Supercomputing “Northern Lights” on Other Planets

Researchers are using Argonne supercomputers to better understand how charged particles emanating from Jupiter’s magnetosphere power a celestial version of the Aurora Borealis on northern and southern lights on Ganymede, Jupiter…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Keynote Talk on Democratizing Data

Keynote Talk on Democratizing Data

Useful overview of the idea.

Democratizing data  Keynote from the O'Reilly conference
Tracy Teal explains how to bring people to data and empower them to address their questions.

Tracy Teal is a co-founder and the Executive Director…

From insideHPC

Video: Overview of Machine Learning Methods

Video: Overview of Machine Learning Methods

"Machine learning enables systems to learn automatically, based on patterns in data, and make better searches, decisions, or predictions. Machine learning has become increasingly important to scientific discovery. Indeed, the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

More Background Information on IOTA

More Background Information on IOTA

Good, short, largely non-technical view of IOTA method vs Blockchain

IOTA - David Sonstebo (IOTA Co-Founder) Interview | Part 1/4 - 4.4
How to install Wallet & buy IOTA:
IOTA Guide & FAQ | Step by step Tutorials…

From Schneier on Security

Future Cyberwar

Future Cyberwar

A report for the Center for Strategic and International Studies looks at surprise and war. One of the report's cyberwar scenarios is particularly compelling. It doesn't just map cyber onto today's tactics, but completely re-imagines…