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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

August 2021

From insideHPC

NVIDIA and HPE to Deliver 2,240-GPU Polaris Supercomputer for Argonne

NVIDIA and HPE to Deliver 2,240-GPU Polaris Supercomputer for Argonne

NVIDIA and Argonne National Laboratory this morning announced Polaris, a GPU-based supercomputer, with 2,2240 NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs delivering 1.4 exaflops of theoretical AI performance and about 44 petaflops of peak double…

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Negative Comment on Negations

Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation—Michael Jordan (MJ) src Michael I. Jordan of the University of California, Berkeley, is a pioneer of AI that few outside of his field recognize. “He’s known as the Michael…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Waymo Is 99% of the Way to Self-Driving Cars. The Last 1% Is the Hardest

Waymo Is 99% of the Way to Self-Driving Cars. The Last 1% Is the Hardest

 Odd illogical example given. Could such an example be solved by freezing and towing the car away?  Can't be that easy. 

Waymo Is 99% of the Way to Self-Driving Cars. The Last 1% Is the Hardest   By Bloomberg Businessweek, August…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Surrendering to Algorithms

Surrendering to Algorithms

Perhaps instructive, or what might be expected.   

What I learned surrendering my life to algorithms   in Cnet.

I outsourced several of my daily decisions to algorithms for a week, to better understand the lines of code playing…

From The Eponymous Pickle

McKinsey: No Ordinary Disruption

McKinsey: No Ordinary Disruption

Of interest, brought to my attention.

How our 2015 book on disruptive forces set sail again

No Ordinary Disruption, a McKinsey book written in 2015, was chosen for the U.S. Navy’s 2021 reading list, which is curated to help the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Writing Assembler

Writing Assembler

 Many of us had our earliest days writing assembler code.  The way to manage computing at its lowest level.  You can ewally understand what is going on.   True today you can do nearly as well writing C code, and get the advantage…

From insideHPC

Nvidia Announces GA of AI Enterprise on VMware vSphere and Standard Servers

Nvidia Announces GA of AI Enterprise on VMware vSphere and Standard Servers

NVIDIA today announced GA of NVIDIA AI Enterprise, a suite of AI tools and frameworks designed to enable users of VMware vSphere to virtualize AI workloads on NVIDIA-Certified Systems. Systems makers Atos, Dell Technologies, …

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Hexapawn–An Interesting Programming Project

Hexapawn–An Interesting Programming Project

I'm cleaning up and finding interesting things. Well, actually, interesting books. One find is called "A Collection of Programming Problems and Techniques." Copyright 1972  So obviously, continued cleaning up is on pause while…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Sentient Disney Robots

Sentient Disney Robots

Sounds interesting. Have been on engineering tours of Disney Imagineering over the years, when similar things were claimed.  Never was there, then, but you could see what they wanted to do.  Looking forward to see what the possibilities…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook Announces Droidlet

Facebook Announces Droidlet

Had not heard of this before,  but interesting take by Facebook.  Still have my doubts about Facebook, they seem to be too intent to get into our brains,  but some of their research work is worth understanding. I like thinking…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Advances in Baidu Brain

Advances in Baidu Brain

Baidu is coming back, had looked at some of their earlier offerings and was not impressed, I get the impression they are now more seriously looking at the assistant market.  

Baidu Unveils Upgraded Baidu Brain AI and Smart Devices…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Driven Companies, Trends

Data Driven Companies, Trends

Tableau Writes, here's the intro:

What do data-driven companies have in common? Research reveals five key trends By Ashley Howard, Tableau

Recent IDC research, sponsored by Tableau, found that 83% of CEOs want a data-driven organization…

From The Noisy Channel

The Free Advice Club

The Free Advice Club

The first rule of the Free Advice Club is: you talk about the Free Advice Club! Not like that other club.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. I’ve had an extremely fortunate career trajectory. When I reflect on what — besides a massive…

From insideHPC

Bright Helps Life Sciences Customer Make the Cloud a More Economical Choice than On-premise for their HPC Environment

Bright Helps Life Sciences Customer Make the Cloud a More Economical Choice than On-premise for their HPC Environment

[SPONSORED POST] In this contributed article, Bill Wagner, CEO of Bright Computing, discusses how Bright Computing has provided a proven method for companies on the outside of HPC looking in to affordably leverage cloud resources…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Shuts Down Android Auto

Google Shuts Down Android Auto

Perhaps surprising,  but folding it into the general assistant may make sense. 

Google shuts Down Android Auto, 

Google is shutting down its Android Auto mobile app in favor of Google Assistant

Android 12 will mark the end of the…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Do we Still Need an Ethnic Grocery Aisle?

Do we Still Need an Ethnic Grocery Aisle?

 I have have worked in the area of retail aisle shelf allocation, and noted this phenomenon at all of the grocery venues.  Have even seen the confusion and time wasting it created.  And also the wealth of choice it provided. …

From Computational Complexity

When Words Get Stretched Beyond Their Original meaning


 On a Jeopardy rerun with Alex Trebek the question (actually the answer, given the shows format) was (I paraphrase)

Who resigned his commision in the US Army Air Force in April 1941 after President Roosevelt publicly…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Addressing Space Storms with a Supercomputer

Addressing Space Storms with a Supercomputer

Better known as coronal mass ejections  (CME), A long time interest,  inevitable this will be a coming problem in years to come. There is no known way to prevent or block these these.  

Improving the lead time of space weather…

From Putting People First

The future of marketing lies in immersive research

The future of marketing lies in immersive research

It is critical to marry conventional data analytics with a deeper understanding of audience psychology by observing everyday human behavior.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Time to Remove Malware

Time to Remove Malware

Two Months to Remove Malware Apps from App Store     By New Scientist, August 19, 2021

An analysis by researchers at Boston University and the antivirus software company Norton found that it takes an average of 77 days from detection…

From The Eponymous Pickle

3D Printed Microsoft can Spot Coronavirus in Blood

3D Printed Microsoft can Spot Coronavirus in Blood

Impressive if it works well.

Inexpensive 3D-Printed Microscope Can Spot Coronavirus in Blood 

The digital holographic machine, faster than a PCR test, relies on deep learning         


A digital microscope…

From The Eponymous Pickle

This Blog

This Blog

 A note and warning about this blog.     Google has increasingly been doing less to support Blogger, which is the infrastructure for this blog.  Its free and I have used it for a dozen plus years.  Most recently I no longer get…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Chip Shortage for Toyota

Chip Shortage for Toyota

Toyota to Cut Output as Chip Shortage Finally Catches Up to It   By The Wall Street Journal  August 20, 2021

The global semiconductor shortage has finally started to bite at Toyota Motor Corp., highlighting how a resurgence in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Betting on VR Conferencing

Betting on VR Conferencing

 Experience is still not complete.  But laptops can provide relatively good, portable and convenient alternatives.  And the entire workforce is now already trained.  So do we need full VR, except in the most complex examples?…

From The Eponymous Pickle

AI to Adverts

AI to Adverts

One of the earliest things we attempted with AI.  Too early to work then, but got the right elements. Here again.   

Why artificial intelligence is being used to write adverts  By Michael Dempsey

Technology of Business reporter…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The big-load anti-pattern

The big-load anti-pattern

When doing data engineering, it is common for engineers to want to first load all of the data in memory before processing the data. If you have sufficient memory and the loaded data is not ephemeral or you have small volumes,…

From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Playing With Code–Recursion

Playing With Code–Recursion

Recursion was never a big part of my toolbox but I am starting to appreciate it more recently. Regular readers know that I have been writing about and writing code for some older, simpler cryptography systems. For one of them…

From The Eponymous Pickle

China Passes Strict New Data Privacy Law

China Passes Strict New Data Privacy Law

Intriguing in the details.  But data privacy for who?  How is it applied legally?   How will it be interpreted? 

China Passes Strict New Data Privacy Law    By Alex Woodie  in Datanami

The Chinese government today announced that…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Powering Smart Devices Indoors

Powering Smart Devices Indoors

We experimented with IOT powered by Solar indoors in retail settings.

 Common Solar Tech Can Power Smart Devices Indoors, NIST Study Finds    By NIST  August 20, 2021

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: On Squid Brains

Friday Squid Blogging: On Squid Brains

Interesting National Geographic article.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

Read my blog posting guidelines here.