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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

September 2009

From Apophenia

Seeking: Research Assistant/Intern for Online Safety Literature Review

Seeking: Research Assistant/Intern for Online Safety Literature Review

The Youth Policy Working Group at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society is looking for a research assistant intern to help update the Literature Review produced by the Internet Safety Technical Task Force. This project…

From Apophenia

Seeking: Technical Research Assistant for Adhoc Tasks at MSR

Seeking: Technical Research Assistant for Adhoc Tasks at MSR

Microsoft Research New England is seeking an undergraduate research assistant to help out with assorted tasks for 10-20 hours/week to assist Dr. danah boyd, a social media researcher who investigates youth engagement with various…

From Return 42;

Testing Rails Obsevers with Shoulda

Testing Rails Obsevers with Shoulda

It has been a bit quiet around here recently, basically due to the project I am working on at the moment, which is really time consuming. But more about that sooner or later. After all, I came up with something that I would like…

From Schneier on Security

Terrorist Havens

Terrorist Havens

Good essay on "terrorist havens" -- like Afghanistan -- and why they're not as big a worry as some maintain:

Rationales for maintaining the counterinsurgency in Afghanistan are varied and complex, but they all center on one[…

From Putting People First

Two new user experience communities

Two new user experience communities

Louis Rosenfeld alerted me to two new Ning-based community sites that Rosenfeld Media authors recently started: Design for Care compiles methods, results, case studies, and research from many healthcare contexts to help designers…

From Apophenia

accessible speaking events for the fall

accessible speaking events for the fall

This fall is chock full of me blabbing on and on so I wanted to share some events that are publicly accessible. They're intended for different audiences and in different cities so you might find one that works for you. I always…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Human Level AI by When?

Human Level AI by When?

The World Future Society suggests we will have Human level AI by 2025. The Foresight Institute blog says it depends what the tasks are. Of course if you could create an AI that would have the same learning capability as a 2…

From The Noisy Channel

Project Gaydar: A Reminder That Privacy Isn

Project Gaydar: A Reminder That Privacy Isn

From The Eponymous Pickle

Product Innovation Site

Product Innovation Site

Dr. Robert Cooper and Dr. Scott Edgett's Product Innovation site, best known for their Stage-Gate idea-to-launch method which we used in the enterprise.

From Putting People First

Using design thinking at Coca-Cola

Using design thinking at Coca-Cola

Fast Company profiles David Butler, the man who is “responsible for how they think and what they do with design at The Coca-Cola Company.” “Butler oversees a team of 50 designers within Coke and works with some 300 agencies worldwide…

From CERIAS Blog

Ignore this

Ignore this


From The Eponymous Pickle

Hanlon's Razor

Hanlon's Razor

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. ... Hanlon's razor was commonly brought up in the enterprise, this is the first time I have seen it named.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopping Behavior Decision Trees

Shopping Behavior Decision Trees

Videomining has applied for a patent that uses shopper behavior to develop consumer decision trees. We talked to Videomining some time ago, they have developed a powerful concept for delivering a library of consumer shopping…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Jung and the Unconscious

Jung and the Unconscious

In the Sunday Times: The Holy Grail of the Unconscious. Most of what I know about Jung is the Myers-Briggs tests we used in the enterprise.

From The Noisy Channel

T2: Judgment Day for Twine?

T2: Judgment Day for Twine?

From The Noisy Channel

Transparent Text Symposium

Transparent Text Symposium

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-09-19

links for 2009-09-19

There is no "open source business model" - people only think so because the novel business models they saw arising depended on open source. Open source is simply…

From Putting People First

The dirty little secret about the

The dirty little secret about the

Sarah Perez criticises on ReadWriteWeb the common view on crowdsourcing: “Recent research by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) professor Vassilis Kostakos pokes a big hole in the prevailing wisdom that the “wisdom of crowds” is…

From Putting People First

Mobiles offer lifelines in Africa

Mobiles offer lifelines in Africa

Ken Banks, creator of FrontlineSMS, wrote a guest piece for BBC News. His main claim: “If you want to see how east Africa may respond to the arrival of high-speed internet links, look no further than the mobile phone market.”…

From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Embracing Your Inner Squid

Friday Squid Blogging: Embracing Your Inner Squid

Interview with Jonathan Coulton.

From The Eponymous Pickle

Procter and Accenture do Internet Innovation

Procter and Accenture do Internet Innovation

In Consumergoods. About time they are really seriously working on this:P&G Taps Accenture for Innovative Web Technology The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) is teaming with Accenture to transform P&G's global Web technology infrastructure…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Views of the Semantic Web

Views of the Semantic Web

A Guide to practical semantic web technologes. Just reviewed again, it is worth looking at.

From Computational Complexity

You Will All Work for Google

Google has acquired reCAPTCHA, Luis von Ahn's project to use humans to aid transcribing old documents. We consider Luis an honorary theorist and congrats for the successful commercialization of his research. 

CAPTCHA helps…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Creating Global Teams

Creating Global Teams

Good overview piece, a situation I have seen much of: Creating Successful Global TeamsMust build trust and bridge cultural differences, By Peggy AlbrightThese days, computer professionals often work on globally distributed teams…

From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-09-18

links for 2009-09-18

  • "The world's first ant colony to achieve sentience calls off the search for us."
  • Our Causes: OneWebDay…

    From Schneier on Security

    Modifying the Color-Coded Threat Alert System

    Modifying the Color-Coded Threat Alert System

    I wrote about the DHS's color-coded threat alert system in 2003, in Beyond Fear:

    The color-coded threat alerts issued by the Department of Homeland Security are useless today, but may become useful in the future. The U.S. military…

    From My Biased Coin

    FOCS Early Registration (A Tale of 3 Web Sites)

    FOCS Early Registration (A Tale of 3 Web Sites)

    I was asked by the powers that be to remind everyone of the early registration deadline for FOCS 2009, which is October 1. Registration and hotel information can be found at the FOCS 2009 site. Keep in mind there will be a special…

    From Putting People First

    Worldchanging interview: Vinay Venkatraman on interaction design

    Worldchanging interview: Vinay Venkatraman on interaction design

    Vinay Venkatraman, an interaction designer, is one of a rapidly expanding group of scholars and professionals around the world working to define the way our stuff behaves, writes Julia Levitt on Worldchanging. “Venkatraman is…

    From Putting People First

    The use of mobile phones in education in developing countries

    The use of mobile phones in education in developing countries

    The World Bank is embarking on a new study investigating issues related to the use of mobile phones in education in developing countries. “The study is intended to help to raise awareness among key decision makers in the public…

    From Putting People First

    Peer pressure and other pitches

    Peer pressure and other pitches

    Michael Sanserino reports in the Wall Street Journal on the latest applications of insights in behavioural economics: “More businesses are using behavioral economics to appeal to customers, seeking to capitalize on the notion…

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