The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Brenda Somich sends along information about MIKE2.0. It's a non-profit community for sharing information on IM topics with other industry professionals. They also have a LinkedIn group. "... an Open Source methodology for…
Business intelligence (BI) is something I have worked on for years. For executives and for use by the individual employee. Recently BI has discovered well-integrated predictive analytics and visualization. Infoweek has a good…
Gartner says the bridge to the future with social networks will be with roles with origins in the social sciences, reports eWeek. Better understanding of the Web will require skill sets more closely aligned with sociology, psychology…
Jamais Cascio argues on Fast Company that, as our various electronic devices gain more and more sensory awareness, we open up the potential for entirely new forms of interaction. “The real shift comes when we move away from direct…
“To navigate the landscape of organizational culture interaction designers need a set of practical tools, language & knowledge drawn from the world of cultural anthropology.” That is the core of the argument of Sam Ladner on…
From pyramids to pancakes The era of elitism, top-down management and deterministic ideals is over. We are now living in an age of social innovation and sustainability that opens up the future to the many, not just the few. Mass…
Congress has returned from its August recess.
September 10
Meeting: The Consumer Advisory Committee of the Federal Communications Commission will meet to discuss the National Broadband Plan 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 445 12th St, S.W. Room…From AdAge: P&G sets 4 Billion E-Commerce Goals. Increases have been suggested for years, this seems to a a very big and bold move forward. ' ... E-commerce has never reached even 1% of Procter & Gamble Co.'s sales, but now the…
ESA is being held at the IT University of Copenhagen. It's a wonderful, fairly new university building, with one strange problem -- a severe shortage of plug outlets. Really, it's like a scavenger hunt to find one. The auditorium…
Last year was the first year in our Great Transition, from teaching computer application courses to integrating computer science concepts into all of our courses. It was a challenge that will continue into this year. So as I …
From the World Advertising Research Center (WARC): P&G Aims for 360 Degree Consumer Insight. Not too much very new here, but a restatement of an ongoing development.
A recent article by Nita Rollins on DMI’s Digital Management Review: “As the Web has matured, brand relationships have become ever more dynamic. Nita Rollins outlines and illustrates the kinds of digital brand experiences consumers…
Abhijit Kadle explains how the mobile phone can easily be used as a learning tool: “Like all communication and computing devices, mobile phones can be used to learn. The content delivered would depend on the capabilities (features)…
A neuro surgery simulator based on fMRI data, from Gizmodo. Also mentioned in Mind Hacks. Includes a video. Background information in Tech Review: ' ... First, patient data from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)-…
JP Rangaswami does us all a favour by putting the facts about digital downloads all on one page. This whole situation has arisen because of an unplanned extension of the…
Some people have asked me to post my survey/talk at ESA on Open Problems in Cuckoo Hashing. Now that the talk is over, here they are! Here's the paper, and here's the slides (ppt). I apologize in advance for any typos. One…
As you might imagine, there's actually little controversy at ESA. But as I mentioned to some colleagues during the breaks, the only (consistent) way to get comments on a blog is to say controversial things, so that people are…
Very interesting hour-long interview.
Australian-born David Kilcullen was the senior advisor to US General David Petraeus during his time in Iraq, advising on counterinsurgency. The implementation of his strategies are now regarded…Stephen Few on bad graphs in Information Management Magazine. I see it is a bit dated now, but still worth reviewing. Bad visualizations are very common. I have encountered many to make a 'point'.
I had taken a look at the government database when it came out earlier this year. Now there is a semantic database use case for this data called Thisweknow which addresses geographic data types. I am taking a look, since…
The role of statistical analysis in invention, by Felix Grant. Analysis as the mother of invention. Thoughtful piece.
BW reviews the status of the work by Gordon Bell with MyLifebits. Inspired in part by Vennevar Bush's unimplemented Memex idea. We saw MyLifebits presented in its early phases. The article positions it going beyond the Twitterverse…
Whats Really Happening to the Venture Capital Industry?. ' ... It is indeed quite likely that the venture industry is in the process of a very substantial reduction in size, perhaps the first in the history of the industry. However…
A personal point of view about some technologies of the future world.
Working with public engagment projects can be satisfying, and has benefits for the researcher as well as the general public. This article describes my current Making Games in Schools project.
It is already time for next one. I actually can't believe how fast the time was passing by, which is probably caused by the amount of work I had to do in the past 2 weeks. Anyways, today we will hear the open questions of Bryan…
Fascinating video.